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Tory Leadership contest 2022

I've just had two people that I Ork with tell me that you can't criticise Boris for anything that went on during the pandemic because "no-one else could have done any better" because it was a new situation (relatively speaking). Also that he gets they respect for sticking at his job

Fucking hell
I think out of the proposed candidates, a Johnson victory is the best option. Austerity with Sunak would be a disaster.
Depressingly this is probably true.

Also I'm pretty sure bringing him back would really fuck them come the next election.

I mean what message does that send.
They get rid of him, elect Truss who fucks the economy and they whoops sorry about that and bring him back.

So yeah. Urm go Boris, I guess.
I've just had two people that I Ork with tell me that you can't criticise Boris for anything that went on during the pandemic because "no-one else could have done any better" because it was a new situation (relatively speaking). Also that he gets they respect for sticking at his job

Fucking hell
Ork with? Is this some larping thing or did you miss out a W?
i was totally dismissing the idea that Johnson could get the backing of enough mps - yet its looking like he could maybe do it. Its not definite - but for it to be even a possibility is ... mindboggling. Are they really that fucking stupid? Johnson returning will mean yet more chaos - and inevitable scandals. And a reasonable chance he'd be chucked out again. fuck me ...
I think Boris will get the gig - it's hilarious how much the Tories want to punch themselves in the face again and again, whilst also punching the rest of us as well
Yup operation re-elect Big Dog Turd seems to be gathering pace this morning. It's like they almost planned it...

Talk about high risk strategy.Just imagine they bring Boris back to Downing Street trailing clouds of glory the Eye go to work with generous help from Cummings and the mother of all skeletons falls out of his closet and he is gone again before the wallpaper is up.
Apparently the ERG are debating weather to get behind Johnson - but are split. If they dont, then they probably wont have a favoured candidate who can get enough mp votes to challenge sunak and/or mourdant. so could be crucial.
Occurs to me that even if Johnson doesn't make the cut - he can still cause a lot of shit for the new regime - probably playing the "stabbed in the back/remoaner coup" card for all its worth.
Talk about high risk strategy.Just imagine they bring Boris back to Downing Street trailing clouds of glory the Eye go to work with generous help from Cummings and the mother of all skeletons falls out of his closet and he is gone again before the wallpaper is up.
What's Cummings got left to say? no one takes that little weasel seriously anyway. He just comes across as a vengeful walter mitty type. Everytime he's been called out he crawls away and it's going to be obvious that he's just bearing a grudge and not providing concrete evidence of Boris' behaviour
Occurs to me that even if Johnson doesn't make the cut - he can still cause a lot of shit for the new regime - probably playing the "stabbed in the back/remoaner coup" card for all its worth.

I don't think he will be arsed. If he's not PM he won't be interested, he's never shown much interest in being an MP, which is why he's in the Dominican Republic right now.
I don't think he will be arsed. If he's not PM he won't be interested, he's never shown much interest in being an MP, which is why he's in the Dominican Republic right now.
maybe - but he would have a gaggle of fans on the backbenches and within the membership seeing him as the exiled king over the water - and hed be very happy to play along in defence of brexit unicorns, fantasy leveling up and whatever other bullshit he'd be up for championing.
maybe - but he would have a gaggle of fans on the backbenches and within the membership seeing him as the exiled king over the water - and hed be very happy to play along in defence of brexit unicorns, fantasy leveling up and whatever other bullshit he'd be up for championing.

He can do all that in the Telegraph and via guest TV appearances though. No need to have a day job that involves actual commitment and regulations in order to stir things up if he wants.
Presumably getting Mordaunt to back down is Johnson's only strategy. He'll offer her whatever job she wants or if that doesn't work, start spinning stories about her over the weekend.

Really hope he gets it as the tory civil war runs and runs.
Power rests not in who wears the crown.

He’s also self aware enough to know he wouldn’t get it.
Name drop warning: I remember having a conversation with Bea Campbell (MBE :() about 20 years ago. She'd just been on Newsnight for a discussion on class and inequality, with mogg and others. I remember saying to her he seemed like an exhibit, a joke made flesh, a preposterous 'thing'. Little did we know.
I've just had two people that I Ork with tell me that you can't criticise Boris for anything that went on during the pandemic because "no-one else could have done any better" because it was a new situation (relatively speaking). Also that he gets they respect for sticking at his job

Fucking hell
Ask them if they think it's worthy of respect (and another turn) for a boss to laugh about employing a sexual predator - because that's what BJ did, and it had absolutely nothing to do with any pandemic.
He can do all that in the Telegraph and via guest TV appearances though. No need to have a day job that involves actual commitment and regulations in order to stir things up if he wants.
hes still an mp and has shown no desire to give up his seat. Being a trouble making backbencher allows him to hog the lime light and keep alive his dream of coming back.
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