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Are you leaving Twitter?

"Alexa, show me THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS, but in a way which is based on a petulant billionaire's fruitless attempts to paint himself as an avatar of munificence, whilst also subverting the maxim so much that the audience roots for the other guy no questions asked. Also, definitely make the petulant billionaire look a dick."
Apparently that is actually the real actual Doja Cat though, bit of a twist. (eta: ah, apparently it's a fake screenshot and she did not actually change her name/picture to that).
I heard today that amongst other staff, Musk has sacked the entire accessibility team.

I'm actually gonna check out Mastodon as 1, I'm curious and 2, part of my job is advising on tech accessibility, - we may well get asked about it.
Let me know how you get on please!
I signed up because sometimes I couldn't see links on here. It's a cesspit of racist shitbags ( who get blocked immediately).
Good for news and some really funny accounts.
Friends have deactivated their accounts but I'm hanging in there for now just for pearlers like this.
Got to get my laughs when I can in these shite times.
The day to delete my Twitter account might’ve arrived. Today while using it I was presented with a pop up window telling me it’s time to agree to their “tipping policy” which allows me to send money to anyone on twitter just by clicking some new godawful button they‘ve created.

The dialog box had only one button on it, “agree” and no way of cancelling out of it to get back to browsing Twitter without agreeing, so I quit the app to avoid pressing “agree”.

I have zero interest in sending someone a ”tip” if I like their tweets, and don’t want to agree to their terms and conditions which no doubt mean I can be billed via the App Store if I mistakenly press the wrong button, so I think for me, Twitter is now going to get deleted.
The day to delete my Twitter account might’ve arrived. Today while using it I was presented with a pop up window telling me it’s time to agree to their “tipping policy” which allows me to send money to anyone on twitter just by clicking some new godawful button they‘ve created.

The dialog box had only one button on it, “agree” and no way of cancelling out of it to get back to browsing Twitter without agreeing, so I quit the app to avoid pressing “agree”.

I have zero interest in sending someone a ”tip” if I like their tweets, and don’t want to agree to their terms and conditions which no doubt mean I can be billed via the App Store if I mistakenly press the wrong button, so I think for me, Twitter is now going to get deleted.


i've not seen that yet

although i don't use my mobile phone for any sort of financial transactions, and have never added any paid-for apps.

fairly sure i've never given tweeter any financial data, and i don't let my browser remember card details when it asks if i would like it to, so think the chances of me giving it money accidentally are fairly remote...

on the face of it, it might not be a bad idea - i have occasionally handed money over via gofundme or some such to people on tweeter who are either fund-raising, in financial difficulties, or who do local journalism on a basis of voluntary donations rather than publishing behind a paywall.

whether (in the current circumstances) i would trust tweeter with any financial transactions, or would want them to get a percentage, is another question...
The day to delete my Twitter account might’ve arrived. Today while using it I was presented with a pop up window telling me it’s time to agree to their “tipping policy” which allows me to send money to anyone on twitter just by clicking some new godawful button they‘ve created.

The dialog box had only one button on it, “agree” and no way of cancelling out of it to get back to browsing Twitter without agreeing, so I quit the app to avoid pressing “agree”.

I have zero interest in sending someone a ”tip” if I like their tweets, and don’t want to agree to their terms and conditions which no doubt mean I can be billed via the App Store if I mistakenly press the wrong button, so I think for me, Twitter is now going to get deleted.

Shit like that is why I never use mobile apps. If your service is not available through a standard web browser, I'm not interested in it.
The day to delete my Twitter account might’ve arrived. Today while using it I was presented with a pop up window telling me it’s time to agree to their “tipping policy” which allows me to send money to anyone on twitter just by clicking some new godawful button they‘ve created.

The dialog box had only one button on it, “agree” and no way of cancelling out of it to get back to browsing Twitter without agreeing, so I quit the app to avoid pressing “agree”.

I have zero interest in sending someone a ”tip” if I like their tweets, and don’t want to agree to their terms and conditions which no doubt mean I can be billed via the App Store if I mistakenly press the wrong button, so I think for me, Twitter is now going to get deleted.
If only thing that puzzles me about this is...

Where did he find an engineer to do this?
Thought he'd sacked them all. The ones left spending 110% of their time keeping the hamsters fed.
I'm on my way out - I'm in the half way stage between blue sky and Twitter - trawling through twitter and searching blue for them....
I've never joined twitter and don't feel I've missed anything. People share funny or interesting things from there, so I get to see those without having to wade through the shit
I tried using it and had a list of people who were supposedly worth following, found the format weird to begin with, got much more used to forum type from here so reddit was the more natural addition, downvotes usually hide the worst opinions. Of course they now fucked up all the third party apps for that so swings and roundabouts. This place is about the only forum I have found where its actually reasonable and hasn't done something ridiculously stupid at some point and doesn't have reddits tendency to have some tedious repetitive format for responses to things in amongst useful stuff.
I tried using it and had a list of people who were supposedly worth following, found the format weird to begin with, got much more used to forum type from here so reddit was the more natural addition, downvotes usually hide the worst opinions. Of course they now fucked up all the third party apps for that so swings and roundabouts. This place is about the only forum I have found where its actually reasonable and hasn't done something ridiculously stupid at some point and doesn't have reddits tendency to have some tedious repetitive format for responses to things in amongst useful stuff.
Bone them.
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