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The Dominic Cummings file

So this bit about his son going to hospital, why did he pick his son up from hospital the day after he told us he'd collapsed? He was symptomatic so he should have been self isolating. Where were these relatives that were supposedly the whole point of driving to Durham? Shouldn't they have picked his son up, because otherwise he's admitted walking into a children's hospital with likely coronavirus. Having travelled from London to the North East.

That's appalling isn't it?
Yep. He said there were no taxis and he didn't leave the car. So that's fine then!
Why did the let him do this??

Im guessing they thought it would draw a line under the media interest.

They guessed wrong, it’s backfired spectacularly.

Im more surprised they thought they could get away with this sort of caper.
I mean this is worse than 'I went to Salisbury to see the 300 year old spire'.
At least the Russians only killed one person
Oh I know, it's just why throw another provably false lie in the defence of a lie?
He's like one of them dickheads who hangs around at a corner table in a Hereford pub on their tod wearing a combat jacket, giving it full spectrum Sean Bean, all ‘when I was Scud-hunting in Iraq I saw a lovely birra raspberry jam’ and that :rolleyes:
At least the Russians only killed one person

He's like one of them dickheads who hangs around at a corner table in a Hereford pub on their tod wearing a combat jacket, giving it full spectrum Sean Bean, all ‘when I was Scud-hunting in Iraq I saw a lovely birra raspberry jam’ and that :rolleyes:

That's precisely his type
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Oh I know, it's just why throw another provably false lie in the defence of a lie?

If he made the changes to the blog once he returned from his Durham escapade he was probably doing it out of understanding his poor judgement has killed many and nearly the PM. He may felt he needed to reinforce his position as a visionary.

I’d be surprised if this was the first time he’s forged his brilliance. It also massively concerning he authorised the handover of our personal and sensitive medical data to the CIA funded and NSA contracted surveillance firm Palantir.
I did read somewhere that there's a dictator in some country who as soon as he heard of coronavirus buggered off to his bunker to hide and left the country in charge of expert virologists and similar. They immediately stopped people entering the country and (as I recall) started tracking and tracing and isolating people. As a result they've had hardly any cases. It's a bugger when you start wanting a cowardly dictator to be in charge :(
That's precisely his type
I once worked in a paper shop where we had two such types as regulars, each of whom was called Steve by some coincidence. Naturally both were immediately christened ‘Bullshit Steve’. One was your Jay-from-The-Inbetweeners type of fantasist, all ‘Cor I am so knackered after the weekend, I met up with this supermodel and she took me back to her penthouse apartment and then Elton John came round’ stuff, whilst the other was full-on Walt - would never come out and straight ahead claim he was in The Regiment That May Not Be Named, but went all round the houses to not mention it, IYSWIM. (He never really explained how it was that he was always hanging round our shop at the same time each day though - perhaps he was undercover.) Was very forthright in his self-regard for his martial arts prowess though :D
If he made the changes to the blog once he returned from his Durham escapade he was probably doing it out of understanding his poor judgement has killed many and nearly the PM. He may felt he needed to reinforce his position as a visionary.

The sort of visionary who doesn't understand caches and who has never heard of the Internet Archive. Perhaps he should rustle up some venture capital and get into business with those other leading Tory avatars of online entrepreneurial iconoclasm Shapps and Mensch :D
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