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The Dominic Cummings file

The sort of visionary who doesn't understand caches and who has never heard of the Internet Archive. Perhaps he should rustle up some venture capital and get into business with those other leading Tory avatars of online entrepreneurial iconoclasm Shapps and Mensch :D

This is not the first time he’s been exposed by scamps poking around the Wayback Machine: Dominic Cummings' think tank called for 'end of BBC it its current form' and creation of Fox News equivalent in UK
He doesn't. He is damaged. Johnson is damaged. The whole government is damaged. How damaged? is the only question.
I suspect tory backbenchers will fall into line. In fact few of them even stepped out of line over this. Relatively little changes in terms of substantive policy outcomes/class war. Might just make the media a little less craven.
If Jesus could handle crucifixion and rise above it I'm sure out bishops can shake off some unpleasantness on twatter, in a very real sense. Plus they are very forgiving.

I'm sure they can but it's toxic nevertheless. Cummings has played some role in creating the climate in which it happens, given that a lot of his political strategy is based on exploiting/stoking up a culture war against an amorphous 'elite,' which effectively consists of anyone getting in the way. Aggressive use of social media has been part of that. Hence the vile treatment handed out to journalists - female journalists, especially - who asked questions about the Cambridge Analytica business, among other things. I'm not suggesting he's directly responsible for it, but some of his allies seem to have been. That is partly what makes Tom Harwood and Darren Grimes' whining about how he's being treated by 'the media' so hypocritical.

That said, the internet has always been a space in which people engage typing fingers before operating brain and social media has only accentuated that, and it isn't necessarily political either. Of all the trivial examples, when Edd China left the car show Wheeler Dealers a few years ago he ended up having to issue a statement to try and stop people sending threats and abuse to his erstwhile co-presenter and his family. The internet in general makes it very easy for angry people to type nonsense without thinking and the spread of social media has accelerated that, especially in the heated political climate of the last few years. Cummings has been pretty adept at exploiting that when it's suited him.
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One thing that particularly bugged me, was the excuse for leaving London due to being worried about security at their home -

People came to my house shouting threats. There were posts on social media, encouraging attacks. There were many media reports on TV showing pictures of my house.

I was also worried that given the severity of this emergency, this situation would get worse. And I was worried about the possibility of leaving my wife and child at home all day and off into the night while I worked in No.10. I thought the best thing to do in all the circumstances was to drive to an isolated cottage on my father's farm.

It didn't make sense to me, if there had been protesters outside his home at the end of March, considering it was at the start of lockdown, why wasn't it reported by the media, why didn't he report these people to the police, or ask for police protection? It's item 2 on the list of 9 unanswered questions the Mirror has come up with, link below, and they report the Met saying they had no reports for incidents at his home. :hmm:

He seems to have slipped that in, because of the images in people's minds of the protesters in the last couple of days, thinking people would accept these protesters were there 2 months ago.

The more I think of the whole pantomime, it feels like he/they took all the provable pieces of information in the public domain, and reversed engineered a story to make excuses for each element.

One thing that particularly bugged me, was the excuse for leaving London due to being worried about security at their home -

It didn't make sense to me, if there had been protesters outside his home at the end of March, considering it was at the start of lockdown, why wasn't it reported by the media, why didn't he report these people to the police, or ask for police protection? It's item 2 on the list of 9 unanswered questions the Mirror has come up with, link below, and they report the Met saying they had no reports for incidents at his home. :hmm:

He seems to have slipped that in, because of the images in people's minds of the protesters in the last couple of days, thinking people would accept these protesters were there 2 months ago.

The more I think of the whole pantomime, it feels like he/they took all the provable pieces of information in the public domain, and reversed engineered a story to make excuses for each element.

It's included to set him up as a victim. The horrible media and people picking on his family even before he didn't do anything wrong.
Professor Robert West, who sits on the advisory group on behavioural science for Sage, is not happy, and not mincing his words.

In reference to Cummings’ account of why he drove hundreds of miles to Durham during lockdown, West said: “There are so many holes in his narrative that only the most desperate people who want to believe him could do so. Not least is the idea that someone who is not an idiot would drive for 30 miles (coincidentally to a tourist attraction) with his wife and child in the car to check that he was safe to drive.”

“It may sound odd but I really wanted him to find a credible and honourable way out of this mess,” said West. “But the whole thing is playing out like a Greek tragedy with the protagonists trapped by their own proclivities to self-destruct - in his case by his hubris and inability to say sorry.”

Plenty more like that in the full article -

hehe yes I wondered that
Taken by wife/friend at the property to try to add to the sympathy vote of the house under siege narrative so had to flee to Durham. Prepped on the journey back from the Rose Garden. "Dom , Dom , no smirking now whilst I get the shot" + exclusive so got to be worth a few bob , maybe. Or drone or pushy pap.....
Gove on BBC News is waffling on about the security threats to Cummings at the time, despite the Mirror reporting the Met saying they had no reports for incidents at his home.

See post #3201 above.
I don't think he'll survive now,? He's in a weird position, this won't go away and he'll probably have to move house. It's becoming such a boring story as well .
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