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The guy who ranted at the Jewish kids on the tube the other day

David Clapson

Well-Known Member
This guy Arrest over anti-Semitic abuse on Tube. What was he on about? Was he really quoting from the Bible? Are there any Christian churches which endorse his views? I really want to know where prejudice against Jews comes from. I've always been under the impression that the Bible is pro-Jewish. Not that I'm an expert, as you may have guessed.
I've always been under the impression that the Bible is pro-Jewish. Not that I'm an expert, as you may have guessed.

I'm no expert either. But it's pro-Jewish in the sense that it tells that Jesus, his family, the town where he grew up, the customs under which he was raised, the areas he mostly traveled in, the prophecies and missions he was on, and his disciples were all Jewish. And you'll find quotes like 'I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel'.

Likely much of the stuff that could be selectively quoted as being anti-Jewish will be for much the same reasons - when he criticises the status quo and how people should change, he will often be criticising his own people, who were Jewish.

Chuck in the mishmash nature of the bible, translation issues, other peoples and states prejudices, and the rather dramatic way the bible approaches many issues and teases harsh stances, only for Jesus to actually help the non-Jewish people who showed faith anyway, and the manner of his death, and we have quite the recipe for selectively quoting out of context to support a wide array of often contradictory stances.

A rusty can of worms if ever there was one, carrying the risk of botulism.
Chuck in the mishmash nature of the bible, translation issues, other peoples and states prejudices, and the rather dramatic way the bible approaches many issues and teases harsh stances, only for Jesus to actually help the non-Jewish people who showed faith anyway, and the manner of his death, and we have quite the recipe for selectively quoting out of context to support a wide array of often contradictory stances.
Well he did rather mess the canaanite woman around - mentally tortured her almost and abused her (and other non jewish people) as a dog before reluctantly healing her daughter.
Well he did rather mess the canaanite woman around - mentally tortured her almost and abused her (and other non jewish people) as a dog before reluctantly healing her daughter.

Yeah, I think the bible mishmash & timescale plays into this. Probably the original intention was that Jesus was only interested in saving the Jews, with limited begrudging exceptions that were just there to make some other point, and then this got broadened later when the needs of Christianity and the people that used it expanded.
They killed Jesus, innit.

Pilate: "Do you want me to set Jesus free?"
Jewish Crowd: "No, mate, give us someone really bad instead. Who is the worst you've got?"
Pilate: " Barabas?"
Jewish Crowd: "Yeah, him. Set him free, and kill Jesus. Slowly".
Pilate: "You're sure now?"
Jewish Crowd: "Yeah. Fuck him. The cunt."
They don't seem to be anti-semitic. Not according to the wiki page. Tho I can see how they'd disagree with mainstream followers of Judaism.
They are 100% anti-semitic and i don't see how a worldview that starts from the position that jewish people are collective perpetrators of a millenia old racist conspiracy to usurp black people can be anything but. I mean you saw that prat, that's what they are about. You saw the vid.
They killed Jesus, innit.

Pilate: "Do you want me to set Jesus free?"
Jewish Crowd: "No, mate, give us someone really bad instead. Who is the worst you've got?"
Pilate: " Barabas?"
Jewish Crowd: "Yeah, him. Set him free, and kill Jesus. Slowly".
Pilate: "You're sure now?"
Jewish Crowd: "Yeah. Fuck him. The cunt."

Jewish Crowd: "No, mate, give us someone really bad instead. Who is the worst you've got?"
Pilate: " David Icke in a turquoise tracksuit on Wogan?"
Jewish Crowd: "Well lets not rush into this, time for a rethink?".
They are 100% anti-semitic and i don't see how a worldview that starts from the position that jewish people are collective perpetrators of a millenia old racist conspiracy to usurp black people can be anything but. I mean you saw that prat, that's what they are about. You saw the vid.

I haven't found a vid in which I can hear what he's saying. But I'm beginning to understand how people who claim to be descended from the Israelites can also be anti-Semitic. It's puzzling. But you're quite right. They plan to carry on harassing people. I think I've seen them in Brixton. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/...continue-aggressive-street-preaching-1.488837
It really shocked me to discover how few Jews there actually are in the world. It's such a well-known religion (in the sense of "quick, name a religion" I reckon it would be up there with Christianity and Islam), plus there are so many well-known Jews in western culture, the fact that there are only around 14m worldwide was really surprising. Source: List of religious populations - Wikipedia
The guy's words can be heard in the original video here:

He's quoting from the book of Revelations, which says "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" and "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Synagogue of Satan - Wikipedia These phrases seem to be the basis for the belief that Jews are just pretending to be descended from Israelites. Apparently the Jews have stolen the heritage of the real Israelites, e.g. the guy on the tube. His ancestors were apparently sold into slavery by Jews and Muslims.

I'm fairly sure that the guy in the video is pictured sitting outside the Brixton Cultural Archives in the article from thejc.com I linked to above. He's in the second pic, first from the left.
I'm fairly sure that the guy in the video is pictured sitting outside the Brixton Cultural Archives in the article from thejc.com I linked to above. He's in the second pic, first from the left.

Not much of a likeness. But I might remember him if I see him preaching in Brixton.

Jewish Crowd: "No, mate, give us someone really bad instead. Who is the worst you've got?"
Pilate: " David Icke in a turquoise tracksuit on Wogan?"
Jewish Crowd: "Well lets not rush into this, time for a rethink?".
Fwee Fwodewick!
Obviously it was Corbyn blacked up:p in before Rachel Riley:rolleyes:.

But the black israelites are 100% moonbat
It appears to have gone very quiet regarding the man arrested on suspicion of committing a racially aggravated public order offence after reading passages of The Bible loudly on a Northern line train. The incident attracted national headlines. What happened next?


(Source: as stated in image)

The "vile anti-Semitic abuse" (according to the Daily Mail - similar descriptions also appeared elsewhere).
It appears to have gone very quiet regarding the man arrested on suspicion of committing a racially aggravated public order offence after reading passages of The Bible loudly on a Northern line train. The incident attracted national headlines. What happened next?


(Source: as stated in image)

The "vile anti-Semitic abuse" (according to the Daily Mail - similar descriptions also appeared elsewhere).

It appears to have gone very quiet regarding the man arrested on suspicion of committing a racially aggravated public order offence after reading passages of The Bible loudly on a Northern line train. The incident attracted national headlines. What happened next?


(Source: as stated in image)

The "vile anti-Semitic abuse" (according to the Daily Mail - similar descriptions also appeared elsewhere).


Reported born-again Christian, Isher Campbell of Dudley, has been charged with one public order offence and two counts of a racially aggravated public order offence over the filmed incident involving loudly reading from a Bible on 22 November 2019.

He has also been charged with a separate racially aggravated public order offence in connection to another incident on the Northern Line on 6 August 2019.

He has denied these offences:

London Underground: Man denies Northern Line anti-Semitic abuse
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