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Arise Sir Tony (Blair)

I knew a guy who lived in the adjoining semi detached house to George Robertson when he was the NATO secretary. He said their lofts continued right across. He had occasion now and again to crawl about above the NATO secretary’s house, and could easily have planted a device or dropped down into his house with a garrot.

They’ve both since moved.
But all of this pre-supposes that the only people who would want to kill ex-PMs are Islamic terrorists. In reality there'll be loads of other loons out there who'd attack them for any number of reasons given the chance. Had Corbyn ever made PM there would have been some other flavour of nutjob gunning for him in his dotage.

I'm not pre supposing anything. I was asked my opinion. My view is that ex PMs of what ever political persuasion should get two years gaurented free security. And then they are treated like any ordinary citizen.

Seems fair enough to me.

If any ordinary citizen feels they have been threatened they can report this to police.
I'm not pre supposing anything. I was asked my opinion. My view is that ex PMs of what ever political persuasion should get two years gaurented free security. And then they are treated like any ordinary citizen.

Seems fair enough to me.

If any ordinary citizen feels they have been threatened they can report this to police.
seems ludicrous and unworkable to me
24 February 1999:

"Prime Minister Tony Blair was among the first to pay tribute to the courage of Stephen's parents, Neville and Doreen Lawrence.

Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Blair said: "The test of our sincerity as law makers in this House is not how well we can express sympathy with the Lawrence family but how well we implement the recommendations to make sure this type of thing never happens in our country again."

Source: Blair tribute to Lawrence family

30 December 2021:

"Tony Blair has defended his record as prime minister after newly released documents revealed he vetoed a proposed strategy to tackle racial inequality following the racist killing of Stephen Lawrence ..."

Source: Tony Blair blocked ‘OTT’ race equality strategy after Stephen Lawrence murder



“We do not want to go OTT on this."
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