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Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

Wommy Tobinson will get looked after by the screws when he's inside. They'll be terrified of something happening to him coz of the high profileso will just lump him with a single flowery, cushty housework (almost certainly on the numbers) and they'll keep him well away from other cons.
Lock him up!

The Metropolitan police appeared to confirm the arrest, saying in a tweet on Sunday that another force was involved and they hoped further information would be released soon. They said they were not aware of any links with the demonstration in London.

Reform supporting him, isn't a surprise.

The Reform UK party MP Rupert Lowe, responding to the reported arrest, tweeted: “Is this action proportionate and in line with how the streets of London have recently been policed? More details are urgently required.”

This article now fully revised to confirm that:

Kent police said on Sunday night that a man, 41, had been detained at the Channel tunnel in Folkestone under schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, which allows police to stop, examine and search passengers at ports, airports and international rail terminals.

He was subsequently arrested “for frustration of a schedule 7 examination”, the force said, and was later released on bail while inquiries continue.

You will recall that “only police officers who have secured national accreditation are able to use Schedule 7 powers, this accreditation is reviewed every two years by the relevant Chief Constable or Chief Officer.” In other words, Special Branch.

Not sure if it's been posted elsewhere on urban but this is an interesting video with vox pops from the TR/fash demo and the anti racist one. The guy in the anti flag t-shirt is proper fucking weird. The film is about half an hour long.
He's gone and done a runner, that's impress the court. :D

Tommy Robinson has fled the country after committing "flagrant" contempt of court relating to a film played at a protest in central London, the High Court has been told, with an arrest warrant ordered to be carried out.

Adam Payter, representing the Solicitor General, said it is believed Robinson left the jurisdiction hours after being released on unconditional bail following his arrest over the weekend. Mr Payter said Robinson was arrested following a "large demonstration" in central London, which featured the showing of a film that was "central to this application" and showed a "flagrant" and "admitted" breach of the court order.

He added that, following the demonstration, Robinson was stopped in Folkestone, Kent, during a port stop and search and arrested by Kent Police under the Terrorism Act 2000. Mr Payter said: “We understand he failed to co-operate with a port stop and search. The implication is he was attempting to leave the country and therefore was not intending to attend this hearing this morning.”

Will extradition proceedings be carried out i wonder? I surmise that it will be vanishingly unlikely that he will attend court this autumn of his own free will.
Wommy Tobinson will get looked after by the screws when he's inside. They'll be terrified of something happening to him coz of the high profileso will just lump him with a single flowery, cushty housework (almost certainly on the numbers) and they'll keep him well away from other cons.
given last time Stephen Yaxley-Lennon was inside he was on Seg becasue of generalised Discipline and Good Order concerns ...
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