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Tory leadership contest 2024

Who will win the poisoned chalice and lead the tories?

  • Kemi Badenoch

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Tom Tugendhat

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Priti Patel

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Suella Braverman

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Jeremy Hunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Robert Jenrick

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • James Cleverly

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Boris Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • David Cameron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nigel Farage

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Liz Truss (for the LOLs)

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Other choice (mention in thread)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Anyone rememeber Braverman's acceptance speech?
Very odd. " I am sorry MY party didn't listen to you" My party needs to change etc.
Sounded very much like she was setting her stall out

I watched her speech when it went live. She seemed incredibly happy for someone whose Party had just received the mother of all kickings.
If the Tories have any (political) sense the 1922 Committee will deliver the leadership to him on a silver platter.

If they went that route, they’d need to first rally round a leader who was explicitly promising a merger with Reform, and who was only fighting for the leadership position so that they could then hand over gracefully to the Frog Lord.

That person would need to have 40 MPs supporting them to be sure of coming second. I don’t think there are that many Faragists left on the Tory benches.
I think you mean 'no sense'.

Farage is a bit like marmite, but a hell of a lot more hate him, compared to the few that love him.

By him and his ilk standing down in 2019 he heavily contributed to a massive Tory majority.

By him and his ilk standing up in 2024 he heavily contributed to a massive(r) - it's not a word but it should be - Labour majority.

That fucker could be a future Prime Minister if he really wants it.
The membership will elect a headbanger. I don't know who the remaining MPs are. Johnson kicked out a lot of one nation tories so it's largely headbangers left.

If refuk do a quick deal with the tories, I think the tory membership would go for Farage in a heartbeat. A quick deal is unlikely though
Depends on whether they get to vote. Entirely possible the 1992 Committee could just change the rules to allow MPs only to vote.
Depends on whether they get to vote. Entirely possible the 1992 Committee could just change the rules to allow MPs only to vote.

No. Surely not. That’s a matter the leader would need to get approved by the membership, isn’t it?

I read somewhere that one suggestion is to allow the members to create a shortlist on which MPs could vote.


10 There shall be a Leader of the Party (referred to in this Constitution as “the Leader”) drawn from those elected to the House of Commons, who shall be elected by the Party Members and Scottish Party Members in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2.

According to this, the leader has to be elected by the members
I suspect the rules will be tweaked to remove the members right to a say.

That change to the constitution would itself require a ballot of all members under Schedule 9 of the document moochedit posted. There is a lot of leeway for the 1922 to decide on what basis a choice is provided to the members, but the constitution makes it clear that the members have to chose.

Bluntly, the members would have to be given something in return. Otherwise why should they agree?

Schedule 9 is brief, and it’s right at the end - I can’t copy from the pdf but maybe someone with a whizzier browser can.
Cheers.there should also be a bit somewhere on how to amend the constitution (if they wanted to). Can't be arsed to search it right now. Edit - silas has done it

The 1922 Committee can, and frequently has, changed the rules around which candidates the membership gets to choose between, but they can't cut them out completely.
Apparently, according to the press, Badenoch is a favourite. It's hard to judge on her past media appearances where the Tories were playing the silly culture wars so I'm not sure what her real views are. She seems smart but also, for me, gets rather annoyed when interviewed. The Tories have a thin bench.
This is it


1 The Leader shall be elected by the Party Members and Scottish Party Members.

2 A Leader resigning from the Leadership of the Party is not eligible for re-nomination in the consequent Leadership election.Election of Leader

3 Upon the initiation of an election for the Leader, it shall be the duty of the 1922 Committee to present to the Party, as soon as reasonably practicable, a choice of candidates for election as Leader. The rules for deciding the procedure by which the 1922 Committee selects candidates for submission for election shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the 1922 Committee after consultation of the Board.
Not really sure where the Tories can go. Not really much difference between them and Labour on the "left" or Reform on the far, fascist right.

I could celebrate the end of the Tories if it meant their votes didn't just go to Reform instead.
It means they're leadership candidates. One of them introduced the Rwanda policy, the other has a rabid hatred of trans people and they're both on the wingnut end of the party.
It’s great if they are, they’re so close they’ll have to tear chunks out of each other. And if they win they move further right and even further from power.
From a personal perspective I would love to see Patel or Braverman win it. You just know they are going to let their authoritarian instincts run free and take the Tories so far to the right they will not be back in power for another 20 years.

Bookies seem to have singled out Badenoch as an early front runner though.
From a personal perspective I would love to see Patel or Braverman win it. You just know they are going to let their authoritarian instincts run free and take the Tories so far to the right they will not be back in power for another 20 years.
Don't you think you and those around you would be affected by authoritarian right wing policy shaping, even if it's done by an opposition party?
Don't you think you and those around you would be affected by authoritarian right wing policy shaping, even if it's done by an opposition party?
I think everyone would be affected positively by the tories becoming less relevant and less electable, and after a big loss they are more vulnerable to the kind of infighting which could lead to their longer term decline into irrelevance. It’s far more likely to happen if they move to the right than if they stay closer to the centre imho
I think everyone would be affected positively by the tories becoming less relevant and less electable, and after a big loss they are more vulnerable to the kind of infighting which could lead to their longer term decline into irrelevance. It’s far more likely to happen if they move to the right than if they stay closer to the centre imho
I think it depends mainly on labour's performance and how they deal with political opponents over the next few years.
Tory infighting helps and is always funny to watch, but a re-shape with the help of media launching a major anti-labour campaign is not out of the question.
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