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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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btw, I think this is an interesting exhibition of the reasons that people might not want to go public about any of this, as they fear having their lives picked apart and being labelled as a fraud just because their entire life history doesn't appear on the front page of google, despite the parts being investigated being from the pre-internet era.

Because of this sort of thing the net can actually further obscure a particular phenomenon.

When trying to learn the truth from a distance one of the things we can look for is signs that people making allegations are having their characters assassinated in an especially precise, brutal or sustained manner. ie being discredited or pressured as part of a campaign to prevent truth emerging.

But now because of the net things like instant research, brutal character assassination and obsessive targeting of people is rather a widespread phenomenon that we are used to seeing all the time without any specially dodgy coverup motives powering the attacks.
it's not cryptick at all. it's widely known that google personalises the results it returns, so that what you see returned on the first page for a search for ben fellows won't be the same results i see.
and what relevance does this point have to this thread?

does your google first page give you Ben Fellows late 80s child acting career history, or did you just find this out about google and thought you'd have to share it with the thread?
and what relevance does this point have to this thread?

does your google first page give you Ben Fellows late 80s child acting career history, or did you just find this out about google and thought you'd have to share it with the thread?

btw, I think this is an interesting exhibition of the reasons that people might not want to go public about any of this, as they fear having their lives picked apart and being labelled as a fraud just because their entire life history doesn't appear on the front page of google, despite the parts being investigated being from the pre-internet era.
the underlined bit is COMPLETELY FUCKING MEANINGLESS because what the first page of results you receive from a certain google search WILL NOT BE in either the same order or the same results from the first page of results i see. it's been well documented, and although i can go into this in depth i'd really rather not. but if you want to post up meaningless and indeed misleading shit about things you clearly don't know about in future, don't be surprised if people pull you up on it.

do you want to continue digging or can we move on now.
Well, no wish to rubbish Ben Fellows any more. I do think however, that the reason only the Express has picked up his story is because the Express has terrible standards and didn't check his story out at all. Even in that article, it says that he 'trained at the Royal Shakespeare Company'. Oh no he didn't.
He has three. Two of which are un-rated productions he directed himself. I know loads of people who have starred in their own films. They're known as students. The other is another barely-rated film, perhaps filmed by another student.
yes, but he did it in reverse. He was an actor in the film that was first released in 1998, then he directed 2 films that he also starred in, which backs up his back story of being a child actor who moved from that into directing and producing etc.

Surely the big sting he did for The Cook Report would get a mention? Zilch. Nothing.
The one that got away

In 1994, The Cook Report worked in co-operation with The Guardian newspaper on the infamous cash for questions story and had filmed a lobbyist claiming that he ‘used MPs like taxis’ and paid them to ask questions in parliament on behalf of clients. The programme arranged a sophisticated sting operation to see if this claim was justified, but by the end of the then current series filming was incomplete. The Guardian subsequently decided to go it alone. Since the story would have been very tired by the time the programme was back on air nearly six months later, it was cancelled on a purely pragmatic basis. It was the only film out of the 130 produced which suffered this fate.
and what relevance does this point have to this thread?

does your google first page give you Ben Fellows late 80s child acting career history, or did you just find this out about google and thought you'd have to share it with the thread?
i don't know what fucking search terms you put in, if they're the same ones i used. BUT, one last time, EVEN IF i put in the same terms as you do, because of my search history, if i receive the same results they will be in a different order to the ones you get because of the (relatively) new algorithm google uses.
the underlined bit is COMPLETELY FUCKING MEANINGLESS because what the first page of results you receive from a certain google search WILL NOT BE in either the same order or the same results from the first page of results i see. it's been well documented, and although i can go into this in depth i'd really rather not. but if you want to post up meaningless and indeed misleading shit about things you clearly don't know about in future, don't be surprised if people pull you up on it.

do you want to continue digging or can we move on now.
I'm in no way disputing that this is how google works, but this also in no way invalidates what I said.

it won't appear on the front page of google for anyone because it's not on the fucking internet because it was in the 80s, and nobodies been arsed to post up the acting biog of a bit part child actor from the 80s who never really made it to being famous.

I assume you understand that not everything that's ever happened has actually made it onto the internet in an easily verifiable format?
yes, but he did it in reverse. He was an actor in the film that was first released in 1998, then he directed 2 films that he also starred in, which backs up his back story of being a child actor who moved from that into directing and producing etc.

About as much as it backs his story of being an astronaut too.

The one that got away

In 1994, The Cook Report worked in co-operation with The Guardian newspaper on the infamous cash for questions story and had filmed a lobbyist claiming that he ‘used MPs like taxis’ and paid them to ask questions in parliament on behalf of clients. The programme arranged a sophisticated sting operation to see if this claim was justified, but by the end of the then current series filming was incomplete. The Guardian subsequently decided to go it alone. Since the story would have been very tired by the time the programme was back on air nearly six months later, it was cancelled on a purely pragmatic basis. It was the only film out of the 130 produced which suffered this fate.


Which must mean he was in that as well!


If I describe what's in Hitchcock's The Birds, and then you discovered that what I said was true, that would then mean I actually was in that film?
i don't know what fucking search terms you put in, if they're the same ones i used. BUT, one last time, EVEN IF i put in the same terms as you do, because of my search history, if i receive the same results they will be in a different order to the ones you get because of the (relatively) new algorithm google uses.
you actually do think this is some sort of a revelation don't you.

feel free to post up this guys entire 1980s child acting history if your google search history and geographic location data has somehow resulted in this being thrown up for you but not for me, otherwise you'd seem to be demonstrating my point.
I'm willing to accept that he had some non-part on those shows as extras aren't credited afaik. But he seems to have bigged himself up somewhat in that earlier article.
I suppose what got up my nose was people were talking about him (using his name) like it's someone I should have heard of. Having a poke around a bit reveals him to be a bit of a self publicist. Obviously that doesn't affect his claims of abuse. It just struck me as a bit odd how it was all framed.

It was Ben Fellows says... Not a bit part actor from the 90s says.
I'm in no way disputing that this is how google works, but this also in no way invalidates what I said.

it won't appear on the front page of google for anyone because it's not on the fucking internet because it was in the 80s, and nobodies been arsed to post up the acting biog of a bit part child actor from the 80s who never really made it to being famous.

I assume you understand that not everything that's ever happened has actually made it onto the internet in an easily verifiable format?
Ben, was born in 1974 at the White Chapel Maternity Hospital London and was adopted six months later and grew up in Birmingham. At the age of ten he became the youngest company member of the Royal Shakespeare Company under the direction of Adrian Noble.
He went on to have a successful child-acting career studying at the Sylvia Young Stage School and The London Studio Centre appearing in over twenty West End and touring stage productions and numerous television series and feature films over a twenty five year period.
Ben is an award winning photographer and cinematographer having produced commercials, documentaries, numerous short films and feature films over the past 15 years. He has won awards for his film making all over the world including a BAFTA Award for his work as an investigative journalist on Central Television’s “The Cook Report”.
In recent years Ben has won a Best Film Award at the Phoenix Film Festival, the Brighton International Film Festival and The New York Film Festival. Ben was considered for the Carl Foreman BAFTA Award for his feature length documentary film “I WAS JONATHAN PITT”, which received five stars in The New York Times. The film was about Ben's personal search for his birth mother after being adopted 35 years previously. The film was theatrically released worldwide in 2006. Ben received national and international press recognition and was featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show in America. Ben is a full member of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
Ben was the only filmmaker ever to be mentored by the late Stanley Kubrick. He was also the first Channel Four Scholar - a scholarship supported by British film maker Mike Leigh along with Channel Four Television to send Ben to the prestigious London Film school.


Ben Fellows is an award winning film producer, director and investigative journalist. Ben was the only journalist to join G4S to report on the training and role out of the security personnel for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Ben has a fascinating story to tell and has appeared on many alternative media radio and television programmes as well as being quoted in the mainstream media - even though they would not acknowledge him. Ben was the first journalist to break the story of how appalling G4S was deliveri
ng the £284million security contract for the games.

Ben started in the entertainment industry at the age of ten, appearing at the Royal Shakespeare Company under the esteemed direction of Adrian Noble, and went on to have a successful child acting career. He then moved in to investigative journalism working for Central Television's "The Cook Report" where he became one of the youngest members of the team. Ben has worked on a diverse range of stories from gun running, illegal immigration, Polish Mafia, The Cash for Questions scandal, weapons of mass destruction, the I.R.A and now the 2012 London Olympics. Whatever story Ben has worked on seems somehow to hit the headlines and Ben has been responsible for many changes in the law albeit as an undercover reporter.

As a filmmaker, making commercials, documentaries and feature films Ben started his filmmaking career by attending the London Film School, where he was the first Channel 4 Scholar sponsored in part by film director Mike Leigh and Film Four. He was also the only filmmaker to be mentored by the late Stanley Kubrick and is a full voting member of the British Academy of Film & Television Arts (BAFTA).
two potted biographies which didn't take long to find on the internet. but google doesn't index the entire internet, i've no great faith that you've much in the way of internet searching ability, there are a number of sources which are available by subscription which might add more information - eg nexis, times digital archive. but yes, you're right, not everything is on the internet (lambeth electoral registers for example) and not everyone has a biography online. but there would be enough information on the internet that given a couple of hours i could give you a fairly decent biography of yer man. perhaps you might even do the work yourself.
you actually do think this is some sort of a revelation don't you.

feel free to post up this guys entire 1980s child acting history if your google search history and geographic location data has somehow resulted in this being thrown up for you but not for me, otherwise you'd seem to be demonstrating my point.
i think it's some sort of revelation to you. but you seem to be falling into the whytya mindset, where everyone has a box in an archives detailing their entire family history. even the standard biographies in the dnb of eg henry irving won't go into detail on every part they played: and nor will the potted biographies on imdb. however, as i've said, given a couple of hours it's perfectly possible to put together a fairly decent acting biography of this man.
you've just quoted his biography from his own production company website.

I thought you were wanting evidence to substantiate his claim about his child acting career, from a source other than ben fellows.

If I'd realised you were happy with ben fellows corroborating his own back story I'd have posted that up a couple of pages ago.

eta - what the fuck is your actual point anyway pickmans? Given that you started this off by laughing at me because a single anonymous blogger had accused this guy of being a fantacist, and you're now posting up his biog as evidence to support his back story?
you've just quoted his biography from his own production company website.

I thought you were wanting evidence to substantiate his claim about his child acting career, from a source other than ben fellows.

If I'd realised you were happy with ben fellows corroborating his own back story I'd have posted that up a couple of pages ago.

eta - what the fuck is your actual point anyway pickmans? Given that you started this off by laughing at me because a single anonymous blogger had accused this guy of being a fantacist, and you're now posting up his biog as evidence to support his back story?
what the fuck's your point? you started buggering about after i pointed out that the search results you see won't be the same as the ones i see.

you asked not for biographies in a verifiable form (by which i suppose you mean a durable url rather than a temporary url): and that's what i provided. however, as i have mentioned (post 982) i am uncertain that he's reliable in what he says as there is no obvious trace of his being in eastenders.

but you seemed very keen to pursue what is to me an obvious point about google for no very good reason bar your being fucked off that i had a small pop at you.
i am uncertain that he's reliable in what he says as there is no obvious trace of his being in eastenders.
which takes me back full circle to my original point about the problems google has in finding corroborative information about bit part child actors activities in the late 80s.

but you seemed very keen to pursue what is to me an obvious point about google for no very good reason bar your being fucked off that i had a small pop at you.
it was an irrelevant point that I had no desire to persue, hence my previous posts pointing this out. Google can't find information that has never been posted on to the internet, which applies to a hell of a lot of stuff from the 80s.
While not calling into question the guys claims directly about his experiences as a child actor, I think he probably does have some background that would possibly explain his willingness to name politicians at the end of the article, in that he runs his own internet radio show that seems pretty into anti NWO, freemen of the land type stuff.


This does give him some publicity stunt type justification for the article as well, and probably means he's not particularly worried about his reputation on the more mainstream side of things.
From what I've seen, if he's lying about his child acting career, or working with the cook report then he's gone to extraordinary lengths to keep up the exact same lie over a lot of years, and managed to con tens of thousands out of financiers to fund his films using this back story, and actually failed to mention in his piece the 2 Bill episodes he does seem to be listed for back in the early 90s at a time that ties up with the other timings he's mentioned.

I'm still inclined to think that he's generally telling the truth in his article, though possibly embellishing some aspects of it, and the stuff about the politicians should probably be treated with caution. Having said that, if what he's saying is true, then it's not particularly surprising that he might end up taking the sort of world view he now seems to be pushing via his radio show, so I'd not entirely discount what he's saying just because he's also now running that radio show.
which takes me back full circle to my original point about the problems google has in finding corroborative information about bit part child actors activities in the late 80s.

it was an irrelevant point that I had no desire to persue, hence my previous posts pointing this out. Google can't find information that has never been posted on to the internet, which applies to a hell of a lot of stuff from the 80s.
Bollocks. Only a stupid cunt woulds rely solely on google to find information on the internet.
By the way, actors get credited. Extras don't, but they're actually more like props as it doesn't really involve acting.
and this one as well:

What do people expect when a society or industry is run by satanic JEWS? The Jew Mass Media, Jew Hollywood and Jew Federal Reserve are sicknesses of the satanic anti Christ Jew.
Remember the King David Hotel bombing
Remember the Levon Affair
Remember the USS Liberty attack
Remember 9/11
All of these events were done by satanic Jews pretending to be Arabs.
No matter the time in history, location on Earth or people involved the Jew is a sickness to all Nations they infect.

Missing links.
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