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The Virgin Mary

ah yes I remember - I once went on a New Church Study Weekend and the point that stopped me was Swedenborg's view that there were beings living on the planets. There's a spirited defence of it here though:

In the 18th century, new revelations concerning the afterlife and Christianity were shown to a brilliant scientist, Emanuel Swedenborg, who was proven on many occasions to have very accurate clairvoyant abilities. In waking visions he explored the realms of heaven and hell, the world of spirits in between, and explained many theological issues within Christianity - such as the Trinity, the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and moreover, wrote a multi-volume work showing how and why scripture was Divinely inspired. His description of life after death have been corroborated by many Near Death Experience (NDE) accounts. However in his writings there are puzzling accounts of encounters in the spiritual world with extraterrestrial who had lived on planets other than earth, in what may be the first documented case of extraterrestrial contact. Perhaps those who know nothing about the reliability of Emanuel Swedenborg would point to this as an excuse to examine the spiritual revelations no further.

So, given the above, there are several theories to explain Swedenborg's account:

1. The first is the most skeptical, that Swedenborg just imagined it all.
2. These are extraterrestrial spiritual societies, but actually originated from other planets.
3. Swedenborg misidentified the planets of our solar system.
4. Other planets of our solar system were once inhabited, whose environment was destroyed in an ancient cataclysm.
5. There are one or more advanced extraterrestrial societies in our solar system, who are able to create temporary habitats on hostile planets.

Then gives detailed expositions on each of them :)

Again not referencing the Virgin Mary unfortunately.
I once had a dream about an obscure Saint I didn't know about that was really interesting. Can't really explain it in the context that it happened in and the googling of information about her the next day. I shall not cast my pearls before swine though. And I've plenty of such experiences.
Isn't a sizeable portion of religion informed by vivid imagination? Scribes likening their fever dreams to something portentous, of great worth.

It's tempting to suggest that the religions are often based on the writings of madmen and fantasists, rather than prophets and philosophers.
I've mentioned it before but I once really liked a christian woman who turned out to be a bit fundamentalist :(

She did say that her ex had converted to christianity so he could still go out with her but he turned psychotic because "the strain of being nice to people was too much for him"


still not involving the virgin mary though :rolleyes:
And there we have it. Thought there might have been a bit of humour and humouring. Noope. 'Arrogant madman.'
That's a flea in my ear alright. Anyway, it's a metaphor.
"No, no...not a metaphor ..What's that thing that spells the same backwards as forwards? A palindrome...

No not a palindrome! The palindrome of "Bolton" would be "Notlob"!! It don't work!!"
Python :(

I can never watch Bolton in whatever division they're in and not think of it

I don't think they did much on the virgin mary though
catlicks? :confused:

Second sentence certainly true though :(

Catlicks and Proddy Dogs was somewhat inculcated within my slightly sectarian antecedents. Just a bit of humour I suppose. Separate schools catering to both doctrines are common in the north certainly.
Why is Mary so worshipped anyway? Is there anything in the Bible to support such idolatry? I was under the impression it was not advised to worship anyone other than God. Did the Catholics find a loophole?

Anyway, my own beliefs are agnostic. I can't say for sure one way or the other. My daily reality is tangible Newtonian physics with a bit of spiritual intuition thrown in which could well be coincidence or may be synchronicity. Science tells us of a quantum reality underlying this one which is decidedly spooky and barely understood. Nobody knows what consciousness is or why anything exists at all.

All the theories are interesting to research. I've read about NDEs and OBEs. Had a couple of OBEs myself. Spoke to "God" during which I understood the universe presents itself in whatever form is most meaningful to us, be it any of the religious beliefs and philosophies. Which produces the hedging truth that everyone is right. Maybe that was just a conversation with myself in a moment of self-realisation. Who knows? I wouldn't bet the farm on any firm answer.
Mary is not worshipped in the catholic faith
Yes, I'd like to hear it
I was in a kitchen dining area in a flat or what Americans would call an apartment.

I was stood behind a woman and she showed me her right tit.

I was just looking for a while but eventually started thinking like a man. But I 'knew' this was holy and I had to be a good guy. So I went and sat at the table.

Her daughter came over to me at the table and I asked the name of the mother :'gwendolyne like Wendy.' is what she said.

That's it really. Except she is known in her now obscure state as having three breasts. I knew nothing about her.
To add: I'd had one dream previously with another saint, where I registered this was 'holy', you need to get up and think about this. Like the introduction/asking of name both times.
I've others maybe 5-6 impressive but objectively that's the one to post on here for it's 'how the fuck?' factor if you don't mind.
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