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The New Tories - Ruthlessly Incompetent. Post Examples of Tory Stupidity Here

Presume there were other candidates last time this seat was fought given the vote share changes? Maybe posh southern Tories don’t like the inconvenience of Brexit or the ‘loose morals’ of certain government members (sort of shit the blue rinse lot care about).
I think it's mostly that they dont like Alexander Johnson around here. I work in houses all around the area , from the smaller houses and flats to the mansions of the super rich and everyone I meet thinks he is a wanker.

It's the blue wall crumbling
For all the talk of how the conservatives are the true representatives of the white working class and the red wall they push they have very much ignored or been unconcerned of how much they alienate the floppy middle class comfortable people they rely on with Boris and his cabinet of caligari Muppets
Presume there were other candidates last time this seat was fought given the vote share changes? Maybe posh southern Tories don’t like the inconvenience of Brexit or the ‘loose morals’ of certain government members (sort of shit the blue rinse lot care about).
Yes, presumably this was a remain seat ?

Good fucking luck, it ain't happening

Definitely a "be careful what you wish for" policy. Many schools (probably all) have some kind of ban on mobile use in school, but there are so many exceptions and reasons why kids may need to have their mobile phones available that the thing becomes unenforceable. I've worked in schools where they've tried to enforce it via bag searches and the like, with the result that schools start to look (and feel) like something out of East Germany, and all the consequences that go with that.

It's just another bit of populist crowdpleasing that will prove ineffective, and at the same time bring up all kinds of power and control issues that can only interfere with the process of education. Schools need to be moving away from power and control, not inventing, or having to implement, stupid ideas that just ramp that shit up.
Most schools already have something in place I'm sure, but it's very much akin to Canute trying to hold back the tide* and the kids are just going to carry on

*Yes I know he was actually trying to prove he was powerless compared to God
Thick cunt Bridgen twisting the irony dials to beyond 11...

What a fucking clown. I don't hope his words come back to haunt him, because that would imply much more suffering...but if that suffering comes to pass, I hope he - and the rest of the passengers in the clown car - are fucking well hung out to dry for their hubris.

Of course, they won't be. With a pliant press, and an enfeebled national broadcaster, they will be able to get away with anything.
Sounds like Postie's been. :D

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Thick cunt.
Nah, it’s an evidence-based assumption. Given everyone he’s surrounded by in the Tory party and their associates would only do something if there was some financial benefit for themselves, it’s not strange that he would assume other people or organisations would behave the same.
Nah, it’s an evidence-based assumption. Given everyone he’s surrounded by in the Tory party and their associates would only do something if there was some financial benefit for themselves, it’s not strange that he would assume other people or organisations would behave the same.
The line from Tory HQ as to whether Priti Patel supports anti-racism measures seems to be to avoid the question by saying she's been the victim of racism herself. I've heard at least two MPs use that approach when asked about the concept of taking the knee.
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