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Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

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Says the arsehole that turned up earlier this month...

I am neither stupid, nor here to support anyone.

You appear to be trying to insult me and magically carve out some space for yourself. :D

FFS, a pathetic try hard; try harder for my amusement please. Go on...you cannnnnnnnnnnnnn do it....let us see who you really are.

I only see you as a puppet TBH.
Sorry, just got annoyed at Nigel. I have reported his post for proper reasons now. Maybe I should have done this before but it seems like we're just burdening the admins TBH.

Oh lovely. You got annoyed at Nigel, then abused me...and now you apologise to those others that have told you you are out of order and excuse yourself because you didn't want to burden the admins? Prick.
Ok. Joking aside. I`m Sorry if the penis/power reference disturbed you. It was pretty rude of me. You are not here just to support Nigel. I overreacted , misjudged and was stupid and wrong.
I dont need/want to make any waves here. I hate attention TBH.
Oh piss off !!!

Pretty much akin to the back handed insults they all say when outed tbf.

Keep digging.

Fire ..... What are the acussations?

Start another thread somwhere else cos weve eaten enough room out of this one.
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Oh you are having fun arent you .

No. Scraping the bottom of the barrel is your party. I saw a swapie showing a 9/11 propaganda video in the corner of an event at the Mucky Duck in Brizzle once. That is scraping the barrel. You are a fucking prostitute.

*kicks your table over and pisses on your t-shirts
He's not a swappie (unless he's changed party very recently). And while he's been an utter arse on this thread he's right about Bea Campbell, nobody should have anything to do with that piece of shit.
Can I start using cis again then please?

Seems this post was prescient.

Not while "cis" assumes gender identity, thank you very much. I referred to these girls earlier in the thread for good reason. They are a good example of sex based discrimination. No one gave them the possibility, let alone the privilege, of forming or choosing a gender identity before hacking them off this earth because they had vaginas.

Gender as a mere identity serves only to disempower women politically. It's a great ploy actually. Take away the words that define our difficulties. Erode their meanings then proceed to compare our experiences against those of some other another group. A great way to silence women (again). It couldn't be done by other than men in skirts and it's not surprising that they get support from men in trousers.
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You still seem to be under the impression that I’m interested in debating the merits of your bigotry with you. I’m not sure how much clearer I can make it that I have no such interest. Your persistence is almost making me start to feel a little sorry for you.

Translation: I cant answer your questions so I'll pretend to be too lofty and high-minded to discuss this any further. And I'll chuck in the Bigotry reference again.
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Not while "cis" assumes gender identity, thank you very much. I referred to these girls earlier in the thread for good reason. They are a good example of sex based discrimination. No one gave them the possibility, let alone the privilege, of forming or choosing a gender identity before hacking them off this earth because they had vaginas.

Gender as a mere identity serves only to disempower women politically. It's a great ploy actually. Take away the words that define our difficulties. Erode their meanings then proceed to compare our experiences against those of some other another group. A great way to silence women (again). It couldn't be done by other than men in skirts and it's not surprising that they get support from men in trousers.
It would be so much simpler if things were as black and white as you suggest in your second paragraph, if all men stuck together and there was something like the protocols of the elders of the sons of Adam. But it's not, it's more complex than that with some women supporting trans people, some women insisting they're men in skirts and doubtless male opinion divided too. I fully appreciate your point about gender as mere identity, but it seems to me gender exists as e.p. thompson says class does at the start of making of the english working class, in people's everyday relationships (sadly on bus with no copy to hand but will find I hope when get to work - here it is, it's just the first couple of pages). I feel gender not simply a hierarchy imposed from outside but a series of negotiations in the course of which it changes.

The comparison of experiences is imo something very much not limited to men on this thread. It's my view that the experience of trans people differs from that of both men and women who are happier or more comfortable in their bodies and sex and so maybe forms a distinct body/corpus of lived experience, a third way if you will.
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Suggesting a woman only supports a man's arguments because she's sucking his cock is pretty textbook misogynist, tbf.

I suppose it does look like that . Actually I was directly insulting her about blindly supporting him using the cock-sucking as a metaphor . .. which ... I know ... is still pretty our of order. Sorry about that. I don't know you and I'm sorry for the insults.
Pickman's. .. it's called queen theory . It's nothing new.... third way lol.
Edit - sorry Nigel for calling you a swapy.
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I suppose it does look like that . Actually I was directly insulting her about blindly supporting him using the cock-sucking as a metaphor . .. which ... I know ... is still pretty our of order. Sorry about that.
Pickman's. .. it's called queen theory . It's nothing new.... third way lol.
Queen theory? Tell me more
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