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The Dominic Cummings file

10 pages of furious coverage :eek:, fucking hell, the Mail has seriously gone to town on it. :D

When the Guardian/Observer and Mirror published fresh claims on Saturday night about Dominic Cummings potentially breaching lockdown rules, Downing Street refused to respond in detail and instead dismissed the outlets as politically motivated “campaigning newspapers”.

It is less clear whether No 10 holds the same dismissive view about the Conservative-supporting Daily Mail, which on Monday used a front-page editorial to demand Cummings is sacked and ran the story across 10 pages of furious coverage.

Under the headline “What planet are they on?”, the newspaper’s editorial said Cummings “violated the spirit and letter of the lockdown ... giving every selfish person a licence to play fast and loose with public health”.

He'll attempt some sort of contrition. Family man, desperarte perhaps not wise in hinesight. Will refuse point blank to talk about castle. A lot of allegations and false information. I'm not going to dignify. AT this important time whilst fighting this horrific disease that has claimed many lives including my relative, business of government, press should grow up, stop axe grinding, disservice to focus on this whilst people are struggling. Let's move on.

And some mugs will buy it and it will rumble on for a few days.
One angle he could take - pick up on one of the rumoured sightings and prove (with evidence) that that particular one didn’t happen, that it’s a media lie (even if not particularly mentioned by the press, e.g. papers haven’t been going on about alleged sighting on 10th May, think that’s just Twitter and possibly someone getting confused by the day someone tweeted about it rather than it being the day he was there). Make himself an indignant victim of unjustified claims, move story from original visit which won’t even be talked about and turn focus on his accusers. Something like that.
He'll attempt some sort of contrition. Family man, desperarte perhaps not wise in hinesight. Will refuse point blank to talk about castle. A lot of allegations and false information. I'm not going to dignify. AT this important time whilst fighting this horrific disease that has claimed many lives including my relative, business of government, press should grow up, stop axe grinding, disservice to focus on this whilst people are struggling. Let's move on.

And some mugs will buy it and it will rumble on for a few days.

Is his castle visit confirmed/has he owned up to it etc?
Tells us a lot he's making a statement himself I think, oh I will fucking laugh if it's outside Number 10 like the PM does.

I don't think he'll be resigning or saying any meaningful 'sorry', my bet is on playing the family angle with some half arsed excuses and mealy mouthed 'sorry I upset people' kind of things. Here's hoping it's a repeat of Prince Andrew's crowd pleaser.
Must admit, he doesn't strike me as someone who could elicit sympathy. Looking forward to this.
Fully expect him to do a Bolsonaro 'so what' type thing and front it out. I mean what's stopping him, we're stuck with this lot for at least 5 years.
10 pages of furious coverage :eek:, fucking hell, the Mail has seriously gone to town on it. :D

Gawd, starmer must be looking through his 'How Blair Got the Tory Press Onside' playbook. Don't think he'll manage it, but he'll be putting feelers out, empahsising how labour has changed, broad appeal, decency blah blah.
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