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Arise Sir Tony (Blair)

I hope T & P is grateful that I've boosted what would otherwise have been a boring thread with no novel content whatsoever to 12 pages so far.

Starmer has decided Boris Johnson does not deserve a knighthood. But Blair does.

This Knighthood for Blair has reminded me of what he did over Iraq. As have some posters here have reminded me of for example of complicity of Blair government in rendition and torture. In news Chilcot enquiry findings were in press again.

Starmer moving the party to the right depends on seeing Blair as one of the great PMs along with Wilson and Atlee. Why he was so politically partisan over Knighthoods. For an avowed centrist it shows how the so called centre is anything such.

Wilson refused to send British troops to Vietnam despite a lot of US pressure BTW.

Whilst Boris handling on the pandemic is to be questioned he didn't start a war based on lies and misleading parliament.

I'm actually glad the knighthood has come up as this Third Way centrist non "extremist" politics is back in vogue. This all questions it again.

Blair made big money advising dictators in his post PM career.

I used to regularly cycle by his house in Connaught Square. Big house with two armed policemen outside all the time. What I didn't understand was how he could be given armed police 24/7 after leaving politics.

See the petition has now gone over one million.
Fucks sake I was gonna post something on the Kazakhstan thread about how they should phone Blair up for some PR tips. As a joke. And then before I get the chance it fucking happens in real life. What an unspeakable piece of shit he is.

To make it clear the link was from 2014. Not the present.

Blairs Third Way politics see that trying to influence dictators like this is fine. Hasn't been successful.
I believe so, if they want it.

So not all then.

Imo he being a possible target for terrorist attack is his fault and now he is not PM he should not have costly security he has.

There should be a limit on it for ex PMs. A time limit after which they should be treated like any ordinary citizen.
So not all then.

Imo he being a possible target for terrorist attack is his fault and now he is not PM he should not have costly security he has.

There should be a limit on it for ex PMs. A time limit after which they should be treated like any ordinary citizen.

How long would you suggest?

All ex-PMs will be targets for someone. You don't like Blair, but someone else won't like someone you do like.

Either protect them properly or don't bother at all.
I saw Bill Clinton walking along the road in Oxford once (after he'd left the White House). I wouldn't have actually noticed him tbh if it hadn't been for the secret service people with him (you tend to notice a load of young, very fit guys in dark suits with earpieces a lot more than a middle-aged guy wandering about with his daughter). A bit surreal really.
How long would you suggest?

All ex-PMs will be targets for someone. You don't like Blair, but someone else won't like someone you do like.

Either protect them properly or don't bother at all.

I'd say a couple of years and then your on your own. Like the rest of Joe Public. Seems fair enough to me.

I've been working around City and West End around times when their have been terrorist attacks. I've been OK and no one I know has been hurt.

These are innocent people who've been caught up in this.

Blair whether I like him or not policies increased threat of terrorism. He was warned about this.

So, and this isn't about what I think of him personally, once he's no longer been PM for several years should have same chances as rest of us.. Who have to go about our daily lives in Central London and didn't start wars.

Perhaps if this was the case members of political elites like him might think twice about it.
I'd say a couple of years and then your on your own. Like the rest of Joe Public. Seems fair enough to me.

I've been working around City and West End around times when their have been terrorist attacks. I've been OK and no one I know has been hurt.

These are innocent people who've been caught up in this.

Blair whether I like him or not policies increased threat of terrorism. He was warned about this.

So, and this isn't about what I think of him personally, once he's no longer been PM for several years should have same chances as rest of us.. Who have to go about our daily lives in Central London and didn't start wars.

Perhaps if this was the case members of political elites like him might think twice about it.

But all of this pre-supposes that the only people who would want to kill ex-PMs are Islamic terrorists. In reality there'll be loads of other loons out there who'd attack them for any number of reasons given the chance. Had Corbyn ever made PM there would have been some other flavour of nutjob gunning for him in his dotage.
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How long would you suggest?

All ex-PMs will be targets for someone. You don't like Blair, but someone else won't like someone you do like.

Either protect them properly or don't bother at all.
I used to know a guy on Thatcher's protection squad not long before she died, he hated her. Still recognised that she had a right to protection though.

Glad I signed it just to wind up Starmer who reckons Blair deserves it. Hope it makes a million. Been getting more into the news. As Starmer is trying to resurrect sensible centrist Blairism its good to see him try to justify Blair. This isn't what he wanted.
Over a million now :thumbs:

Of course, the knighthood won't be rescinded, but it's the message the petition sends that is important.

Fuck him and his 'interventions'.
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