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The Dominic Cummings file

Curious little story from Faisal Islam developing about Cummings mention a blog he had written last year which had warned about the threat of covoid and the need for planning (that proved he was against herd immunity) . Said blog had very little to say on the matter but it did reference covoid re outbreak at a lab in Wuhan. Faisal asked on Twitter if anyone could point him to further blogs by Cummings that might have more to say on covoid and the need for planning, No luck but some very helpful chap using timemachine pointed out that Cummings scant reference on his blog to an incident at Wuhan had been added to the article somewhere between April and May this year whilst the original article had been written a year earlier.
I kind of did a double take when he claimed that in the press conference tbh but it was lost in amongst the driving eye test stuff in my head... it just seems unlikely that a political adviser had come out with specific warnings about a pandemic last year without the assistance of a fucking crystal ball - I could believe it if one of the scientific/medical advisers said it, but Cummings claiming it sounded faintly ridiculous tbh.
Every single bit of what he said today is going to be picked apart. Every single bit.
Curious little story from Faisal Islam developing about Cummings mention a blog he had written last year which had warned about the threat of covoid and the need for planning (that proved he was against herd immunity) . Said blog had very little to say on the matter but it did reference covoid re outbreak at a lab in Wuhan. Faisal asked on Twitter if anyone could point him to further blogs by Cummings that might have more to say on covoid and the need for planning, No luck but some very helpful chap using timemachine pointed out that Cummings scant reference on his blog to an incident at Wuhan had been added to the article somewhere between April and May this year whilst the original article had been written a year earlier.

Link here:

Curious little story from Faisal Islam developing about Cummings mention a blog he had written last year which had warned about the threat of covoid and the need for planning (that proved he was against herd immunity) . Said blog had very little to say on the matter but it did reference covoid re outbreak at a lab in Wuhan. Faisal asked on Twitter if anyone could point him to further blogs by Cummings that might have more to say on covoid and the need for planning, No luck but some very helpful chap using timemachine pointed out that Cummings scant reference on his blog to an incident at Wuhan had been added to the article somewhere between April and May this year whilst the original article had been written a year earlier.

was that the same blog that featured another now sacked goverment aid who want to force birth control on the poor to stop the growth of a worthless underclass

He's lost this. That doesn't necessarily mean Johnson will sack him, because Johnson seems so stupid and so married to him that it's a possibility Cummings won't have to go. And part of me even welcomes that, because frankly it's fucking funny watching them all squirm like this and it can only do damage to keep him on. But contrast the Cummings we saw today with the Cummings of 48 hours ago, arrogantly lording it over the press in Islington when he was 100% confident his mate wasn't going to sack him.

Now it's possible that press conference today was 30 minutes late because they spent those 30 minutes drumming it into Cummings "Don't do cocksure, don't do cocksure." But that was one uncomfortable man, picking at his sleeves, looking over his shoulder, mumbling and stumbling over his words. And when he was asked about the possibility of resigning he spent quite a long time delivering words about how that was up to Johnson and out of his hands. He said that bit like he meant it, no longer the assured smirk of "I'm safe." That's definitely how it looked to me.

His personality has taken a big hit over the last 48 hours. Imagine being him tonight. He knows he didn't get away with the eyesight crap and a thousand internet memes are there to testify to it. The media are ripping his story apart. Sky news were openly taking the piss straight after he finished talking. Imagine being him tonight, knowing the world is ripping him apart. It's one thing not to court public favour, quite another to go to bed knowing you've been made to make an arse of yourself (because there was nobody left to take the flak on your behalf) and you are now the story in the most comedic and negative way, having made yourself look worthy of derision and being inadequate. Left to fight for yourself, and flailing around friendless, apart from your mate who is PM, and he's been massively weakened too in his own party and his cabinet you helped create.

I hope the cunt splashes around desperately for a bit longer before he drowns.
It's kinda the only thing that cheered me at all this month; the thought that Johnson and Cummings might soon wish they had died of covid when they’d caught it, and the thought of them knowing that for the foreseeable future so many people of this country wishing both of them had died of it.
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