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Budget (March 2024)

I take your point, however, as a wrinkly, my State Pension has risen by 18% over the last two years. I think we have been looked after, and it is only right that working people (who pay our pensions) get a bit of a boost. My pension will rise to £10,660.00 in April.
Not claiming mine yet, I had a letter back in October (66 in November) inviting me to do so but I deferred it due to me still working. Not paying NI anymore but still putting money into my current private scheme.
All in favour of everyone getting a boost but I don't think the current budges is going to be much of one.
Mrs B was conceived before Yuri Gagarin's first spaceflight into outer space aboard Vostok 1, and I was conceived after it. I always remind her that she originates in the age of steam whilst I am a child of the space-age! :D

I'm sure that goes down well...
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