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The Dominic Cummings file

Serious, but cynical, question: Why do people (on here) want the Conservatives to clean up their mess here?

Surely, the longer they try and ride this out the better?

Exactly; yesterday was always going to be a win:win outcome.
it is fun to be watching Chris Benjamin (it whatever his name is, Sargon fella) shit his pants in every video he’s done over the past week or so
Gary Gibbon mande an important point on C4 News yesterday...in the present circs of there being only one on-going news story, it's going to be a lot harder for Johnson's regime to hose this story down than it would in a more conventional news mix.
News article from April.

Glaxo in Barnard Castle signed a partnership with Sanofi. It has an debated investment percentage from Republican donor Ken Fisher and makes Plaquenil, the US brand name of hydroxychloroquine, that Trump is telling people to take. :hmm:
Serious, but cynical, question: Why do people (on here) want the Conservatives to clean up their mess here?

Surely, the longer they try and ride this out the better?


Because we've got at least 50k dead from covid, people suffering mental health effects from isolation, rising unemployment etc. I just want it to stop.

I know what I'd like to happen but we all know it's not going to. So I'd settle for them being forced to resign and living out their days as pariahs shunned by everyone.
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Because we've got at least 50k dead from covid, people suffering mental health effects from isolation, rising unemployment etc. I just want it to stop.
True, but even if Cummings were to 'go' in the next hour, the psychopaths will still privilege their resumed accumulation over our lives. The foundations for the second spike were set in the VEday75 week and the R will already have risen (probably now already above 1 = epidemic) and the deaths from early May will likely start to show in the next week or so.:(
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it is fun to be watching Chris Benjamin (it whatever his name is, Sargon fella) shit his pants in every video he’s done over the past week or so
That sounds interesting. What has happened? (I don't want to have to actually watch the fucker so be glad if you can say).
Serious, but cynical, question: Why do people (on here) want the Conservatives to clean up their mess here?

Surely, the longer they try and ride this out the better?

There's obviously some merit to this but I think it's quite a pessimistic view. You assume that with this one out of the way they will recover, rather than immediately stumbling into some even greater fuckup.

As my grandad once said, whilst it's fun to watch your victims run around screaming and on fire, sometimes you just want to get to the bit with the tigers.
Amusing piece from The Spectator.
It’s not often a politician calls a press conference to sneer openly at the voters but Boris Johnson has always done things his own way. The Prime Minister’s performance this afternoon was a careful, considered declaration of contempt at all those chumps stupid enough to obey the rules he laid down for them. They thought those regulations applied to everyone, regardless of position or connections? What rubes.
This is how elites operate. Rules are for the ruled, not the rulers. The little people have to stay at home, keep their kids away from granny, and see their small businesses tank. Not the clique, though. They are clever enough to slip and slither between the terms and conditions that bind everyone else and valuable enough that, even if they do get caught, they will be shielded from the consequences.

It’s not often a politician calls a press conference to sneer openly at the voters but Boris Johnson has always done things his own way. The Prime Minister’s performance this afternoon was a careful, considered declaration of contempt at all those chumps stupid enough to obey the rules he laid down for them. They thought those regulations applied to everyone, regardless of position or connections? What rubes.

Addressing Dominic Cummings’ freewheeling interpretation of lockdown guidelines, the Prime Minister said: ’I believe that in every respect he has acted responsibly, legally and with integrity, and with the overriding aim to stopping the spread of the virus and saving lives.’

I don’t think for a minute that Johnson believes his adviser was trying to halt the spread of Covid-19, but nor I do think he was lying. A lie is an attempt to deceive and the Prime Minister doesn’t care enough to make the effort. He has decided that he needs the man who devised his Brexit strategy and election campaign and who is now virtually co-Prime Minister. It doesn’t matter whether the punters reckon Dom did the right thing or the wrong thing (they very much think the latter) because what they reckon doesn’t come into it.

This is how elites operate. Rules are for the ruled, not the rulers. The little people have to stay at home, keep their kids away from granny, and see their small businesses tank. Not the clique, though. They are clever enough to slip and slither between the terms and conditions that bind everyone else and valuable enough that, even if they do get caught, they will be shielded from the consequences.

Think I’m being unfair? Confident Boris would view similar actions in a similar light if taken by an ordinary punter? Fair enough. I’m not one to counsel law-breaking but if the Prime Minister says it’s okay to disregard lockdown as long as you believe your reason is really good, then go ahead and disregard lockdown. You may not face the same scenario that Cummings faced but you judge what’s best for you and your family, just like he did. Go down the pub, take the kids to the seaside, or drive to your parents’ house. Don’t worry if you or someone else in your household is symptomatic. Follow your ‘instincts’, not the rules. And if the police hand you a fine, forward it to Downing Street. Boris will sort it for you.

True, but even if Cummings were to 'go' in the next hour, the psychopaths will still privilege their resumed accumulation over our lives. The foundations for the second spike were set in the VEday75 week and the R will already have risen (probably now already above 1 = epidemic) and the deaths from early May will likely start to show in the next week or so.:(

Yeah I'd actually like to safely see friends and family without worrying about giving them a deadly disease and/or feeling guilty about people who cant do the same though and worrying about what impact it will have on them.
Because we've got at least 50k dead from covid, people suffering mental health effects from isolation, rising unemployment etc. I just want it to stop.

The lot of them should be dragged out and lined against a wall but we all know that's not going to happen. So I'll have to settle for them being sacked instead.

I want it to stop too.

But Cummings getting/sacked resigning isn't going to help.

Him staying, and being defended, weakens the Government.

But there's no election for 5 years.

They have a majority of 80 that isn't going anywhere.

So, the only thing that will force a significant change in direction is "fear of the mob" and/or a widespread refusal to be "nudged".

Cummings staying, and being defended, might (just might) fuel this.

It's bleak either way.
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