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Arise Sir Tony (Blair)

You're not in trouble for being too logical, you're in trouble because your position is rendered ridiculous by even the most cursory examination of humanity's past. Let alone the obviously bizarre position of "if the majority (or large minority) of British people agree with a thing it must not be extreme," which leads one to wonder exactly how many dead foreigners have to disagree before that idea becomes moot.

If Tony Blair sets foot in Iraq, does he become an extremist?
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You're not in trouble for being too logical, you're in trouble because your position is rendered ridiculous by even the most cursory examination of humanity's past. Let alone the obviously bizarre position of "if the majority (or large minority) of British people agree with a thing it must not be extreme," which leads one to wonder exactly how many dead foreigners have to disagree before that idea becomes moot.

If Tony Blair sets foot in Iraq, does he become an extremist?
I'm not "in trouble" - certain people just want to try and conflate an argument about what "extremist" means with an argument about whether Tony Blair is a goodie or a baddie. Because they want someone to shout at. This kind of nonsense is standard for u75.
I think it's a great move by the Queen. I expect she's having a little laugh about it now. It'll wind up extremists at both ends of the political spectrum, while most sensible people just recognise he was the most competent and popular PM we've had in ages, and don't care about the honours system anyway.
here's a problem. you imply that extremists can only be found at the ends of the political spectrum (a claim which tbh is undermined by your if 1/4 people believe in something it's not extreme - that is, here you're talking about the ideas, political beliefs, elsewhere you talk about the number of people who agree with a policy). i don't see why extremists can't be found at the middle of this peculiar spectrum. perhaps you could show your working. e2a: and you say extremists can't be sensible. don't know why, i'm sure you can elaborate.
I'm not "in trouble" - certain people just want to try and conflate an argument about what "extremist" means with an argument about whether Tony Blair is a goodie or a baddie. Because they want someone to shout at. This kind of nonsense is standard for u75.
No, you’re saying that extreme means something akin to the opposite of average. Why others have been dragged into a lengthy debate of such a slight issue is beyond me.

I personally probably wouldn’t have have used the term of Blair, as it’s not very precise, but I could immediately see what people meant. As indeed could you.
Why others have been dragged into a lengthy debate of such a slight issue is beyond me.
It's the same sort of stuff as usual, they want me to have said that I am a Tony Blair fan so that they can have a rant and tell someone how awful they are. I said something that could have looked to a very careless reader, like I might have been defending Tony Blair, and predictably enough the usual lot went off on one.

Also, everyone is now trying to avoid discussing the unfortunate fact that promoting concentration camps and/or making jokes about them has become a favourite passtime on urban75.
It's the same sort of stuff as usual, they want me to have said that I am a Tony Blair fan so that they can have a rant and tell someone how awful they are. I said something that could have looked to a very careless reader, like I might have been defending Tony Blair, and predictably enough the usual lot went off on one.

Also, everyone is now trying to avoid discussing the unfortunate fact that promoting concentration camps and/or making jokes about them has become a favourite passtime on urban75.
It’s you leading the thread into this bizarre siding though.

And the inpenguination stuff is just an in-joke. It’s the Urban equivalent of Mornington Crescent.
It's the same sort of stuff as usual, they want me to have said that I am a Tony Blair fan so that they can have a rant and tell someone how awful they are. I said something that could have looked to a very careless reader, like I might have been defending Tony Blair, and predictably enough the usual lot went off on one.

Also, everyone is now trying to avoid discussing the unfortunate fact that promoting concentration camps and/or making jokes about them has become a favourite passtime on urban75.
Well I've already reported Pickman's model to the UN War Crimes Tribunal and to the RSPCA for potential mistreatment of penguins. So far I've had no response. Is this because of the behind-the-scenes influence of the Urban establishment? Just how far does their influence reach?
Well I've already reported Pickman's model to the UN War Crimes Tribunal and to the RSPCA for potential mistreatment of penguins. So far I've had no response. Is this because of the behind-the-scenes influence of the Urban establishment? Just how far does their influence reach?
Did you use this form?

not going to post a link, but someone on tweeter is wondering if this is another distraction to take peoples' attention off the shit the tories are doing...

not going to post a link, but someone on tweeter is wondering if this is another distraction to take peoples' attention off the shit the tories are doing...


I may be wrong, but my impression is that this is just part of the normal tradition of former Prime Ministers getting these gongs and suchlike, and Boris doesn't want to break rank on that, possibly influenced by how things seem to be going for him right now.
Anyone have a link to the petition. I want to sign it

Glad I signed it just to wind up Starmer who reckons Blair deserves it. Hope it makes a million. Been getting more into the news. As Starmer is trying to resurrect sensible centrist Blairism its good to see him try to justify Blair. This isn't what he wanted.
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The thought of seeing Blair stuck in a five foot mousetrap made me laugh. Does that make me an "extremist" ?:cool:

A giant spring-loaded trap about five feet in length kills Blairs quickly and humanely, but keep away from children, labradors, spouses, etcetera. Bait it with something irresistible to a Blair – multiple investment flats, a lucrative contract to represent an authoritarian regime like Kazakhstan, or the chance to have been right all alon

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