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The Dominic Cummings file

I do hope not but there are a few on Facebook who are still running with either the
"He was looking after his child"
"It's the media hounding the Tories"
or, my favourite
"It's revenge for Brexit"
I've engaged with a couple but then thought it's just not worth it. If traveling 60 miles with your child in your car to test your eyesight isn't going to convince them then nothing will!

I just ask them ‘if this was Jeremy Corbyn would you be sticking up for him like you’re sticking up for Cummings?’ Usually shuts them up.
They've only got four years to get over this and conceivably Cummings may have outlasted his use by then.
All true, and who knows how long the party will put up with Johnson?
But...there's been some talk on here about the 50% polling the vermin have racked up...looking like we see how that crumbles back to the norm now.
Cummings having enough dirt on Johnson to bury him forever is looking like the only plausible explanation here.
If you go back about 20 or 30 pages to last night you'll find me making this same argument.

Don’t normally go with that line, people were saying Max Clifford knee where the bodies were buried and so on. But really what other explanation can there be here?
Imagine if Cummings wins this.

He's lost this. That doesn't necessarily mean Johnson will sack him, because Johnson seems so stupid and so married to him that it's a possibility Cummings won't have to go. And part of me even welcomes that, because frankly it's fucking funny watching them all squirm like this and it can only do damage to keep him on. But contrast the Cummings we saw today with the Cummings of 48 hours ago, arrogantly lording it over the press in Islington when he was 100% confident his mate wasn't going to sack him.

Now it's possible that press conference today was 30 minutes late because they spent those 30 minutes drumming it into Cummings "Don't do cocksure, don't do cocksure." But that was one uncomfortable man, picking at his sleeves, looking over his shoulder, mumbling and stumbling over his words. And when he was asked about the possibility of resigning he spent quite a long time delivering words about how that was up to Johnson and out of his hands. He said that bit like he meant it, no longer the assured smirk of "I'm safe." That's definitely how it looked to me.

His personality has taken a big hit over the last 48 hours. Imagine being him tonight. He knows he didn't get away with the eyesight crap and a thousand internet memes are there to testify to it. The media are ripping his story apart. Sky news were openly taking the piss straight after he finished talking. Imagine being him tonight, knowing the world is ripping him apart. It's one thing not to court public favour, quite another to go to bed knowing you've been made to make an arse of yourself (because there was nobody left to take the flak on your behalf) and you are now the story in the most comedic and negative way, having made yourself look worthy of derision and being inadequate. Left to fight for yourself, and flailing around friendless, apart from your mate who is PM, and he's been massively weakened too in his own party and his cabinet you helped create.

I hope the cunt splashes around desperately for a bit longer before he drowns.
He's lost this. That doesn't necessarily mean Johnson will sack him, because Johnson seems so stupid and so married to him that it's a possibility Cummings won't have to go. And part of me even welcomes that, because frankly it's fucking funny watching them all squirm like this and it can only do damage to keep him on. But contrast the Cummings we saw today with the Cummings of 48 hours ago, arrogantly lording it over the press in Islington when he was 100% confident his mate wasn't going to sack him.

Now it's possible that press conference today was 30 minutes late because they spent those 30 minutes drumming it into Cummings "Don't do cocksure, don't do cocksure." But that was one uncomfortable man, picking at his sleeves, looking over his shoulder, mumbling and stumbling over his words. And when he was asked about the possibility of resigning he spent quite a long time delivering words about how that was up to Johnson and out of his hands. He said that bit like he meant it, no longer the assured smirk of "I'm safe." That's definitely how it looked to me.

His personality has taken a big hit over the last 48 hours. Imagine being him tonight. He knows he didn't get away with the eyesight crap and a thousand internet memes are there to testify to it. The media are ripping his story apart. Sky news were openly taking the piss straight after he finished talking. Imagine being him tonight, knowing the world is ripping him apart. It's one thing not to court publicfavour, quite another to go to bed knowing you've been made to make an arse of yourself (because there was nobody left to take the flak on your behalf) and you are now the story in the most comedic and negative way, having made yourself look worthy of derision and being inadequate. Left to fight for yourself, and flailing around friendless, apart from your mate who is PM, and he's been massively weakened too in his own party and his cabinet you helped create.

I hope the cunt splashes around desperately for a bit longer before he drowns.
I'll sup on that thin gruel of hope.
So this is how they are framing it on 'reasonable middle England conservative land'. I reckon now he has done just enough that he and Johnson get to fight another day, mores the pity.

The bottom line is that most of his foes want him out so that Boris Johnson can be weakened, the Conservatives damaged, the Government’s electoral chances set back and EU transition extended.
They shouldn’t succeed, but they could do. For if those poll numbers don’t move, we think that Cummings may walk. We have few illusions here about British politics. Or human nature.

Lol of course his foes a want him out to damage Johnson, the Tories, the govt, conservative election hopes etc.

That's simply stating the bleeding obvious.
Sorry I made it a rule recently never to converse here with someone who says 'us'. Carry on.

It’s of small beer in the general contexts, and each is free to make their own life choices, but it has to be said: that’s a really really weird rule.
Might be a weird rule, but the use of 'us' on forums is a pretty good heuristic of cuntitude.
The Heil is ripping into him. Yes I did wash my hands after reading, singing several choruses of happy birthday, but there's something grimly satisfying in the reading.
Cummings having enough dirt on Johnson to bury him forever is looking like the only plausible explanation here.


Lied to the Queen.

Illegally shut down parliament to avoid debate
Hides from reporters in fridges.

Refuses to go on TV debates.




String of record defeats in parliament

Sacked from numerous jobs for "character flaws"

Gave public money to a mistress

Has an unknown number of children that he won't talk about.

What on earth could Cummings have on him that tops what everyone already knows?

Let's not forget his predecessor-but-one was widely believed to have fucked a dead pig's head in the mouth... and stayed in office.

Lied to the Queen.

Illegally shut down parliament to avoid debate
Hides from reporters in fridges.

Refuses to go on TV debates.




String of record defeats in parliament

Sacked from numerous jobs for "character flaws"

Gave public money to a mistress

Has an unknown number of children that he won't talk about.

What on earth could Cummings have on him that tops what everyone already knows?

Let's not forget his predecessor-but-one was widely believed to have fucked a dead pig's head in the mouth... and stayed in office.
Helping organise a hit on that journalist is a mad one that i cant believe didnt even get mentioned during the election
And his foray into becoming an author, the Seventy Two Virgins book is so openly and repeatedly racist its jawdropping

...doesnt alter your point, just amazed every day that this cunt was elected and remains so popular
have we had this yet?

I kind of did a double take when he claimed that in the press conference tbh but it was lost in amongst the driving eye test stuff in my head... it just seems unlikely that a political adviser had come out with specific warnings about a pandemic last year without the assistance of a fucking crystal ball - I could believe it if one of the scientific/medical advisers said it, but Cummings claiming it sounded faintly ridiculous tbh.
You twat :D

Imagine it for all of us on the thread. Say something!
OK I appreciate the good grace of your reply so I may have been overly concerned there. There's some mad ones about, you know. :hmm:

Well...it's great for me, obviously, as a Scots indy supporter. The whole thing apart from the horrific death count and disdain for life and Animal Farmness of the nightmare we are all currently living in is terrible, but I'm only talking on scales that it is comfortable to comment on.

Cummings could win this. Boris has an 80 seat majority, they don't give a fuck about anything, they've cleared out anyone with balls. They've got major supporters with Kuensberg and the rest, they've got the money behind them...so it's really important that cummings goes.

I'm just not sure England is up to it.

It's the worst fucking people at the worst fucking time...what could go wrong? I want him to be wiped from influence, I'm not betting on it...I'm not betting against it. Things are fucked and show no signs of getting less so.
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