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Tory bully MP Mark Field shoves a protestor against a pillar then grabs her by her neck

whatever happened, its clear that we now have full blooded culture wars, this will over time obscure issues like people dying due to benefit sanctions and other state brutalities.
whatever happened, its clear that we now have full blooded culture wars, this will over time obscure issues like people dying due to benefit sanctions and other state brutalities.
I was expecting a lot more violence tbh its not even a playground scuffle IMHO.
Radio Two call in:

"What if she was a man who looked like an ISIS fight? Huh? Huh? - After Jo Cox anything could have happened. I thought he was very restrained, she should have been tackled to the floor. And should now be in hospital. With a broken nose."

What a pussy. He would have been cowering under his table if the protester had been a man. We plebes should beat the living shit out of him the next time we run into him on the street. Maybe he will learn his lesson then.
So violence is OK provided it meets your agenda?
Radio Two call in:

"What if she was a man who looked like an ISIS fight? Huh? Huh? - After Jo Cox anything could have happened. I thought he was very restrained, she should have been tackled to the floor. And should now be in hospital. With a broken nose."

wow , just wow
you're quite happy to cheer on some violence while proclaiming abhorrence at violence which doesn't emanate from your preferred dealers.
Well, no. There is a genuine objection to violence, and there is hypocrisy.

I dare say the poster wouldn't support the living shit being kicked out of them because someone dislikes one of their actions?
Well, no. Their is a genuine objection to violence, and their is hypocrisy.
no, that's not the case at all. i think most people would cheer e.g. the extremely violent destruction of nazi germany while far fewer people would applaud the violence meted out to this unfortunate woman at the mansion house.
Well, no. There is a genuine objection to violence, and there is hypocrisy.

I dare say the poster wouldn't support the living shit being kicked out of them because someone dislikes one of their actions?

There is appropriate and proportionate violence and inappropriate and disproportionate violence.

Where was this guy on that scale, in your opinion?
no, that's not the case at all. i think most people would cheer e.g. the extremely violent destruction of nazi germany while far fewer people would applaud the violence meted out to this unfortunate woman at the mansion house.

I wouldn't imagine that there are many people 'cheering' the manhandling of this woman, albeit she was the architect of her own manhandling.

The Tory Minister that caused a social media uproar by slamming a woman into a pillar before grabbing her by the neck, has hit back against his critics by stating he doesn’t ‘see gender’ when he violently overreacts to someone criticising his policies.

His spokesman, Simon Williams, also condemned people who tweeted that attacking a young woman was unacceptable, accusing them of harbouring old-fashioned misogynistic beliefs.

He told us, “Once again the keyboard warriors reveal their true colours as sexist reactionaries. They are the one who thinks that young woman should have been free of assault just because of her gender and small frame. They think her ovaries and complete absence of threatening behaviour should have kept her safe.

“Mark is a true feminist who believes in equality. When some lower middle-class person wearing off-the-rack clothing interrupts his supper, he does not wonder what sex they are before psychotically escalating the situation. But witness the so-called progressives who think he should have let security deal with it or let it go after he could see how terrified she was.”

Mr Williams dismissed any suggestions that Mark Field was particularly aggressive towards the Greenpeace activist because of a deep-seated belief a woman’s role is to say how brilliant Mark Field is.

“Pure slander. Mark has never shown any hostility towards women. Gays, certainly, but not women. Mark believes that society should be divided by wealth, not gender.

“Think about it. Would he have cheated on his wife with Liz Truss if he didn’t respect women in the workplace?”
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