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Tory Leadership contest 2022

Have related this anecdote in other places, but I'm reminded of it now.
Long story short, I was being shown around Winchester by a old-hand "Master" who breezily told our group that he was proud of the variety of social backgrounds that pupils came from. He expanded on the theme and said "we actually have children from middle class backgrounds and even some from trade".

Man Of The People

They're called dons , not masters, but carry on :cool:
Twitter tells me that Steve - not-a-nutter - Baker has thrown his vast political weight behind Suella - not-thick-at-all - Braverman and her foretold in the stars leadership bid.
not good. Baker is leader of the tory cunt ultra cunt group - or whatever the ERG are called now - so very much helps braverman get on the final ballot - and the tory membership do like their hard right loons.

God he really is an extremely smarmy fucker - I think a difficult sell when voters inspect the goods close up. I also wonder if it's ever crossed his mind when recounting the heartwarming story of his parents' arrival in the UK how different things may have been if they had been bundled off to Rwanda...

Also chillingly clear from the 'confronting the moment vs. fairytales' narrative that he is explicitly touting himself as the intellectual heir to George Osborne. Anyone remember 'hard choices' from the post-GFC years? Making a comeback should Rishi get in and win a GE...
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Wow, he's kept his old school wrestling promotion to himself, but he's got my support.
The Hard Man has already pivoted to instead back the Braverman

As Attorney General. Braverman has just done whatever Johnson wanted. I can't think of her making her mark in a good way at all. Maybe Baker wants her to his puppet
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Just heard of this cunt Steve Baker - apparently his hat is in the ring. He thinks science is political correctness gone mad and looks like a get-rich-quick spiv. :facepalm:
Baker has been on my radar for quite a while as a really unpleasant individual. Amongst his attributes he is anti-green, anti-abortion and a member of the ERG, but thankfully he has withdrawn from the leadership contest (not that I think he had an enormous chance of winning). He is now backing Braverman lol:

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