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The Dominic Cummings file

Which were?

I'll expand. Campbell was and is a bullying arsehole and he certainly had a fair bit of influence over Tony Blair, but ultimately he was there to serve Blair. Cummings is in a far more influential position than that, to the point where he seems to exert a great deal of influence over government strategy. His methods are also a lot dodgier than Campbell even at his worst. Ultimately Campbell was a media enforcer; Cummings is more than that.

Bollocks like that belongs on this thread _

I looked at that and I couldn't make any definitive findings. There is an Alice Cummings in the Durham area but it seems almost certain to be a different one to the one who is a director of innumerable private sector medical companies (different initials for example). I've not seen anything posted anywhere apart from THEY BOTH HAVE THE SAME SURNAME!!! breathlessness to indicate the health service carpetbagger is the sister (or indeed a relative) of the man nappy-wearing wolfbagger.
'I only went there to stitch up a lucrative government contract with a close family member.'

As excuses go it doesn't seem the most watertight.
Also, the problem with this line is that it means this great humanitarian with 'fatherly instincts' dragged his sick wife and potentially infected child on a roadtrip in a confined space, on government business/making money for his sister. The great brain has just about filled all his exit routes with rubble.
I'll expand. Campbell was and is a bullying arsehole and he certainly had a fair bit of influence over Tony Blair, but ultimately he was there to serve Blair. Cummings is in a far more influential position than that, to the point where he seems to exert a great deal of influence over government strategy. His methods are also a lot dodgier than Campbell even at his worst. Ultimately Campbell was a media enforcer; Cummings is more than that.
Glad to see that Campbells minor but completely transparent misdemeanor of doctoring a dossier that led to the Iraq war being put in a correct post Cummings historical perspective
Glad to see that Campbells minor but completely transparent misdemeanor of doctoring a dossier that led to the Iraq war being put in a correct post Cummings historical perspective

No-one said it was either minor or transparent, did they?

OTOH it remains a fact that Cummings seems to wield a hell of a lot more power than Campbell ever did. And Campbell wielded his power at the behest of Blair; with Cummings and Johnson it looks at times to be the other way around.
Neither will I but I hope the quality of reporting on here is better than yesterday. Please make clear who's saying what, people, particularly during any questions. Some basic standards at least :rolleyes: .

I can't speak about very recent standards, but generally speaking I find this place beats the shit out of the Beeb and anyone else for coverage of this kind of thing. :)
as has been pointed out by a million people already, we've heard their side of the story because we all read that Spectator article
I think he's building up a portfolio of work to show Buzzfeed in case for reasons he ends up needing to find new employment
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No-one said it was either minor or transparent, did they?

OTOH it remains a fact that Cummings seems to wield a hell of a lot more power than Campbell ever did. And Campbell wielded his power at the behest of Blair; with Cummings and Johnson it looks at times to be the other way around.

AC got the DG of the BBC fired whilst trying to stoke a false prospectus for a war. When has Cummings done anything on that level?
Attorney General has said he broke no rules, prior to the police investigations reporting (edit: according to Sky).

This could easily bring the government down now.
AC got the DG of the BBC fired whilst trying to stoke a false prospectus for a war. When has Cummings done anything on that level?

But when did Campbell seem to be in charge of the government's entire political strategy, as Cummings evidently was last year?

Look, I'm not trying to minimise the damage Campbell did for one moment. I just think that airily saying 'oh well, Campbell was just as bad' lets Cummings off the hook far too easily.
Will he appear in full PPE for a laugh?

(((The Loneliness of the Long Distance Scummer)))
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