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The Reform UK Party (latest nigel farage vehicle) is it to be laughed at or not

If some person decided to give Reform UK an obscene amount of money for their campaign that would change things wouldn't it, i don't think it's at all likely but that one thing would change the predictions significantly imo.
If some person decided to give Reform UK an obscene amount of money for their campaign that would change things wouldn't it, i don't think it's at all likely but that one thing would change the predictions significantly imo.
Don't see why, they'd just piss it away, spaff it up the wall if you will
Show your workings, bimble:
are you saying that if some mega-rich media jerk (like Musk, frex) were to toss millions into Farridge's campaign they might win over all the disillusioned Tory Brexiter voters?
Show us who you mean. I don't reckon the sponsors are queuing up right now. And at least some of those Tory Brexiters are examining their fingernails.
Show your workings, bimble:
are you saying that if some mega-rich media jerk (like Musk, frex) were to toss millions into Farridge's campaign they might win over all the disillusioned Tory Brexiter voters?
Show us who you mean. I don't reckon the sponsors are queuing up right now. And at least some of those Tory Brexiters are examining their fingernails.
Yep basically, in the imaginary scenario where they had giant a pile of money and a slick campaign i think they'd probably be able to win over a good chunk of the people who voted leave and are very unimpressed by the actual brexit we have been enjoying so far.
(and that's the majority of leave voters, who now say they think it's gone either badly or very badly).

Farage is offering them the option of blaming betrayal by the deep state / a secret remainer plot, to explain why the sunlit uplands they voted for have not materialised. and why there's still immigration even though we 'took back control'. That's got to be attractive because what's the alternative, admitting it was a bit of a rubbish idea in the first place? nobody wants to do that.
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Is Brexit Clown#498772, Ben Habib, a member of the Reform Party? Given he was gobbing off about welfare about Question Time
Farage is the most important british politician of the 21st century though surely by now Farages time is fucking up
Will there be make britain great again hats? probably.

I'd favour something like this

just an accident probably but a bit uncanny the resemblance still, with the design skills of the 1970s national front.

Eoq1JXJWMAQVLVi.jpg Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 08.22.11.png
apart from the capital punishment bit, its basically what we already have in the existing government though isn't it.
The Frog Lord just won't accept his time out of the lime light is over will he? Other than contributing to the costs of the election by losing their deposits I can't see them achieving much. They will probably get more votes than the other comedy candidates like the Socialist Workers, The Loonies and the odd deranged god botherer but I can't see them taking enough votes off either Labour or Tory to make any difference to any outcome.
They might possibly put the wind up the odd Tory candidate (which I'm undecided is a good or a bad thing) and make them a bit more frothy but that is going to be it.
The Frog Lord just won't accept his time out of the lime light is over will he? Other than contributing to the costs of the election by losing their deposits I can't see them achieving much. They will probably get more votes than the other comedy candidates like the Socialist Workers, The Loonies and the odd deranged god botherer but I can't see them taking enough votes off either Labour or Tory to make any difference to any outcome.
They might possibly put the wind up the odd Tory candidate (which I'm undecided is a good or a bad thing) and make them a bit more frothy but that is going to be it.
When was the last time the Socialist Workers stood in an election?
just an accident probably but a bit uncanny the resemblance still, with the design skills of the 1970s national front.

Yeah, only so much you can do with Union Jack’s, I suppose.

apart from the capital punishment bit, its basically what we already have in the existing government though isn't it.

No, not by a long shot.
“Make Britain Great Again” gave me a giggle, though.
No, not by a long shot.
“Make Britain Great Again” gave me a giggle, though.
1970s National Front poster:

Stop immigration
No to the Common Market
Scrap Overseas Aid

its not a bad match for the current state of our gov is it (the overseas aid bit you might not read much about but is very much happening)
1970s National Front poster:

Stop immigration
No to the Common Market
Scrap Overseas Aid

its not a bad match for the current state of our gov is it (the overseas aid bit you might not read much about but is very much happening)

It’s a very bad match.
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