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Budget (March 2024)

NI cut in autumn - 94,000 more people in work according to OBR

This year:

NI cut again to 8% , self employed cut to 6% .
As a resident of Canary Wharf myself, can I just say how welcome this cash injection is. It's about time the government stopped handing out cash to impoverished small communities up north and focused on this area instead. It's been a tough time for my fellow residents, investment bankers, tax advisors etc. Finally. Thank you Jeremy.

It would depend on the property, in this close they are basically 'retirement' bungalows, so massive gardens are simply not appalling to potential buyers.

The place to the right has an even bigger garden, they are trying to sell to a developer as they have room for an access road and another bungalow in the garden, if that happens I may be able to off load some of my unwanted garden, so they could build two semis instead of one detached bungalow, in which case I'll have to pay capital gains tax on that, which is fair enough.

But, without that development opportunity it's basically valueless, as mine on its own is not big enough for even a single bungalow, nor an access road.
Aye, it was about time old chap. :D
Two words, the second being 'off'.

Out of 8 bungalows in this close, I am the only one still working, with another 5 years before I get my state pension. :p
5 or 6? if you're expecting to get it at 66 in 5 years that must mean you're 61. However Mrs Q who is 61 believed she would get it at 66 has discovered she will in fact get it at 67 which has pissed her off no end.
5 or 6? if you're expecting to get it at 66 in 5 years that must mean you're 61. However Mrs Q who is 61 believed she would get it at 66 has discovered she will in fact get it at 67 which has pissed her off no end.

Yeah they moved the goalposts for some age groups. I think i retire at 68.
5 or 6? if you're expecting to get it at 66 in 5 years that must mean you're 61. However Mrs Q who is 61 believed she would get it at 66 has discovered she will in fact get it at 67 which has pissed her off no end.

I am 62 this year, and get it when I hit 67.
I am 62 this year, and get it when I hit 67.
Mrs Q will be 62 in August and up until very recently laboured under the impression that she would get it at 66 like me (4 years and 9 months older). She only discovered near end of last year that she would have to wait another year.
She is retiring at the end of this school year and will claim her teachers pension though she has lost a big chunk of that due to a dozen years out of the workforce to be a full time Mum. She did originally declare she intends to be a 'kept' woman.
However she has decided that she likes the term 'trophy wife' better.
Mrs Q will be 62 in August and up until very recently laboured under the impression that she would get it at 66 like me (4 years and 9 months older). She only discovered near end of last year that she would have to wait another year.
She is retiring at the end of this school year and will claim her teachers pension though she has lost a big chunk of that due to a dozen years out of the workforce to be a full time Mum. She did originally declare she intends to be a 'kept' woman.
However she has decided that she likes the term 'trophy wife' better.

My brother is about 7 years younger than his wife, he describes himself as her 'toyboy'.
As a resident of Canary Wharf myself, can I just say how welcome this cash injection is. It's about time the government stopped handing out cash to impoverished small communities up north and focused on this area instead. It's been a tough time for my fellow residents, investment bankers, tax advisors etc. Finally. Thank you Jeremy.

well it is all the way out in zone 2. that counts as the provinces right?
Some IFS stats on BBC today...

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The tory c*nts know that people on the lowest incomes won't vote for them anyway, so they target middle income earners who had previously voted for them but are crossing over to Starmer. Blatant bribery, I defy any pundit to describe it as anything else. If a blood-crazed rogue pine marten leaps on your face and starts ripping at your flesh with its sharp as fuck claws, how can you describe this as anything other than 'attack by savage pine marten'? But by Christ's bones they'd try and spin it in some way, saying the marten was performing facial dermabrasion or some such bollocks. Tory vermin!

(and no disrespect to any pine martens who are by no means vermin, I was merely using a simile - they are fine, graceful creatures and potentially the saviour of the red squirrel in Scotland and Northumbria by going after greys but not reds)
Blatant bribery
No surely not how can it be so?

I don't think it's going to win them many votes, someone on an averageish income is only going to get around an extra £10 a week and since NI is capped someone on say £60K is going to get about £15 a week which is barely going to be noticeable.
Someone on that salary would expect to take home around £3.5K and another £60 wouldn't really stand out
No surely not how can it be so?

I don't think it's going to win them many votes, someone on an averageish income is only going to get around an extra £10 a week and since NI is capped someone on say £60K is going to get about £15 a week which is barely going to be noticeable.
Someone on that salary would expect to take home around £3.5K and another £60 wouldn't really stand out
It’d help towards the vape tax though. 🙄
I guess this Tory blather about abolishing NI is a step towards full-scale privatisation of the NHS, while presenting it as "look, there will be more ££ in your pay packet" to the naive and simplistic.

Fire and judgment on the lot of em
I guess this Tory blather about abolishing NI is a step towards full-scale privatisation of the NHS, while presenting it as "look, there will be more ££ in your pay packet" to the naive and simplistic.

Fire and judgment on the lot of em
Yes I've noticed the great big hole where an explanation should be. In earlier years they would have been talking about a flat tax, bringing the two together and satisfying many of the demands of both mainstream and loony Tories.
I guess this Tory blather about abolishing NI is a step towards full-scale privatisation of the NHS, while presenting it as "look, there will be more ££ in your pay packet" to the naive and simplistic.

Fire and judgment on the lot of em

<pedant alert>

NI wasn't designed to fund the NHS, but the likes of sickness & unemployment benefits, and the state pension.
I blame Gordon Brown. Was he that did the “1p on NI to save the NHS” wasn’t it?
Totally muddied the waters.
NI is or rather was meant to fund a state pension, it's never really worked out the way it was meant to since when it was introduced the Govt started paying a pension straightaway rather than investing the money, so each generation paying NI has been paying the pensions of the generation before them rather than saving for their own.
It needs to be abolished and just rolled into general taxation which would be simpler and actually fairer, since NI has a ceiling and taxation doesn't. That way the base rate wouldn't have to rise by 8% since a chunk of the money now raised from people earning below the cutoff would instead be raised from people above it.
NI is or rather was meant to fund a state pension, it's never really worked out the way it was meant to since when it was introduced the Govt started paying a pension straightaway rather than investing the money, so each generation paying NI has been paying the pensions of the generation before them rather than saving for their own.
It needs to be abolished and just rolled into general taxation which would be simpler and actually fairer, since NI has a ceiling and taxation doesn't. That way the base rate wouldn't have to rise by 8% since a chunk of the money now raised from people earning below the cutoff would instead be raised from people above it.

NI doesn’t have a ceiling, there is a 2% employee rate for anything above the upper earnings limit, and of course there is also an employer contribution unlike tax.

It’s also not charged in certain circumstances, for example those under 16 or over state retirement age; as it’s an employment tax it isn’t levied on pension payments, and there are other exceptions for deferments, and funny groups of people like share fishermen.

NICable grosses are also used for various things which a taxable gross wouldn’t work for eg calculating student loans and eligibility for statutory pay.

Taxable grosses often differ from NICable grosses as they include taxable pay from payrolling of non-cash benefits with notional amounts meaning the tax is paid each month on the value of private medical insurance for example which means no need to complete P11D forms for employees, some expenses such as mileage above a certain rate per mile is taxable, some pension contributions and charity contributions which all impact a taxable gross but not a NICable gross.

Combining the two is something HMRC have often mused, although not lately, and becomes less likely with added complexity introduced each year within the payroll landscape.
Nothing just pointing out that if it happens, I won't get owt which does raise an interesting thought. The Tories rely heavily on the old crumbly vote (if not mine) however those of pensionable age whether working like me or retired like most others won't benefit from an NI cut but would benefit from an income tax cut. It's a bit of an odd scenario where they're robbing from the old to bribe the young usually it's the other way round.
I don't think it will make any difference to the outcome of the next GE though, they're so disliked at the moment that as Voley rightfully observes this isn't going to change many minds.
I take your point, however, as a wrinkly, my State Pension has risen by 18% over the last two years. I think we have been looked after, and it is only right that working people (who pay our pensions) get a bit of a boost. My pension will rise to £10,660.00 in April.
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