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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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thing is, if you weren't so busy being a twat you might have been able to have found that quote yourself, then you could really have laid it on thick, instead of which I had to do it for you.

Btw, I love the way that one blog comment is enough to convince you he's not to be trusted. double standards?

thing is, if you weren't so busy being a twat you might have been able to have found that quote yourself, then you could really have laid it on thick, instead of which I had to do it for you.

Btw, I love the way that one blog comment is enough to convince you he's not to be trusted. double standards?
why should I spend my time looking for such things when there're useful idiots shuffling about the place bringing them to me?
In the article he says he was in eastenders but the guy in your link doesn't mention that.
In the article he says he was in eastenders but the guy in your link doesn't mention that.
It's definitely him. Google his name and it comes up with his production company's (rather sparse) website. The stuff about being an assistant producer and earning ££££££s is rather optimistic, shall we say, given the low-budget nature of his oevre thus far in his career.
There is a Benjamin Fellows on imdb who was in the Bill a couple of times. No BBC stuff, though.

Reminds me perhaps of Nick Blinko, who published a novel called Primal Screamer, which was promptly used in publicity for the totally unrelated author Nicholas Blinkoe. Neither is particularly high on the fame stakes, but at the time, Nick was more well-known than Nicholas.
Uh huh...
and this one as well:

What do people expect when a society or industry is run by satanic JEWS? The Jew Mass Media, Jew Hollywood and Jew Federal Reserve are sicknesses of the satanic anti Christ Jew.
Remember the King David Hotel bombing
Remember the Levon Affair
Remember the USS Liberty attack
Remember 9/11
All of these events were done by satanic Jews pretending to be Arabs.
No matter the time in history, location on Earth or people involved the Jew is a sickness to all Nations they infect.

Where's taffboy? What's this about conspiracy theories not being anti-semitic again?

it could well be unfair of me but i have my doubts about it if it's posted on this sort of place. If you look around the website it goes on about satanism and the like as well. That website isn't what I'd call a reliable source.

It could be of course, assuming everything the guy says is true, that he is using a false name or something and he might have changed some of the details? I don't want to say that it's not true because it's posted there.
I'm sorry to keep going on about this but is it not the case that if these conspiracy theorists keep on going on about Saville's crimes in this way, making up bullshit (or using genuine abuse to further their sick ideas) and linking it to naked anti-semitism that the police and the BBC etc could use the excuse of it all being rumours and exaggerations by conspiracy theorists as an excuse to not investigate it at all and end up with the paedos ending up getting away with it and the victims not getting closure.
I'm sorry to keep going on about this but is it not the case that if these conspiracy theorists keep on going on about Saville's crimes in this way and linking it to naked anti-semitism that the police and the BBC etc could use the excuse of it all being rumours and exaggerations by conspiracy theorists as an excuse to not investigate it at all and end up with the paedos ending up getting away with it and the victims not getting closure.
tbh, most people simply ignore Icke-type lunacy. There are real accusations from real people to be investigated - lots of them. Nobody's going to be able to dismiss them.
tbh, most people simply ignore Icke-type lunacy. There are real accusations from real people to be investigated - lots of them. Nobody's going to be able to dismiss them.

Yeah I know, but let's say that there was an elite paedo ring involving members of the government, well-loved bbc presenters etc, and a handful of people were alleging this outside of Icke type websites. Because of the conspirascum they could simply turn around and say that it is not worth investigating, and the victims would be discredited and during the trial they could be tainted by association with the lunatics.
I'm sorry to keep going on about this but is it not the case that if these conspiracy theorists keep on going on about Saville's crimes in this way, making up bullshit (or using genuine abuse to further their sick ideas) and linking it to naked anti-semitism that the police and the BBC etc could use the excuse of it all being rumours and exaggerations by conspiracy theorists as an excuse to not investigate it at all and end up with the paedos ending up getting away with it and the victims not getting closure.
This is why so few children who are abused come forward, they think no-one will believe them.

I have no idea if this guy is telling the truth or not, I read his article and felt in the current climate it was very relevant. If it is true it is likely to be a tail that could be told by many more, lets hope they come forward.

Judging this guy is pointless, hopefully the truth will come out.

edit to add, I came across this article from the website order-order reading about the chief-whip, I'd have linked to the express if it had come up in my original search :)
Yeah I know, but let's say that there was an elite paedo ring involving members of the government, well-loved bbc presenters etc, and a handful of people were alleging this outside of Icke type websites. Because of the conspirascum they could simply turn around and say that it is not worth investigating, and the victims would be discredited and during the trial they could be tainted by association with the lunatics.

I'm not sure that would happen. It depends who the handful of people outside consipracircles were. If a story has already gone mainstream, if there is already pressure for an inquiry, then I dont think conspiracy theories can discredit the genie back into the bottle. Its at earlier stages of a submerged story trying to rise up that conspiraloonery could be used to keep it off the spectrum of 'respectable/credible' debate.
Judging this guy is pointless, hopefully the truth will come out.
It's not entirely pointless to make a judgement about his reliability, though. In that article, he was talking himself up, and almost certainly stretching the truth to breaking point in order to do so. If there is some truth in there, he doesn't help himself by surrounding it by half-truths to make himself sound more impressive.
Maybe he was an extra in EEs. They don't get credited. Hell, I've been an extra. It isn't a total lie for me to say that I've appeared on screen in a professional role. At the very least, there is a great deal of exaggeration going on in that article.
ALternatively, maybe people on here are reading too much into his eastenders connection.

At the BBC I did many series and episodes of television programmes. A a young actor on East Enders, I was propositioned by another adult actor
He doesn't actually say that he was a regular East Enders character, just that he was a young actor on East Enders when he was propositioned by another adult actor.

I doubt that the internet is particularly good at listing all the credits for child actors from 80s tv series who never made it to being particularly famous later on.

It's not like the guy has no acting credits to his name later on.

btw, I think this is an interesting exhibition of the reasons that people might not want to go public about any of this, as they fear having their lives picked apart and being labelled as a fraud just because their entire life history doesn't appear on the front page of google, despite the parts being investigated being from the pre-internet era.
ALternatively, maybe people on here are reading too much into his eastenders connection.

He doesn't actually say that he was a regular East Enders character, just that he was a young actor on East Enders when he was propositioned by another adult actor.

I doubt that the internet is particularly good at listing all the credits for child actors from 80s tv series who never made it to being particularly famous later on.

It's not like the guy has no acting credits to his name later on.

btw, I think this is an interesting exhibition of the reasons that people might not want to go public about any of this, as they fear having their lives picked apart and being labelled as a fraud just because their entire life history doesn't appear on the front page of google, despite the parts being investigated being from the pre-internet era.
for some people it will appear on the front page of google.
It's not entirely pointless to make a judgement about his reliability, though. In that article, he was talking himself up, and almost certainly stretching the truth to breaking point in order to do so. If there is some truth in there, he doesn't help himself by surrounding it by half-truths to make himself sound more impressive.

It's not him making the anti-semitic comments etc to be fair. Perhaps he posted it up on there or was approached by them not knowing what kind of website it was?

How do we know that's his real name?
ALternatively, maybe people on here are reading too much into his eastenders connection.

He doesn't actually say that he was a regular East Enders character, just that he was a young actor on East Enders when he was propositioned by another adult actor.

I doubt that the internet is particularly good at listing all the credits for child actors from 80s tv series who never made it to being particularly famous later on.

It's not like the guy has no acting credits to his name later on.

btw, I think this is an interesting exhibition of the reasons that people might not want to go public about any of this, as they fear having their lives picked apart and being labelled as a fraud just because their entire life history doesn't appear on the front page of google, despite the parts being investigated being from the pre-internet era.
If this story hadn't been linked from the site it was................................
I'm not sure that would happen. It depends who the handful of people outside consipracircles were. If a story has already gone mainstream, if there is already pressure for an inquiry, then I dont think conspiracy theories can discredit the genie back into the bottle. Its at earlier stages of a submerged story trying to rise up that conspiraloonery could be used to keep it off the spectrum of 'respectable/credible' debate.

But there's also the fact that credible allegations are being mixed with all sorts of other mental shit. And it's not like racism etc doesn't have an impact on whether something is investigated and looked into properly - look at the rochdale thing for example.
It's not like the guy has no acting credits to his name later on.

He has three. Two of which are un-rated productions he directed himself. I know loads of people who have starred in their own films. They're known as students. The other is another barely-rated film, perhaps filmed by another student.

Surely the big sting he did for The Cook Report would get a mention? Zilch. Nothing.
have you thought about a career change to being a fortune cookie cryptic message writer?
it's not cryptick at all. it's widely known that google personalises the results it returns, so that what you see returned on the first page for a search for ben fellows won't be the same results i see.
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