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Dominic Raab’s time is up

Maybe it's old age playing tricks, but am sure there was a time when shit politicians resigned and shut the hell up, rather than do the interview rounds complaining.

He's not remotely sorry, he just seems angry.

He's a child, unable to accept consequences. They all are, these modern tories. Even Sunak, supposedly the adult in the room, recently responded to questions about his party's abysmal record in government by calling the leader of the opposition, 'sir softy' which is not even a child's response, it's the response of a child from a 1970's comic. It's the response of someone so dim and so stunted in their emotional development that they can't even be childish properly.
He's a child, unable to accept consequences. They all are, these modern tories. Even Sunak, supposedly the adult in the room, recently responded to questions about his party's abysmal record in government by calling the leader of the opposition, 'sir softy' which is not even a child's response, it's the response of a child from a 1970's comic. It's the response of someone so dim and so stunted in their emotional development that they can't even be childish properly.

That was a Sun headline, he nicked it from that

Raab is a silly cunt and will probably angle for GB News style media jobs. It looks like he gets high by sniffing his own armpits.

High self-belief, low ability, low empathy and high anger levels sees him on the toddler rampage. I hope he bursts a blood vessel.

Silly cunt.
That was a Sun headline, he nicked it from that

I wouldn't call that a point in Sunak's defence. The fact that he couldn't even summon up a laughably anachronistic playground jibe of his own and had to borrow one from a newspaper for the functionally illiterate.
I could maybe understand there could potentially be some wiggle room for him if the accusations were only coming from one department. But it was across every department he'd worked at. That kind of makes it undeniable Dom.
I could maybe understand there could potentially be some wiggle room for him if the accusations were only coming from one department. But it was across every department he'd worked at. That kind of makes it undeniable Dom.

I think the reason he's such a vile person is that he doesn't get that the other people in the room are actually humans with feelings and agency. They're just little lego men for him to line up around his cardboard box fort.

So maybe he genuinely doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Which is not a defence of him at all, in fact it makes his behaviour quite a lot more worrying if anything.
On popular media there are not many like James O’Brien who will be consistently anti Tory day after day.
I don’t know what he stands for, but find myself agreeing with what he stands against.
Which person regularly on the wireless is a better listen in terms of being anti Tory?

There are one or two other LBC presenters who are pretty consistently anti-tory. Nick Abbot, Sangeeta Myska, (and of course) David Lammy spring to mind.
On popular media there are not many like James O’Brien who will be consistently anti Tory day after day.
I don’t know what he stands for, but find myself agreeing with what he stands against.
Which person regularly on the wireless is a better listen in terms of being anti Tory?

Him and Nick Abbot are the best presenters on LBC.
I’m not sure they are rewarded so much as simply on the take. They take, obviously, and without shame. Most people don’t. And most people don’t stop others doing it because if it’s not your own operating framework, you’re not primed to react to it happening. If you are minded to take, you’ll be able to take a lot - potentially for a long time, even to the extent of never being stopped, and perhaps reaching a level where gifts (or rewards) begin to be given alongside what you take anyway.

It depends on your definition of reward. I don’t think the word fits entirely because a reward is something you’re actively given.
They're given attention, lots of it. Also this wank is being given sympathy by other tories and tory-minded scumbags around the country. Attention and sympathy aren't things you can take, you can only be given them :(
I don’t particularly agree with that, although it’s ultimately just semantics. I’d say particularly with attention, which is definitely something that can be taken - you just fill the space so someone else can’t or won’t. That’s what he’s done.
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