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Aristocrat's daughter on the run with sex offender and newborn

It does make you wonder how inefficient these kind of manhunts are when you read about the multiple sightings and people pointing at them days before they were caught. Reminds me of the farcical escaped alleged Iranian spy who was wondering around West London
It does make you wonder how inefficient these kind of manhunts are when you read about the multiple sightings and people pointing at them days before they were caught. Reminds me of the farcical escaped alleged Iranian spy who was wondering around West London

It is quite rare to get calls from people who are actually looking at the subject of a manhunt at the time they make the call, most of the time there is a delay and this can be hours/days of time between the sighting and the report. Usually this is because the caller is basing their call on publicly released images of whoever the manhunt is about, they don't know the person themselves and need to form up in their own heads the conviction to make the call.

The calls are still useful in working out where the subject of the manhunt have been (and where they might still be), mind.
They print what their readers want. Human interest stories are what interest humans. Horrible species.
Not sure about this, they print what they want, and humans lap it up. If they printed another story it would be lapped up too. same as it ever was. the big difference now is the youngers are not as invested in newspapers as the elders are
Not sure about this, they print what they want, and humans lap it up. If they printed another story it would be lapped up too. same as it ever was. the big difference now is the youngers are not as invested in newspapers as the elders are
Not really. They’ve always had sales data driving front pages etc but now it’s all about online it’s pretty clear what people do and don’t read, and the sites shape their output accordingly. If nobody read about this case they’d soon reduce and relegate their coverage because they want the clicks and eyeballs.
Not really. They’ve always had sales data driving front pages etc but now it’s all about online it’s pretty clear what people do and don’t read, and the sites shape their output accordingly. If nobody read about this case they’d soon reduce and relegate their coverage because they want the clicks and eyeballs.
They all do seem to limit themselves to a very small pond of stories, when actually there are so many more to choose from.
I dunno, ive no subscriptions and hardly ever buy a paper. So do they make the money they used to or are they just a way for big biz to try and influence opinion?

Prefer news filtered through U75, its always better

They make much, much less money than they used to and if by “big business influencing opinion” you mean PR and marketing, then spend targeting newspapers has declined vertiginously. Newspapers are largely right wing because they are bought by elderly folk who are convinced that the world is going to hell in a handcart, and value daily reassurance that their fears are well-founded. Nothing to do with business interests.

If there are sinister folk seeking to shape opinion, they do so via social media, at vast scale and little cost. The slight exception here is that it is traditional for rival Tory factions to communicate with Conservative party members via the Telegraph, but that’s not really about signalling anything to the public at large.
They make much, much less money than they used to and if by “big business influencing opinion” you mean PR and marketing, then spend targeting newspapers has declined vertiginously. Newspapers are largely right wing because they are bought by elderly folk who are convinced that the world is going to hell in a handcart, and value daily reassurance that their fears are well-founded. Nothing to do with business interests.

If there are sinister folk seeking to shape opinion, they do so via social media, at vast scale and little cost. The slight exception here is that it is traditional for rival Tory factions to communicate with Conservative party members via the Telegraph, but that’s not really about signalling anything to the public at large.
Newspapers were largely right wing pre-internet when they were bought by a much more diverse age range, so I don't think it's just about the preferences of old people. Clearly very rich people / businesses enjoy owning newspapers and political broadcasters like GB News because even now, it enables them to steer the national political debate.
My Mum lives close to the family she says :

“The father Napier Marten came to chop a tree down. A charming man - said he was a tree hugger. Said he liked the simple way of living and planned to go to Australia.
I later found out who he was. Owned the huge Crichel Estate - most of Purbeck. And included many farms and whole villages!
I believe he sold it for over 200 million and gave the money to his sisters! Quite a story. He was a really nice person.”
“He seemed a genuine and charismatic man. No hint of wealth at all - the opposite in fact.”

Napier Marten: the eccentric father of newly-arrested aristocrat Toots
They make much, much less money than they used to and if by “big business influencing opinion” you mean PR and marketing, then spend targeting newspapers has declined vertiginously. Newspapers are largely right wing because they are bought by elderly folk who are convinced that the world is going to hell in a handcart, and value daily reassurance that their fears are well-founded. Nothing to do with business interests.

If there are sinister folk seeking to shape opinion, they do so via social media, at vast scale and little cost. The slight exception here is that it is traditional for rival Tory factions to communicate with Conservative party members via the Telegraph, but that’s not really about signalling anything to the public at large.
If they’d had four other children removed social services had on record they weren’t safe to be parents new a woman who was on her 5th pregnancy there was no chance she’d be allowed to keep the baby chaotic drug user mental health issue long long history of abuse once told me some of the stuff she’d gone through she went off feeling a bit better, me pretty wiped out for the rest of the shift😱. When sober she was fine but you wouldn’t let her have a cat.

In her defence today...

Giving evidence at the Old Bailey for a second day, Marten said: "She's my pride and joy. I had four kids, I know how to look after children.

That would be the four kids removed by the court, because, err, she didn't know how to look after them.

she seems generally delusional and to think none of it is remotely her fault. unless that's just how she's presenting.
has it been confirmed why her previous kids were removed?
she seems generally delusional and to think none of it is remotely her fault. unless that's just how she's presenting.
has it been confirmed why her previous kids were removed?
I think at least one was for similar reasons, they were living in a tent - social worker went to visit the tent and told them they couldn't take a newborn there so got her into a mother and baby home for a while.
I don't think it's clear yet why she fell out with her family and why they continued living like that. Conspiracy theorists maybe?
She was still getting a £3k+ a month trust fund payment so they could have easily rented a flat and lived off that with their children if they had wanted to.
When the other children were taken into care the couple were apparently good with them when they went to contacts but only attending sporadically. And despite all the wealth and resources none of Marten's relatives could or would take the children?
Fair dos. I just didn’t feel comfortable with pbsmooth’s woman blaming when there’s an ex rapist in the picture apparently blameless.
One of the jurors has a prior appointment for something that couldn't be changed and the trial had overrun. If that's the article I read.
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