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Things to look out for in Lidl and Aldi

I might get one of these for my StepDad for Xmas. Listening to my Mum bellowing at him all the time is doing my fucking head in. If he doesn't wear it (he won't, he's already got one) I'll get him another for his birthday in January.
While I can and do sympathise with you and your mum, raising your voice to talk to somebody with hearing loss (let alone deafness) can be the worst thing you can do. Even if it is bloody tempting at times! :oops:

The thing is, as soon as you try to shout, your face distorts from the usual shapes, so you become more difficult to lipread. And everyone who can see faces well enough lipreads a bit, even people with perfect hearing.

It's a lot more helpful to give the person a signal that you're starting to talk to them (a light tap on their wrist or arm can be enough) followed by you looking straight at their face and not covering/blocking any part of your face while talking. Reducing background noise as far as possible helps a lot.

BTW if the old fella's not wearing his hearing aid (and it's an NHS issued one) it'd be worth cajoling/nagging him to go back to the hearing aid clinic and get it adjusted. In the first year, you're supposed to go at least twice, and at least once in the following years. Yes, it's a nuisance, tiring, incredibly unpleasant, and fiddly. But once the adjustment is right, it could make a huge difference to the people around him as well as to himself.
Bees' dad doesn't wear his either and then wonders why he had no idea what is going on or why everyone is feed up with him. Or he wears it and won't turn it on.

My step dad wears his and then tells pickle to be quiet all the time because she's three and laughs and shouts and then said things like 'is it safe to turn it back on yet?' Passive aggressive little fuck. He tunes it to the tloop whenever he sees cricket on the TV so why can't he just take control himself for her?

I don't have good experiences with people with hearing aids :oops:
<snip> I don't have good experiences with people with hearing aids :oops:
FWIW (sorry about the derail, this'll be my last post here about hearing aids) Paw in law uses a digital one (from the NHS) which filters out background noises a bit. The first few months were difficult as it felt unbearably loud. Even now, if things get a bit noisy, he turns it off or takes it out, cue much fiddling (huge fingers + tiny gadget = :mad::facepalm::thumbs:) to get it back in and in the right mode if the phone's passed to him. :D He's got in the habit of not using the phone when there are visitors at the table as he's worked out that he can just about hear one or the other but not both.

BTW if it's hot weather, he leaves it out because it feels sweaty, but people can hardly see whether he's wearing it (it's tiny and really does fit very close to the ear) so then they and he get annoyed and confused again. :D
Sorry. More on topic, the bottled beer selection in Lidl continues to be rotated but okay if you're going there anyway.
Correct. Me and him might have more meaningful conversations than me just going 'Wear your hearing aid' to him every five minutes.
You could take to doing what I've done to VP in my more evil moments - silently mouth "deaf git" when he can see you. ;)
Though I might get one of those hearing aids but looking at them,they look like the old fashioned NHS ones from a few years back, carry on being deaf, it's handy at times:D
The creme brûlée, chocolate praline thingys are 50p off at the moment. [emoji41]
I bought two boxes. [emoji4]
I have one box left. [emoji6]
gaijinboy likes the "Deluxe" tiramisu. It's massive - 6 portions or something. I bought him one 2 weeks ago and he ate it in 2 nights. Last week I didn't buy him one. I told him he probably wouldn't thank me if I bought him a 6 portion tiramisu on a weekly basis. He didn't agree. He reckons he would be extremely thankful.

I've failed.. :(
I went to Lidl in Brussels yesterday. I'm pleased to report it was almost exactly the same. :D

Except the packaging was in every language you can think of except English.

OK the cheese was a bit different (much better :mad: and the chocolate too) but the rest was the same
Have I missed my chance to tell you to drink the grafenwalder hefeweisen? We only get it in special kegs but the continent has cans (as does Ireland?). Well jel.
Have I missed my chance to tell you to drink the grafenwalder hefeweisen? We only get it in special kegs but the continent has cans (as does Ireland?). Well jel.
Fraid so. I'm back already.

I'm such a fucking jetsetter* I'll be visiting the Paris Lidl in the next few days so I'll give a full report on that too. It's right between our airbn'b and my work**. 'Sorry I'm late, terrible delays in the stollen aisle'

**yes, yes I did, I already checked googlemaps for lidl in paris.
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Have I missed my chance to tell you to drink the grafenwalder hefeweisen? We only get it in special kegs but the continent has cans (as does Ireland?). Well jel.

Grafenwalden pils is in my lidl for 89p a can , and right nice it is too ( not sure if its the same as hefeweisen tho )
No it's not, the pils is piss (I'm not a pils fan generally though) whereas the hefeweissen is one of the best weisse beers you can buy in British supermarkets.

i know nothing about beer but gaijinboy is a big fan of things like hoegaarden and that other one - is that a weisse beer? I do the lidl shops so he'll be pleased with me if I come back with something like that. I brought him back brown lager or something from Ikea which he was very pleased with me for...
i know nothing about beer but gaijinboy is a big fan of things like hoegaarden and that other one - is that a weisse beer? I do the lidl shops so he'll be pleased with me if I come back with something like that. I brought him back brown lager or something from Ikea which he was very pleased with me for...
Lidl don't have it lately but Sainsbury have a few weisse beers at 3 for 5 quid. I don't like the one with the monk on the bottle but the other two are good.
Lidl don't have it lately but Sainsbury have a few weisse beers at 3 for 5 quid. I don't like the one with the monk on the bottle but the other two are good.

ok.. good tip. I'll keep my eyes open. i'm usually too busy eyeing up the ciders for myself... ;)
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