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Aristocrat's daughter on the run with sex offender and newborn

Although maybe carry on if people are playing bingo, we haven't had 'sheeple' yet but we're nearly there.
I'm surprised none of the sherlocks have called him a returning cunt (or did I miss that?)
The threads on this and the Nicola Bulley one are really very depressing and grim, it's actually been a bit horribly shocking and I'n not easily shocked. There's some people on here that need to have a very good hard look at themselves and think on what they've written.

I would like to think Seventy-seven would reflect a bit as well, but that seems highly unlikely.

Fucks sake some of you.
The threads on this and the Nicola Bulley one are really very depressing and grim, it's actually been a bit horribly shocking and I'n not easily shocked. There's some people on here that need to have a very good hard look at themselves and think on what they've written.

I would like to think Seventy-seven would reflect a bit as well, but that seems highly unlikely.

Fucks sake some of you.

I avoided the Nicola Bulley thread, because I hate reading endless speculation, and basically this one too for the same reason, I only really started reading it and posting on it when they were arrested on Monday, just a few miles along the coast from me, and started showing up in my local news feed.

I've not seen many dodgy replies TBH, apart from our new soon to be banned loon, and that Russ twat.
I avoided the Nicola Bulley thread, because I hate reading endless speculation, and basically this one too for the same reason, I only really started reading it and posting on it when they were arrested on Monday, just a few miles along the coast from me, and started showing up in my local news feed.

I've not seen many dodgy replies TBH, apart from our new soon to be banned loon, and that Russ twat.
Same here.
Seems absolutely pointless speculating. Also really disrespectful of the tragedy.
I avoided the Nicola Bulley thread, because I hate reading endless speculation, and basically this one too for the same reason, I only really started reading it and posting on it when they were arrested on Monday, just a few miles along the coast from me, and started showing up in my local news feed.

I've not seen many dodgy replies TBH, apart from our new soon to be banned loon, and that Russ twat.
hopefully soon to be formerly of this parish too
I almost wish 77 was here to give their take on it. It would be bollocks and we could call them names. Alas. In some ways this is probably the biggest tragedy of the whole thing…

Oh come on, its Saturday night. :p
Courts are totally booked up, a combination of Covid and austerity: chronic cutbacks and underfunding inc. lack of barristers because pay is now so poor at lower end
And, finally they are in court.

A baby whose body was found in a shed spent much of her life being carried in a Lidl "bag for life" while her parents lived "off-grid", a court has heard.
Constance Marten, 36, and Mark Gordon, 49, are on trial for the manslaughter of newborn Victoria, whose body was discovered in March 2023 after a weeks-long search for the family.
Prosecutors said the baby would still be alive if it were not for the "reckless" behaviour of the defendants.
The pair deny the charges.

So they'd already had four children that had been taken into care...

Outlining the case against the defendants, prosecutor Tom Little KC told jurors the couple previously had four other children, all of whom had been taken into care after extensive involvement from social services.
He said the couple "essentially went off-grid" and lived outside to avoid social services removing their new baby, concealing the pregnancy from family and the health service.
I don't understand why they are still referring to the child as 'it'. Surely they can tell its gender, however awful a state the body is in.
It's extremely sad. Some of the descriptions of how they carried the child's corpse around are making me feel physically sick.
I've read that another baby was previously removed from them while living/camping in a tent somewhere so maybe they had been living like that for a while.
And another baby they themselves left at the hospital after birth.
It's quite confusing as they were driving cars and clearly had access to cash which both suggest having an address. But he was reporting to police stations as homeless. Presumably this is to do with his historical sex offences in the US.
Who are referring to her as 'it'? :confused:
"Two days later, Mr Little KC told jurors they dumped a buggy in London and "the child was transferred and carried in a Lidl 'bag for life' where it would appear it spent much of its life before it died"."

Seems to have been updated since. Just struck me as weird.
A six-week trial?

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