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Tory Leadership contest 2022

Mordant's support so far are all pretty low wattage - I don't think she's going to make it.
Was her candidature this time more an attempt at a siphoning away/stop-Johnson deal with Hunt? Her then being on a Sunak/Hunt promise of something big like Shappsy's gig?
BBB...Bring Back Boris! I'd love to see him win...then lose his seat at the election. He has a majority of 7,210.

With current polling, Rishi is the most likely to be in the next parliament
If Cummings was still about I'd actually consider if this has all really been a big fat tory plan.

"Look Bozza it's getting serious now mate. Just resign, go on holiday for a couple of months with that ex PM bonus you can claim and we'll put Liz in until she fucks everything up. Once it's got worse than it was before you left you can creep back in and we'll all get behind the Big Dog again."
"Genius Dom, will I have to take Carrie in that Pink Trouser suit?"
"Look big dog just stay out of trouble, put on the family man facade and I'll do the rest"

Updated MP count:

Rishi 75
Johnson 44
Mordaunt 21

Votes to go: 217

Big question I guess is whether the 44 represent a larger or smaller part of Bojo's loyalists. Not looking great for Mordaunt that she's struggling with the early doors nominations.
Does seem to be turning into an "it's Sunak, unless Boris can muster the 100 in which case he'll cruise the member vote to a second Premiership" kind of contest atm.
it's getting a bit late to do that, surely.

jump seats, or find a safe tory seat?

if they are still aiming for an election some time in 2024/5 then there's a fair bit of time still. while most parties will have either a sitting MP or a candidate in place in most constituencies, don't think they are formally candidates until after the election has been declared.

while MPs have moved seats at elections before (have a vague recollection that a number of tory MPs did that before 1997) i'm not sure it's been done in a way that would cause two by-elections. not sure you can apply for the chiltern hundreds (or whatever bollocks it is) one day, then a few days later resign that to stand as a candidate somewhere else.
I've just had two people that I Ork with tell me that you can't criticise Boris for anything that went on during the pandemic because "no-one else could have done any better" because it was a new situation (relatively speaking). Also that he gets they respect for sticking at his job

Fucking hell
Seems to be the prevailing view amongst my more elderly neighbours too
so conversation i interjected myself into before leaving the job between our drivers

talking about bring back Boris

"what that cunt are you daft"

"it that or Starmer and i don't trust him"

"and you trust that prick Boris"

the mind boggles at some of the population
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