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What's wrong with Labour

I'm a consultant, so I'm fully aware of the differential offers that have been made (rejected by the way).
Ah anoher virtue signalling jerk with a merc, I reckon half the fuckers on here are similar prosecco socialists
My heart bleeds
I don’t remember it from at the time because as I recall I decided that it was going to be a tory brexit which was going to be shit so I didn’t really care.

I did check FactCheck: Corbyn’s changing Brexit stance which is from 2019. It accuses Corbyn of “changing his stance many times” but does seem to speculate and make stuff up a lot.

The only things the piece seems to actually confirm were that Corbyn consistently and over many years made a lot of (very reasonable) criticisms of the EU, and after the Referendum said that the Labour party would abide by it. He was always strongly opposed to a no-deal Brexit, and after a 2019 Conference vote passed a resolution for a second Referendum on the final bill he backed that. Was that equivocatory? It sounds fair enough given the Brexit we eventually got but as I say I wasn't paying a huge amount of attention.
Yeah, not the biggest Corbyn fan here but his Brexit policy seemed fair enough, anyone given the task of trying to balance a generally pro-EU party membership with a pro-Brexit voter base would've had to end up being a bit equivocatory one way or another.
In contrast, of course, Starmer's always had a clear and firm position on Brexit, although what that is tends to change from day to day:
Haven't had it for a while but champenoise is only £8 or so and I can't tell the difference from champagne anyway.
So had a look and prosecco comes in about £7 for 750ml. £3 cheaper than Buckfast!

What booze is OK to drink for lefties Russ?
Much less caffeine than Buckfast as well though. :( And it's got them horrible bubbles in, so you're better off paying the extra £3 to upgrade in my book.
Ah anoher virtue signalling jerk with a merc, I reckon half the fuckers on here are similar prosecco socialists
My heart bleeds
Tbf you've kinda got a point there. The left has for a long time been controlled by wealthy middle class and rich people. And it's a similar thing with those in charge of the formal 'anarchist' scene, which is a type of left politics really (left 'anarchism') despite what some of them would claim. The scene is controlled by comfortable people with well paid careers, houses, vehicles, regular jaunts abroad, generous pensions etc. They're definitely not of the dispossessed and downtrodden. More like of the privileged middle classes.
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Tbf you've kinda got a point there. The left has for a long time been controlled by wealthy middle class and rich people. And it's a similar thing with those in charge of the formal 'anarchist' scene, which is a type of left politics really (left 'anarchism') despite what some of them would claim. The scene is controlled by comfortable people with well paid careers, houses, vehicles, regular jaunts abroad, generous pensions etc. They're definitely not of the dispossessed and downtrodden.
I did sometimes suspect that certain individuals had money to fall back on, but what you're saying certainly wasn't the case generally in my day. Many of the university educated types had trashed their chances of a lucrative career, not that this was a guarantee of their education anyway, and lived in some right shitholes, often shared rented houses. The full-timers, meanwhile, were run ragged, and all for a pittance to top up their dole.
Tbf you've kinda got a point there. The left has for a long time been controlled by wealthy middle class and rich people. And it's a similar thing with those in charge of the formal 'anarchist' scene, which is a type of left politics really (left 'anarchism') despite what some of them would claim. The scene is controlled by comfortable people with well paid careers, houses, vehicles, regular jaunts abroad, generous pensions etc. They're definitely not of the dispossessed and downtrodden.

Regular jaunts abroad ? How dare they. I voted to Leave to put an end to this sort of anarchist leadership .
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