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What's wrong with Labour

Yeah, I had been under the impression that she was a current frontbencher but good for her if she has some actual principles. Interesting that she chose not to explicitly mention that in a speech to a crowd of people who would've been keen to hear it.
If she had mentioned it, she'd probably be suspended and de-selected today.
Another Labour candidate suspended:
This one has an interesting Unison twist, since she's a leading figure on the health service group and seemingly a close ally of McAnea:
What ever Labours views are on the Cass review is The Sun’s TV on YouTube the place to air them ?

He;s talking t'real working class people here, not middle class lefties like the rest of us. Harry Cole, for example, polishing his flat cap before going on air. His assistance whippet off camera, ready to bring him milky tea as required.
The MP who owed £4K on the works credit card is now taking left overs from buffets back to her office .

This would be the Rachael Reeves who recently suggested she couldn't budget her household costs on an £86,000 salary, even though her husband gets £175,000 making for a combined income of £255,000 a year? Do tell us more about how stuffing croissants in your pockets shows how tight with money you are ...
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