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Aristocrat's daughter on the run with sex offender and newborn

Papers are saying the couple had been seen at the local fish & chip shop and a food bank in Brighton as far back as 11th February but they were never seen with a baby and never purchased baby supplies from any shops they used.
Why did they go together to the shop and the foodbank? Possibly a mistake.

"They were never seen with a baby and never purchased baby supplies from any shops they used." Is every single time they went to a shop really on record? Perhaps they bought nappies, wipes, soap in bulk somewhere.

Or perhaps somebody helped them. The police said at one point that they believed there may be an "anti-police and anti-establishment individual" helping them. The police are quite right that someone with that kind of outlook may have helped them, unless the person had reason to believe they were neglectful or abusive of course, but nothing that has been published so far suggests that they were. (There are still some leftwing people in existence who have backbones and who haven't switched to calling for the doors of weirdos, freaks, home educators, and those who don't worship the state to be kicked down by the Stasi.)

The police would probably like to section them both before the 36h extension runs out in the early hours of tomorrow. Whether they will or not is another matter.
An autopsy is being carried out today according to reports.

So the baby "could have been dead for two weeks", eh? Naughty, naughty - the police have specifically asked for nobody to speculate, and what does the Daily Mirror do but speculate. But I doubt Alison Phillips will receive any hassle.
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Why did they go together to the shop and the foodbank? Possibly a mistake.

"They were never seen with a baby and never purchased baby supplies from any shops they used." Is every single time they went to a shop really on record? Perhaps they bought nappies, wipes, soap in bulk somewhere.

Or perhaps somebody helped them. The police said at one point that they believed there may be an "anti-police and anti-establishment individual" helping them. The police are quite right that someone with that kind of outlook may have helped them, unless the person had reason to believe they were neglectful or abusive of course, but nothing that has been published so far suggests that they were. (There are still some leftwing people in existence who have backbones and who haven't switched to calling for the doors of weirdos, freaks, home educators, and those who don't worship the state to be kicked down by the Stasi.)

The police would probably like to section them both before the 36h extension runs out in the early hours of tomorrow. Whether they will or not is another matter.
An autopsy is being carried out today according to reports.

Latest from The Canary



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Latest from The Canary
"A protest just highlighted how adoption is the state-sanctioned, forcible removal of children from marginalised women".

They say:

"The state’s adoption of children has effectively become an industry in recent years. However, not all mothers and caregivers are subject to social services taking their children from them. This is because the state is disproportionately targeting women the system marginalises – be it due to ethnicity, class, disability, or chronic illness. It shows that systemic racism, ableism and classism pervades a service that is supposed to support children, not snatch them from their mothers. And the driver for all this is private profit."

So you see, the left hasn't been completely crushed yet. Told you.
Why did they go together to the shop and the foodbank? Possibly a mistake.

"They were never seen with a baby and never purchased baby supplies from any shops they used." Is every single time they went to a shop really on record? Perhaps they bought nappies, wipes, soap in bulk somewhere.

Or perhaps somebody helped them. The police said at one point that they believed there may be an "anti-police and anti-establishment individual" helping them. The police are quite right that someone with that kind of outlook may have helped them, unless the person had reason to believe they were neglectful or abusive of course, but nothing that has been published so far suggests that they were. (There are still some leftwing people in existence who have backbones and who haven't switched to calling for the doors of weirdos, freaks, home educators, and those who don't worship the state to be kicked down by the Stasi.)

The police would probably like to section them both before the 36h extension runs out in the early hours of tomorrow. Whether they will or not is another matter.
An autopsy is being carried out today according to reports.

So the baby "could have been dead for two weeks", eh? Naughty, naughty - the police have specifically asked for nobody to speculate, and what does the Daily Mirror do but speculate. But I doubt Alison Phillips will receive any hassle.

Even these donkeys are bored with you now.


"Please make him stop"
"A protest just highlighted how adoption is the state-sanctioned, forcible removal of children from marginalised women".

They say:

"The state’s adoption of children has effectively become an industry in recent years. However, not all mothers and caregivers are subject to social services taking their children from them. This is because the state is disproportionately targeting women the system marginalises – be it due to ethnicity, class, disability, or chronic illness. It shows that systemic racism, ableism and classism pervades a service that is supposed to support children, not snatch them from their mothers. And the driver for all this is private profit."

So you see, the left hasn't been completely crushed yet. Told you.
unless the person had reason to believe they were neglectful or abusive of course, but nothing that has been published so far suggests that they were.

Except, err, the fact their baby is dead, you loon.

So the baby "could have been dead for two weeks", eh? Naughty, naughty - the police have specifically asked for nobody to speculate, and what does the Daily Mirror do but speculate. But I doubt Alison Phillips will receive any hassle.

Have I got news for you, you are wildly speculating yourself, you loon.
This is sitting really heavily today. Not in a grief vampire way but out of frustration and sadness about all of it really.

I think also trepidation about what’s to come. It’ll be ugly and there won’t be compassion and nuanced thinking but pitchforks and hate. I get why but it won’t help and we won’t learn anything.
Why did they go together to the shop and the foodbank? Possibly a mistake.

"They were never seen with a baby and never purchased baby supplies from any shops they used." Is every single time they went to a shop really on record? Perhaps they bought nappies, wipes, soap in bulk somewhere.

Or perhaps somebody helped them. The police said at one point that they believed there may be an "anti-police and anti-establishment individual" helping them. The police are quite right that someone with that kind of outlook may have helped them, unless the person had reason to believe they were neglectful or abusive of course, but nothing that has been published so far suggests that they were. (There are still some leftwing people in existence who have backbones and who haven't switched to calling for the doors of weirdos, freaks, home educators, and those who don't worship the state to be kicked down by the Stasi.)

The police would probably like to section them both before the 36h extension runs out in the early hours of tomorrow. Whether they will or not is another matter.
An autopsy is being carried out today according to reports.

So the baby "could have been dead for two weeks", eh? Naughty, naughty - the police have specifically asked for nobody to speculate, and what does the Daily Mirror do but speculate. But I doubt Alison Phillips will receive any hassle.
Give it a fucking rest, this is about a dead child.
It would be interesting to know why but I guess we’ll never find out. Them wanting to keep the baby at all costs has dramatically backfired and they’re in a much worse position than if they’d simply engaged with the relevant services.
The police have said they know that the baby whose body they found was the child of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, but they don't know the baby's sex. Seriously how fncking likely is that combination?

(Some early reports, presumably penned by craven journalists doing their utmost to write Newspeak, said "gender", but this word hasn't been used for a while now.)

You are being fed such garbage. Similarly stories about them not having their baby with them when they went to a shop are being used to imply that the baby was dead by that time. You would have thought not wanting to be identified as the sought after couple with the newborn baby would also be a possible explanation for not taking their newborn baby with them into a shop. (Of course there is also the question of why one of them didn't wait somewhere with the baby while the other one went into the shop.)

I wonder why no video has been released of them inside the shop. Something's pongy about the story that they were using an ATM too. Whose card were they using, if that's true? And why no footage from the ATM? All ATMs have cameras.

Recall that there is no known reason why these people should have been considered, or were, anything other than great parents. There is no known reason why the baby should have died before the parents were arrested. These are not people with any record of neglecting, abusing, manslaughtering, or murdering children. Nor is there any known reason to believe the child needed medical attention - none whatsoever.

It would obviously suit the police down to the ground if they could come out and say that the baby had been dead for ages by the time of the arrest and that the fact that the police prevented the parents from leaving custody for almost two whole days before the body was found - while feeling they had insufficient evidence to charge them with any offence (which is still the position as I type these words at 3.28pm on Thursday) - had nothing to do with why the baby died. Better still if they can say this and have the couple sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
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Recall that there is no known reason why these people should have been considered, or were, anything other than great parents. There is no known reason why the baby should have died before the parents were arrested. These are not people with any record of neglecting, abusing, manslaughtering, or murdering children.
How on earth can you claim to know this? It's not information that would be made public. Just stop.
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