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The Trump presidency

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So, reading that Reuters report, it seems the raid was signed off by Obama's administration but delayed "for operational reasons" according to the White House, or "in the hope that more and better intelligence could be collected" according to the leak. :hmm: What an utter balls-up.
I don't think there will be any more lackeys willing to side with this particular bully on the world stage. May could find herself friendless and having her head jammed down the school toilets by the rest of the year when her protector decides she has served her purpose
He's got what he wanted, an invite to meet Madge. No point expecting anything in return.
Trump appears to be sticking to his pre-presidency routine of getting up early, watching whatever's on Fox News, and tweeting about it. Big difference now is that he's getting drunk with power and realizes he can do things about what he sees on TV. A major story overnight was Berkeley protests against Milo Yiannopoulos speaking, and now:

Trump appears to be sticking to his pre-presidency routine of getting up early, watching whatever's on Fox News, and tweeting about it. Big difference now is that he's getting drunk with power and realizes he can do things about what he sees on TV. A major story overnight was Berkeley protests against Milo Yiannopoulos speaking, and now:

er what about the practicing proper violence against yemeni women and children just the other day?
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Trump appears to be sticking to his pre-presidency routine of getting up early, watching whatever's on Fox News, and tweeting about it. Big difference now is that he's getting drunk with power and realizes he can do things about what he sees on TV. A major story overnight was Berkeley protests against Milo Yiannopoulos speaking, and now:

Has he commented on how people care more about his inauguration than Beyonce's pregnancy yet? Or about how his own pregnancy will be far bigger and better? Triplets, the best triplets, yuuuuge triplets?
I don't think there will be any more lackeys willing to side with this particular bully on the world stage. May could find herself friendless and having her head jammed down the school toilets by the rest of the year when her protector decides she has served her purpose
I think there'll be lots of grovelling before this is over. Trump enjoys making examples of people.
Has he commented on how people care more about his inauguration than Beyonce's pregnancy yet? Or about how his own pregnancy will be far bigger and better? Triplets, the best triplets, yuuuuge triplets?
can't be triplets. back in the 30s the canadians had quintuplets, so we're looking at hextuplets or heptatuplets at a minumum.
On Al Monitor Iranian president calls Trump 'novice in politics'
Meanwhile, in an interview with Tasnim News Agency on Feb. 1, Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of the Iranian judiciary's Human Rights Council, implied criticism of Iran’s reciprocal ban on the issuing of visas to US citizens. He said, “Banning Americans from entering Iran is a symmetrical response, but it is not a very attractive [idea],” emphasizing that while Iran’s reaction to the US visa ban should be “clear” and “decisive,” it should be “asymmetrical.”

Saying that Trump’s three main qualities include “money worship," “vulgarism” and “racism,” Larijani argued, “We should provide special funding for the scientific and research centers [in Iran] to [be able to] accept and welcome the Iranian scientists who are working in the United States but can’t go to the United States anymore due to the visa ban.”

He added, “American scientists are vehemently opposed to Trump’s decision; they are very interested in coming to Iran and speaking with our scientists.” Larijani continued, “We should also offer special funding to the scientists and students of other Islamic countries that have been sanctioned [under] Trump’s new decision.” Larijani said boycotting American products is among other appropriate responses to the visa ban.
What's the Parsi for "Failing Donald Trump"?
"He was known for his prophecies of civic glory, the destruction of secular art and culture, and his calls for Christian renewal"

Oh dear, bit too close for comfort.....
Is the US having a Savonarola moment?
Savonarola was a pre-modern moraliser, as opposed to Machiavelli, who established Modern political thought.

Now, "justifications" aside, has Trump figured out how he can force his "ideas" through and be "successful"?
I'd say it's pretty much in place when you ban people coming in because of their religion.
Or threaten a University with having its funding cut, or threaten to close down a whole dept( EPA) or, or.....
Did anyone even a couple of weeks ago think he would blatantly hand over everything to his FF buddies so frigging blatantly? But he does it under cover of a headline grabbing item, the EPA scandal gets hardly a headline due to the shitstorm generated by the Muslim ban.
I'm not frightened yet, but I'm starting to feel distinctly nervous.
Best scenario? Worldwide financial/economic depression, worst? a misgudged tweet escalating to full scale war.
If Donald Trump would like to investigate what he considers "voter fraud," perhaps he should start with his daughter, who is registered in New York and Pennsylvania; or his son-in-law who is registered in New York and New Jersey; or his press secretary who is registered in Virginia and Rhode Island; or his nominee to be Secretary of the Treasury who is registered in New York and California; or his senior advisor who is registered in New York and Florida; or the person he claimed was an “expert” on voter fraud who is registered in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas.

The truth is, of course, that none of this is "voter fraud." People are not voting more than once and they are citizens entitled to vote. But stopping real voter fraud, which rarely occurs in the United States, is not Mr. Trump’s goal. Voter suppression is. His goal is to confuse the American people, lie about the issue and make it harder for poor people, people of color, young people and senior citizens to vote. Sadly this has been a long term goal of the Republican Party and in states like North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan it undoubtedly had an effect in 2016.

As Ari Berman, who has done invaluable reporting on voting rights at The Nation noted, “on Election Day, there were 868 fewer polling places in states with a long history of voting discrimination, like Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina. These changes impacted hundreds of thousands of voters, yet received almost no coverage.”
Additionally we cannot talk about this issue without discussing the fact that 1 out of 13 African-Americans (and more than 1 in 5 African-Americans in Florida) are disenfranchised due to the criminal justice system according to the Sentencing Project. Despite having served their time in prison, they continue to lose their right to vote in elections.

We don’t need an investigation into "voter fraud." We need an investigation into voter suppression.

Bernie Sanders
A new border wall will be accompanied by the hiring of 5,000 more Border Patrol officers and 10,000 immigration agents. However, more agents and officials equal more opportunities for profit and corruption. To move products through tightened security, cartels have routinely focused on penetrating Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Since the Mexican drug wars began in earnest in 2006, almost 200 Department of Homeland Security employees and contractors took nearly $15 million in bribe money. “Owning” one of these officials allows the cartel to sell access to particular portions of the border to any paying customer.

Ironically, other potential money making opportunities for Mexican drug cartels are in the areas that will undergo new construction of the border wall. Many portions of the border exist in isolated regions. Construction crews living and working far from populated areas will be susceptible to illegal ways to fend off boredom. This is similar to what occurred in remote parts of the United States where fracking sites blossomed as well as incidents of prostitution and drug use. Along the southwest border, Mexican cartels could have a ready-made customer base.
"Rule 2: Borders are Opportunities, not Obstacles" as any South Armagh smuggler would tell you.

When most terrorist attacks in the US are committed by White Supremacists and Trump's giving those good ol boys a good deal of inspritation.
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