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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

Survivors of the Rwandan genocide were moved for the day from a hostel they're staying in so that Patel could inspect it.

They returned to Hope House after the British officials had gone.

“This is why we think everything is not done in good faith,” one resident told the Observer.

The residents are also concerned about what will happen to them.

[They] . . . have been told they will be rehoused to make room for the asylum seekers sent from Britain. They expressed concerns about their future. “Often, residents who leave the hotel come back after failing to get jobs. It is hard outside here when you don’t have a job,” one told the Observer last week. A second worried that pledges to find them alternative homes would not be fulfilled. “The government is saying it will rent us somewhere else but we don’t believe it,” he said. “They are telling us to go but they haven’t given us money. Remember, some of these survivors lost entire family. Where do they want us to go?”

The residents asked not to be named for fear of reprisals.

Rwanda genocide survivors moved out of hostel so Priti Patel could inspect it
More on the effects on asylum seekers, knowing they may be sent to Rwanda:

This charity are bringing legal action against the government:

Crowdfunder here:

She weighs in again, playing that dead Jubilee cat thing for all it's worth...

I wonder if these oh-so-patriotic bastards have ever stopped to think that their relentless attempts to use stuff like the Jubilee as just-another-dead-cat actually undermine the very thing they are trying to use to deflect attention. Actually, stupid question - they don't give a shit. Anything is grist to the mill when it comes to insulating Johnson from the consequences of his own actions.
From the immigration act:

2)Without prejudice to subsection (1) above a person knowingly harbouring anyone whom he knows or has reasonable cause for believing to be either an illegal entrant or a person who has committed an offence under section 24(1)(b) or (c) above, shall be guilty of an offence, punishable on summary conviction with a fine of not more than £400 or with imprisonment for not more than six months, or with both.

And then we see this outrage…some old biddy “harbouring” am undocumented, unaccompanied child migrate for tea..


I trust Ms Patel will Ship ‘em both off to Kigali, I say.

She is distilled evil. Doesn't give a fuck, let alone have any real empathy or any form of geopolitical awareness.

We need a trial. One day. Please one day.
Patel announced last week that the first deportation flight to Rwanda would leave on 14 June. Lawyers believe the flight may be delayed because of legal challenges.
I really hope it doesn't go through.
This is what Amnesty International say about human rights in Rwanda (as of 2021). It's definitely not somewhere this gov should be sending asylum seekers.

Rwanda Archives

And this is Amnesty UK's statement on Patel's plan:

UK: Government plan to send people seeking asylum to Rwanda is 'shockingly ill-conceived'
Bad as all this is, what I think is worse is that we are heading into a spiral of feeding the fantasies of racist, genocidal idiots, who, emboldened, will want more and more. It's starting to feel like 1930s Germany must have been. Perhaps, once they've got the annoying leftie lawyers out of the way, and brought those recalcitrant sailors into line, they'll not just push back refugee boats, but machine gun them. Sending people to a hole like Rwanda doesn't feel much far short of that :(
Bad as all this is, what I think is worse is that we are heading into a spiral of feeding the fantasies of racist, genocidal idiots, who, emboldened, will want more and more. It's starting to feel like 1930s Germany must have been. Perhaps, once they've got the annoying leftie lawyers out of the way, and brought those recalcitrant sailors into line, they'll not just push back refugee boats, but machine gun them. Sending people to a hole like Rwanda doesn't feel much far short of that :(
Yeah, it's scary it's got this far, and what other laws have been pushed through without a huge backlash. However, I'm not sure Rwanda is a hole, but that there are a lot of traumatised people there, and that human rights are a major issue. But yeah, however things turn out, the way things seem to be going backwards/rightwards is very worrying. imo.
Yeah, it's scary it's got this far, and what other laws have been pushed through without a huge backlash. However, I'm not sure Rwanda is a hole, but that there are a lot of traumatised people there, and that human rights are a major issue. But yeah, however things turn out, the way things seem to be going backwards/rightwards is very worrying. imo.
The word you're looking for is shitwards
I despair at the lack of humanity.

If this goes ahead (the deportations to Rwanda) then it isn't done in my name or with any consent of mine. I consider it an Illegal breach of human rights. A dereliction of the duty that we allow our government.

This is a crime.

This is breaking morals that most decent folk have.
Mildly surprised tbh when it comes to getting her legal i's dotted and t's crossed, Priti is the Queen of corner cutting. I was certainly expecting at least the first two or three to not happen because Priti couldn't be arsed to get the legislation implemented properly.
I despair at the lack of humanity.

If this goes ahead (the deportations to Rwanda) then it isn't done in my name or with any consent of mine. I consider it an Illegal breach of human rights. A dereliction of the duty that we allow our government.

This is a crime.

This is breaking morals that most decent folk have.

Can we just wait for senior civil servant Hue Bray's offical report on this matter (provisionally due early 2024) before we assign blame? Prince Sausage Fingers didn't get the memo, he's already called the policy "appalling"
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