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The Dominic Cummings file

Yeah, I was travelling throughout and never saw police stopping anyone.
I was stopped once on my way back into Cardiff on the A470, along with everyone else. This was in the very early days of the lockdown. Just showed my ID card (keyworker) no issues. Drove to Aberystwyth about a month ago. Roads were very quiet, saw no police at all.
Which sounds like lunatic paranoia until you realise they were coming down in droves and there are just a couple of critical care beds.
And the area was largely corona-free at the time. That's what does it for me wrt Cummings. Doing minor lockdown-breaking stuff locally is one thing, but the very spirit of the thing was to stop spread, ie the further from home you go, the more potentially destructive your action. If you were designing a single action that exemplified every aspect of what not to do, this has the lot - travelling long distance, travelling with someone with symptoms, visiting elderly people.
Unlike other European countries that fared better with police enforcement.
And other countries that fared just as badly with police enforcement, eg Spain. I don't think this is the story here. Despite cunts like Cummings, the lockdown was observed by enough people to make it effective. That's one of the very few things I think this govt got about right. It started too late, that was the problem. We didn't quite know it yet (although we could guess), but we were already fucked by 23 March.
And the area was largely corona-free at the time. That's what does it for me wrt Cummings. Doing minor lockdown-breaking stuff locally is one thing, but the very spirit of the thing was to stop spread, ie the further from home you go, the more potentially destructive your action. If you were designing a single action that exemplified every aspect of what not to do, this has the lot - travelling long distance, travelling with someone with symptoms, visiting elderly people.

Yeah, I really can't be arsed about some boffin sneaking round the corner for a shag, but this was a different level.
I was just about to post that, it's going to be hard for the police to ignore a request from their police and crime commissioner.
Its a tricky one isnt it? The Police have already said that following the initial phone call from the father that they rang the next day and offered advice and guidance on travel re corona virus haven't they.? Some on here might not think that is sufficient but I'm not sure that a review would lead to a conclusion that it was a disproportionate response. However the sighting of Cummings in Barnard Castle has now led to the number plate taking retired chemistry teacher to go one step further than reporting this to the Guardian to now reporting it to the Police. This well might under different circumstances not have been followed up with any urgency but a review may make that different.Of course the other sightings may or may not be substantiated , if they are then what would be the appropriate response? If they aren't then there is no further case for Cummings to answer.
One week earlier would have made a huge difference if the models of infection spread are even half-right.
You mentioned 2 weeks before your edit. I think waiting for the nation to collectively decide staying at home is probably a good idea is an abusrd govt response I think a Labour govt would have gone in earlier, harder and saved lives.
You mentioned 2 weeks before your edit. I think waiting for the nation to collectively decide staying at home is probably a good idea is an abusrd govt response I think a Labour govt would have gone in earlier, harder and saved lives.
No I didn't. The edit just added the final sentence.
Expect a lot of use of the phrase "I'm sorry if people feel that...."

Looks like real desperation. When the messenger becomes the story the game's up.
If I was the Tory PR department I'd have him with his Mrs cradling his son surrounded by photos in memorium to his dead uncle and old Fathers Day cards saying 'To the best Dad in the World drawn in crayon. Oh and a dog with big eyes .
It's not what he did, it's what happened afterwards. His attitude has come across as "Fuck You Plebs the rules don't apply to me" .
BoZo has tried to extinguish the fire with petrol and reinforced that view, clearly demonstrating that he is willing to bend the rules for his mates
The lockdown is already crumbling, the good weather won't help and this is another nail in the coffin.
Cummings should have resigned and issued an apology and things would have continued to stumble on with this matter forgotten.
But now it will rumble on and on with every day common unity crumbling more and more.
Mrs Q is the strongest supporter of the lockdown going but this morning she is complaining about the fact that she hasn't seen her elderly parents in Liverpool for months. My son's girlfriend lives with us and since she is a nurse and her Mum works in a care home she has not seen her parents or her siblings for even longer in case she unwittingly spreads the virus. She too is wondering why she is making sacrifices when someone who should set a good example is flaunting the rules and the fucking PM is brushing it under the carpet.
If I was the Tory PR department I'd have him with his Mrs cradling his son surrounded by photos in memorium to his dead uncle and old Fathers Day cards saying 'To the best Dad in the World drawn in crayon. Oh and a dog with big eyes .

with this Tory PR department they'll probably have him with Boris' son surrounded by photos in memorium to his dead uncle and old Fathers Day cards saying 'To the best Dad in the World" drawn in crayon. Dilyn the dog will also be in the scene.
Two weeks earlier I doubt there would have been enough consensus without a real lockdown and utilising police littlebabyjesus

There was enough consensus by the week of the 9th March. People may disagree about whether there was enough consensus at the start of that week, but by the end of that week there certainly was. A few weeks ago I went back and watched the press conferences of the 9th and 12th of March, and the government were well out of tune already by then, trying to resist the inevitable and people were not convinced. People remember the herd immunity storm at the end of that week, 'Boris the butcher' trending etc, but the signs were already there days before.
Cummings to make a public statement later today, and will be answering questions. :bigeyes:

Let's hope it goes tits-up.

/ Official No.10 announcement, just report on Sky News.

What a load of shit. He's an advisor. It's the judgement and accountability of the Cabinet, and the PM in particular, which is the issue. I couldn't give a fuck what Cummings has to say for himself. Get Johnson out to tell us what he knew and when and did he give agreement for it to happen.
Dominic Cummings statement:


(Fun coincidence: that character's name is Boris)
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