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Things to look out for in Lidl and Aldi

Those Crème Brûlée Pralines are a bit more'ish - luckily I've managed to restrict myself to only one row - which is 4 out of, most likely 16 in the box

Really? I stood there the other day looking at them and looking at them and decided to behave.

I may decide to misbehave next visit
The marble run was one I was looking at. Thanks for the warning :)

I don't like the white chocolate with strawberry, but I love the white chocolate with crispy bits
Oh well, never mind - no coffee left ...
An Xmas pudding somehow found its way into my basket ...

Has anyone mentioned Aldi's sprouts on the stick ?
I'm eating sprouts 5 days a week at the moment. :D

Well into my sprouts at the moment too. They have them on a stick in Morrisons, 99p.
Just bought a huge fuck off turkey from Aldi for 11 quid and a bottle of ruby port for five pound something.I'll be well stuffed by this time tomorrow.:)
Well despite extensive research I can't decide which are nicer... interested to hear your thoughts :D

Hang on, there are almond clusters too? Are they dark chocolate?

I also got some of their special, super-luxury for Christmas chocolate bars yesterday but we haven't scoffed them yet. Hendo has a secret passion for white chocolate (yuk), so as they were 2 for £2, he has white choc and cappuccino and I have dark choc with orange florentine croquant. :D On the savoury front, I got habanero chilli almonds and wasabi almonds and rosemary crackers. :hmm:
I bought my 1.99 Madame Glamour (On a Budget) bottle!

I also managed to buy the Christmas Day meal meat in good time for a change: venison shoulder. We will be having that as a goulash, but with added juniper, and with home made potato dumplings and red cabbage. Frohe Weihnachten!
I am now eating the Silesian cooked and smoked sausage on sourdough bread and Schwarzbrot (sliced sunflower bread). I am having a Madeleine moment! It is very, very good. 400g cost 2.99 which is a very good price.
Hang on, there are almond clusters too? Are they dark chocolate?

I also got some of their special, super-luxury for Christmas chocolate bars yesterday but we haven't scoffed them yet. Hendo has a secret passion for white chocolate (yuk), so as they were 2 for £2, he has white choc and cappuccino and I have dark choc with orange florentine croquant. :D On the savoury front, I got habanero chilli almonds and wasabi almonds and rosemary crackers. :hmm:

I got those last 3 on Thursday. The rosemary crackers i've had before - they're yum. What could go wrong with a rosemary cracker? The chilli almonds are CRACK! Worse than the mini stollen frankly (for someone like me). just gorgeous. The wasabi almonds I started tonight whilst in mourning for the chilli ones. I feel disloyal to my passion but in all honesty, they're not as good as the chilli ones.

We also made a gorgeous aubergine dish this evening (the name of which I forget off the top of my head, but it's the aubergine rolls dish) from the Honey & Co recipe book - all of the ingredients from Lidl. So thanks for that recommendation.
Just been in the Lidl by my work - they've got all the wooden toys, and I want to buy them all! If anyone wants me to grab something for them, let me know.
I went to my local Lidl at 9.30am and there was barely anything left :eek: There were people standing around with trolleys stacked really high with toys, on their phones, telling people what was left. I managed to get most of what I needed but I reckon it's all gone by now. Crazy!
A tin of this found it's way into my trolley this week . . . .

2 tins for me - I don't know why as I've already said, but I do have HIGH hopes for this product

And with reference to the Crème Brûlées as mentioned earlier - was 4 then 10 now 0 and there was 16 in the tray

<insert Charlton Heston doing his "damn you all to hell" smiley>
I went to my local Lidl at 9.30am and there was barely anything left :eek: There were people standing around with trolleys stacked really high with toys, on their phones, telling people what was left. I managed to get most of what I needed but I reckon it's all gone by now. Crazy!
there was loads in ours, but I didn't get everything I wanted as when I came home I decided to get something for pickles birthday :facepalm: will go back to,orrow and if it's there it's meant to be (the market stall thing) if not nothing lost :)

Also marzipan cherry chocolate things are mingling :( it's soft sticky marzipan, not the hard stuff like the picture :( I'm disappointed
oooooMG - the "Deluxe" habanero chilli almonds from Lidl. LUSH!! I got the wasabi ones too but I can't see them being better tbh...
The wasabi almonds made my eyes water so much when Greebo got them last year, that I think that the wasabi had been blended with plain horseradish.

there was loads in ours, but I didn't get everything I wanted as when I came home I decided to get something for pickles birthday :facepalm: will go back to,orrow and if it's there it's meant to be (the market stall thing) if not nothing lost :)

Also marzipan cherry chocolate things are mingling :( it's soft sticky marzipan, not the hard stuff like the picture :( I'm disappointed

The "hard stuff" is usually baked marzipan, which I love dearly (although I'll eat the softer stuff if it's all that's available), but which can be quite expensive if you don't know a German confectioner or Spanish deli that sells it around crimbletide.
The wasabi almonds made my eyes water so much when Greebo got them last year, that I think that the wasabi had been blended with plain horseradish.
Wasabi in the UK usually is horseradish of the variety we know, just coloured or adulterated with small amounts of wasabi and/or mustard. The real deal is bloody expensive and tricky to grow here I believe.

I keep telling myself I don't NEED to go to Aldi again but I want to to stock up on bloody stollen.
will go back to,orrow and if it's there it's meant to be (the market stall thing) if not nothing lost :)

Also marzipan cherry chocolate things are mingling :( it's soft sticky marzipan, not the hard stuff like the picture :( I'm disappointed

This was something there was loads of in my local - could probably myhermes it to you quite cheaply :thumbs:

Yes those things taste and feel like vomit.
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