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The Dominic Cummings file

which contrarian left? It's the contrarian centre that tends to split things down leave/remain lines - the contrarian left has too many lexit types to make this one of their regular attack lines...

Yeah the kinda political talking heads on social media who substitute sneering at anything that might be construed as the left or the hated 'fbpe' types with a personality have been incredibly quiet lately. Wonder why.
This is certainly building momentum across the political spectrum. If deaths start to rise in the next couple of weeks due to a 2nd wave that's when this moment will be put into stark relief for all to see. People will not have forgotten it.

It's hard to see where this is going to go but I think they reckon 4 years is a long time to recover from whatever shit they get into.

Practically and within the law what can people do about this , not a lot. Any change will have to come from within the vermin , the 1922 and all that. They have time to get rid of Boris and put a new leader in but that wiil not be easy.
cos their callous and criminal mismanagement of the response to covid-19 is killing people in their thousands.

Yes any scenario that could potentially lead to some grown ups taking over would be ideal at this point. I'm not at all convinced that such a scenario exists of course, but 'let Johnson and his clown army continue to ruin everything so as to do maximum damage to themselves in the process' is definitely not it.
This storm in a teacup is probably encouraging people to do what they like. Its not going to bring down the government. The lock down was barely enforced, I was driving long distances to and from work, not stopped once and never saw police on my travels. I had the feeling they were all in barracks for fear of actually having to put people in custody.
This storm in a teacup is probably encouraging people to do what they like. Its not going to bring down the government. The lock down was barely enforced, I was driving long distances to and from work, not stopped once and never saw police on my travels. I had the feeling they were all in barracks for fear of actually having to put people in custody.
Of course it will encourage people to do whatever they like. Whole thing was based on consensus not enforcement anyway, now with the pm saying just follow your instincts & look after your own it’s basically over. People will just make their own choices though, like if the government tells me it’s suddenly fine next week for me to fly to hug my old parents I’m not just going to do it.
Not a storm in a teacup

I was just about to post that, it's going to be hard for the police to ignore a request from their police and crime commissioner.

The police and crime commissioner for Durham is to formally write to the chief constable of the force he oversees asking for an investigation into Dominic Cummings.

Steve White, the acting police, crime and victims’ commissioner for Durham, will on Monday ask the force to investigate all the claims about the prime minister’s principal adviser’s time in the Durham area during the coronavirus lockdown and establish the facts.
Of course it will encourage people to do whatever they like. Whole thing was based on consensus not enforcement anyway, now with the pm saying just follow your instincts & look after your own it’s basically over. People will just make their own choices though, like if the government tells me it’s suddenly fine next week for me to fly to hug my old parents I’m not just going to do it.
Which, perversely, is exactly what Cummings and Johnson wanted all along.

I'm not saying they planned this shitshow, but in that respect at least it has worked for them. The cost for them, of course, is still to be determined.
This storm in a teacup is probably encouraging people to do what they like. Its not going to bring down the government. The lock down was barely enforced, I was driving long distances to and from work, not stopped once and never saw police on my travels. I had the feeling they were all in barracks for fear of actually having to put people in custody.
The lockdown was barely enforced but very widely obeyed. If anything that just makes this worse for Cummings. It's surely why the Mail has exploded in indignation on behalf of its readers - we good advice-following citizens didn't need the law to make us do the right thing, while this fellow devised the strategy in just such a way that it would be easy for him to flout the rules. And law or not law, these were lockdown rules. But, following Johnson last night, it was literally 'one rule for us, another for them'.

But let this bubble away, I say. Everything just makes it worse. The whatabouttery about the minor infractions by other politicians only serves to highlight just how egregious Cummings' actions were, on a totally different level of out of order. Crucially there, I think many people will identify with the MPs guilty of minor infractions like sitting on benches when they shouldn't. Few of us can imagine jumping in the car with someone with the virus to take them right across the country to visit our elderly parents. It's not just hypocrisy or a bit naughty like, say, the actions of Niall Ferguson. It's off the scale cuntery, the kind of thing that would dumbfound you if a friend told you they had done it. And if Johnson et al think it's just a storm in a teacup, I think they have misjudged the situation.
This storm in a teacup is probably encouraging people to do what they like. Its not going to bring down the government. The lock down was barely enforced, I was driving long distances to and from work, not stopped once and never saw police on my travels. I had the feeling they were all in barracks for fear of actually having to put people in custody.
Yeah, I was travelling throughout and never saw police stopping anyone.
I'd go as far as saying DC knew that the OB were under instruction to be hands off and knew he could drive across the country without hitting a road block, which I assume most people at home thought there would be. I really don't think there was any lockdown other than voluntary.

Yes it was voluntary and everyone who stayed home, stayed away from loved ones, who suffered and left others to suffer; they did so by choice. Because it was the right thing to do, not because they feared the anaemic to non-existent enforcement. I think the rage people feel at the likes of Cummings taking the absolute fucking piss comes from a place where everyone knows that lockdown was (they've got me talking in the past tense now, I notice) voluntary, where we all thought it was a social contract, a collective sacrifice. One that was all the more galling for being made largely as a result of Cummings and Johnson's ideology-driven refusal to protect the public in the first place.

This is probably not the thing that finishes Johnson off. But it's an important moment, if only as a particularly blatant example of the pattern that's defined the entire country's experience throughout this crisis: ordinary people suffering on account of people who wouldn't break their stride to help another living soul.
This storm in a teacup is probably encouraging people to do what they like. Its not going to bring down the government. The lock down was barely enforced, I was driving long distances to and from work, not stopped once and never saw police on my travels. I had the feeling they were all in barracks for fear of actually having to put people in custody.

you do realise you don’t live in a police state
This also depends where you live. The non-enforcement wasn't universal. In Pembrokeshire, for instance, police were stopping cars on main roads into holiday areas, and turning around anyone who didn't live locally who was trying to escape to second homes, caravans, etc.

Those people who were arrested/fined/imprisioned can now challenge those convictions then?
which contrarian left? It's the contrarian centre that tends to split things down leave/remain lines - the contrarian left has too many lexit types to make this one of their regular attack lines...
Well it might be a quible about who or what composes the contratarian left ( and of course their self identication) I suppose and its difficult because the politics of some of its inhabitants shift and fluctuate so quickly in the echo chamber of Twitter.
This also depends where you live. The non-enforcement wasn't universal. In Pembrokeshire, for instance, police were stopping cars on main roads into holiday areas, and turning around anyone who didn't live locally who was trying to escape to second homes, caravans, etc.

Which sounds like lunatic paranoia until you realise they were coming down in droves and there are just a couple of critical care beds.
Well it might be a quible about who or what composes the contratarian left ( and of course their self identication) I suppose and its difficult because the politics of some of its inhabitants shift and fluctuate so quickly in the echo chamber of Twitter.

Let's not mix up the contrarian left with the contrarian contrarian left.
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