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The Dominic Cummings file

I wonder how this is going to play in their (likely) strategy of whipping up a culture war between lockdowners and lifters...
That war is won; with all trust and belief in the equity of commitment blown out of the water, the Bank Holiday crowds & traffic are Cummings' victory. Lockdown was easier to exit than they'd ever dreamed possible.
Dominic is going to address the nation....like the PM or the queen would...

If he was true to form he would use the live broadcast (if that's what it is) to say fuck to Boris for pushing him into this, fuck you all and then fuck right off -classic dom and all that. And then fuck off to start to hedge fund in a tax haven whilst his Islington house burns.
I imagine he’s going to for for contrite apology “I thought i was doing the right thing but I see now that etc etc” and hope that it goes away. It better bloody not though. He deserves full on excoriation.
Fucks sake if you are going to kill the king do it fucking properly.

This should be wrapped up and done, knives cleaned

Can Durham police not pull his phone mast pings and just show everyone what an arsehole he’s been

Country is fucked, and going right down the toilet after this
They spent a long time meeting yesterday, might even be a strategy in play, although you’d think not from Johnson’s performance last night.
I imagine he’s going to for for contrite apology “I thought i was doing the right thing but I see now that etc etc” and hope that it goes away. It better bloody not though. He deserves full on excoriation.
There aren't enough sick bags or pitchforks in the King-Dom.
Serious, but cynical, question: Why do people (on here) want the Conservatives to clean up their mess here?

Surely, the longer they try and ride this out the better?


Because sixty thousand people have died (which is almost certainly going to grow by a huge amount).
I really, genuinely, wanted to give the Tories the benefit of doubt, and hoped that they'd stop playing politics, and actually try to save people - and I'm fucking livid (with myself mostly) that the Tories have spent the entire epidemic being Tories.

But what's the alternative?
Tells us a lot he's making a statement himself I think, oh I will fucking laugh if it's outside Number 10 like the PM does.

I don't think he'll be resigning or saying any meaningful 'sorry', my bet is on playing the family angle with some half arsed excuses and mealy mouthed 'sorry I upset people' kind of things. Here's hoping it's a repeat of Prince Andrew's crowd pleaser.
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