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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

This is just dog whistling, At the end of the day nothing changes the fact that the Channel simply isn't very wide and the French plod, coastguard, local politicians etc have little real interest in stopping them from trying no matter what the politicians in Paris might say.
Once they're halfway across then they are in British waters and Britain then has to deal with them. The only way to stop them is tip the boats over and machine gun them in the water. Whilst there are no doubt a few nutjobs advocating doing this, it's not going to happen. Most people in this country don't want to let them in but draw the line long before we get to murdering them. There are places in the world where Joe Public are up for being completely ruthless but this isn't one of them.

Thank god we aren't ruthless and have very good British Values making us better than these "other places in the world" you mention.
Helen Whately is a piece of shit. Don’t be fooled by the faux reasonableness, she is a fucking piece of shit.
However Patel is one of the wellsprings of all shit ever.
What is she going to do, get out there on the waves with her Home Secretary jacket on (which incidentally fits her like a new year seven kid wearing a blazer their parents hope they will grow into) and repel the invading force with a boathook?
Fucking evil nasty vile bullying shameless piece of shit.
Thank god we aren't ruthless and have very good British Values making us better than these "other places in the world" you mention.
When the Thai Navy forced the Burmese boat people to stay at sea until they died of starvation there was plenty of demands from the rest of the world for it to stop but not in Thailand (where it would matter). Same for the Greek Coastguard now pushing boats back into Turkish territory, the Greek people broadly seem to be supportive of this. Certainly there is huge popular support for simply shooting dead migrants at the US-Mexico border and even some actual shooting.
I don't think the sight of the odd dead refugee washing up on the UK shoreline will affect public support for strong anti-migration policies but I suspect that the public in this country would rebel against outright killing to keep people out (as opposed to not rescuing them resulting in their deaths)
Does this make us better than them? You tell me. Perhaps I'm wrong and the public (or enough of it) would support actual murder but I don't think so.
Can you imagine what that would be like??? :eek:

The most depressing thing is that what might have seemed unthinkable 5 or 10 years ago isn't quite so far-fetched any more...

aye sadly it could happen never know who people will vote for if they let Boris in at least he to much of an egomanic shagger to be to evil

always have people like Patel hanging in the wings waiting to take over

I;m guessing her rwanda holding cell stuff has not gone anywhere yet

surprised she not talking about turning the isle of white into a Detention center yet
It just dog whilsing to the worst of the tory party more of her trying to do a really bad impression of iron lady maggie

she is hoping it will lead to being the PM
So blatant that it's more like cattle-prod, than dog-whistle politics. And it does a number of things as well...there's the Crosby distraction effect and Overton window shifting.
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The most depressing thing is that what might have seemed unthinkable 5 or 10 years ago isn't quite so far-fetched any more...

Frank Skinner on Absolute Radio circa 2014, "Can you imagine it, with Trump in the White House and Johnson in number 10, Kim Jong-un looks like a safe pair of hands. With a decent haircut."

Oh how we all laughed :(
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No doubt Priti Patel has consulted the Weathermen and is therefore confident of rough conditions in the Channel for the forseeable future.A few more days of eight hundred or so arrivals would make her look even more ridiculous than she does now.
there's the Crosby distraction effect

I'm pretty convinced that that's literally all this announcement is. They know it's mad enough never to work and never to happen. However, they've announced a manifesto breaking tax rise, rushed through a successful vote on it in the Commons, and then immediately afterwards sent Priti out to say something completely bonkers in order to clear their manifesto breaking out of the news. There will be a new story along for in time for the weekend too I should imagine.
Kevin Mills, from the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: "You couldn't do it with anything bigger than the boat they are in because it would swamp them... what I wouldn't want to see is any of our members in the box facing manslaughter charges".
This is identical to the Israel shit that she resigned from last time, so I assume she will say that she's already resigned for this crap and just carry on.

The stand out part from that Mirror story is just how fucking cheap UK ministers can be bought for:

The tycoon, worth around £1.2billion, donated between £5-£6,000 to Philip Hammond when the former Chancellor was his local MP.
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