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Dominic Raab’s time is up

I don't think Raabnarok has read Kafka. I think its just one of those words now that dickheads get from primers on literary referencing.

Literally my thoughts is reading that. I’ve only read the transformation and the trial but yeah there’s nothing Kafka esque about this. Pun intended, I guess.
Good lord fuckeroo, again I find myself perfectly aligned with this prick...

Yet another reason to hate the fucking Tories...

Don't think I've ever heard James O'Brien speak before. First thing that struck me was his accent sounds not quite right. Public school educated apparently so guess that's him proling it down a bit. :rolleyes:
Don't think I've ever heard James O'Brien speak before. First thing that struck me was his accent sounds not quite right. Public school educated apparently so guess that's him proling it down a bit. :rolleyes:

Ampleforth. He was adopted, and his parents sent him there, he's now Chiswick, so possibly if that's the area his parents came from he'd have a London twang. Yellow vermin through and through.
Don't think I've ever heard James O'Brien speak before. First thing that struck me was his accent sounds not quite right. Public school educated apparently so guess that's him proling it down a bit. :rolleyes:
I thought he grew up in Worcestershire but maybe that’s because he’s a fan of Kidderminster football team
Still Hounslow, eh tim
I was born in Chiswick Maternity Hospital, which gave me airs and graces, until I had to get a birth certificate and discovered that Chiswick Maternity was in Acton.
The incompetent consultant nearly killed my mother and since my heart stopped technically, at least in 1963 thinking, briefly killed me.

The W4 types always resented being lumped in with the rest of us. They'd have been happier if we'd got Twickenham and they'd had the cross river partnership with Richmond.
"The woke snowflakes are persecuting me... I'm a victim..." Braverman vs Raab 2024 for leadership of the 27 remaining tory MPs.

Saying that, my man, Alex Chalk, has been granted his big boy pants of state. I predicted big things for him and Braverman back when no one had ever heard of either of them. What will his deal be? We're still waiting for a senior cabinet minister to go all in on "bring back hanging," perhaps we've found our man?
I don't often argue about politics as I don't always feel I have the understanding or knowledge to do so.

However the current local elections have riled me up a bit and I've just pulled someone up on Facebook who claimed that the bullying was only "putting his hand up to stop someone, God help us".

I pointed out that actually the report concluded that gesture wasn't bullying and pulled him up that his source for this was a Mail article which included the word snowflakes. I also wondered if the author felt "highest standard for taxpayers" were met when Raab admitted that he hadn't realised the importance of the Dover-Calais crossing to trade.

Not sure why I'm posting this except its very unlike me and I'm a bit proud of myself :oops: :oops: :)
Some Scouse bloke (didn’t catch his name) just been asked whether civil servants could run the country and they cut him off 3/4s into his response 😂😂😂

Then he dropped a beauty of a joke about expensive hotels :D

Someone find the clip, please
On popular media there are not many like James O’Brien who will be consistently anti Tory day after day.
I don’t know what he stands for, but find myself agreeing with what he stands against.
Which person regularly on the wireless is a better listen in terms of being anti Tory?
He's a liberal. The worst of the worst. The enemy. Satan incarnate.

Is he a Liberal?
How do you know?
At the moment I am glad he continually sticks it to the Tories, and also sticks it to those who voted leave.
Maybe it is the enemy Lexiters who put disparaging stories about because he doesn’t buy in to their mendacious hypocrisy.
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