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The grand tory 'civil war' thread

wouldn't take much for the Tories to lose the vote, a wafer thing majority, I think it is protocol to accept the budget but in case I think protocol will be out the window.

conversely, while many tories are deeply unhappy with the budget, and might well be inclined to vote against, losing a budget vote is usually a precursor to a vote of no confidence, and whatever their misgivings about the George and Dave show, few fancy the political optics of a budget defeat and a confidence vote.

some of the headbanging loons perhaps, but even they have constituancies to answer to and take advice from..
none tbh i was being sarcastic
they might have lost one or two when i wasn't looking mind
I thought the sarcasm was directed at a majority of MP's saying they have confidence in a government that can't even get its budget passed(which is what would probably happen )
I can't remember whether this has been discussed on here yet.

Where is Osborne? I know it has been commented on in the press that he has been laying low .... buuuut: is he in a 5-day detox? Or: wouldn't it be delicious if the Tories themselves have no idea where he is?
In the commons Cameron spoke very warmly off the former DWP Minister that he called a dishonourable shit just 2 days ago.

"Dishonourable shit" is a compliment for these chaps, an example of the Nudge-Wink theory of political cuntery. Good job doing the dirty work, now fuck off!
I can't remember whether this has been discussed on here yet.

Where is Osborne? I know it has been commented on in the press that he has been laying low .... buuuut: is he in a 5-day detox?

Maybe that or possibly

- Consulting with overpaid PR wonks about a stupid new pose for photos

- Laughing himself silly at the thought of disabled people killing themselves.

- Consulting with cartel criminals about the £22,000,000,000 underselling of our RBS shares.
In the medium term I think the tories will handle their differences more proficiently than labour.

A lust to drive poor disabled people to penury and suicide can be a very unifying force.
conversely, while many tories are deeply unhappy with the budget, and might well be inclined to vote against, losing a budget vote is usually a precursor to a vote of no confidence, and whatever their misgivings about the George and Dave show, few fancy the political optics of a budget defeat and a confidence vote
Traditionally the budget vote was often viewed so, but since fixed term Parliament bill the gov could lose the budget vote and little would happen. Not that they will lose the vote anyway, whatever the animosities in the ranks they aren't going to throw out the budget.
David Cameron talking about honour made me realise once more how alien the concept is to all of them. Even the unity they previously displayed, that was total shutout tories in the same boat weilding the big cutting scissors. Their honour looks a lot different to mine.
David Cameron talking about honour made me realise once more how alien the concept is to all of them. Even the unity they previously displayed, that was total shutout tories in the same boat weilding the big cutting scissors. Their honour looks a lot different to mine.

It's like 'honour among thieves' isn't it? A sort of deliberate oxymoron used for dramatic effect.

Or maybe these people actually think they posess something resembling decency.
- Consulting with cartel criminals about the £22,000,000,000 underselling of our RBS shares.

I don't think the above figure has been bandied about enough. I only saw it via a link in Guardian comments, which for a while have been very daily mailish but even the Tory trolls seem to have given up, and came here to see if it was mentioned. Surely the Labour party should be using this kind of news more effectively, and anyone opposed to this government should be posting links on all their social media platforms. It is the kind of thing that might actually stick in people's minds come election time.

Osborne distracts Britain with his budget, then drops this utter bombshell | The Canary
ITV News are reporting only 10 M.P's were at the weekly meeting with J/C and John Mc, tbh, i'm gutted:, tonight should have been a really positive gathering, even a triumph, after Cameron was mauled at the dispatch box. But, J/C didn't do it, he went for his favourite issues, Syria, Refugees, etc and lost momentum, he didn't even mention Smith and his accusations, which would have been like poison to the Tories. He should have first gone for them first on Smith, then raised his criticisms of the Tories foreign policies, etc, but the latter are his obsessions.

Saddened tonight, just hope John tears a stip off Gideon tomorow
ITV News are reporting only 10 M.P's were at the weekly meeting with J/C and John Mc, tbh, i'm gutted:, tonight should have been a really positive gathering, even a triumph, after Cameron was mauled at the dispatch box. But, J/C didn't do it, he went for his favourite issues, Syria, Refugees, etc and lost momentum, he didn't even mention Smith and his accusations, which would have been like poison to the Tories. He should have first gone for them first on Smith, then raised his criticisms of the Tories foreign policies, etc, but the latter are his obsessions.

Saddened tonight, just hope John tears a stip off Gideon tomorow

I watched it. He complained PM had only given him half his statement in advance. Presumably the Refugee part. Which leads me to a couple of conclusions, firstly he can't think on his feet, but would rather depend on prepared speech's. Second he needs a new speech writer, he'd lost momentum even within the part about Syria.

Prior to this afternoon I'd say he was having a spectacularly good week 2 polls that help him and then a gold plated gift horse from IDS.... and he is left showing his feet of clay
Surely the Labour party should be using this kind of news more effectively, and anyone opposed to this government should be posting links on all their social media platforms.

I don't think the Labour party want to remind people that Brown spent 46bn to buy us all a bank we didn't want and it's now worth 22bn less than that. It's only costing 22bn if, at some indeterminate point in the future, it will be worth 46bn again. ie, the share price doubles. GO sold the last batch of RBS at 330p and they are now 235p so he did alright there...
I don't think the Labour party want to remind people that Brown spent 46bn to buy us all a bank we didn't want and it's now worth 22bn less than that. It's only costing 22bn if, at some indeterminate point in the future, it will be worth 46bn again. ie, the share price doubles. GO sold the last batch of RBS at 330p and they are now 235p so he did alright there...
the tory party are in a massive shambles because you all despise each other as much as you do humanity in general and only a shallow veneer of shared visciousness keeps you off each others throats for five seconds. And lets not talk about who flogs off the family silver eh? Your lot don't look good on that front. Your lot aren't just morally bankrupt- they are proven incompetents. Suck it up.
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