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The Dominic Cummings file

I still don’t get this. They all drive to a holiday home whilst they were infected with the actual virus. Am just not understanding the relevance of whether their child has autism to the whole story?
I think the point is that autistic children may not settle with a childminder that they don't know. However, I suspect that thousands of other parents were in this position but due to having an actual conscience and an understanding of risks, didn't drive 260 miles.

However, as others have said, this is a distraction.
I want it to stop too.

But Cummings getting/sacked resigning isn't going to help.

Him staying, and being defended, weakens the Government.

But there's no election for 5 years.

They have a majority of 80 that isn't going anywhere.

So, the only thing that will force a significant change in direction is "fear of the mob" and/or a widespread refusal to be "nudged".

Cummings staying, and being defended, might (just might) fuel this.

It's bleak either way.

Him staying will reinforce a message that its it's fine to do what you want (without any enforceable steps in place to monitor or control the outbreak), leading to even more thousands of deaths, people losing their jobs etc.

And at the end of it they will still find a way to stay in power anyway, this lot arent going to get forced out. Like Bolsonaro having some lackeys around that havent resigned isnt a good thing is it, he's not going anywhere is he. And people not resigning isnt gonna change anything, it's just making the situation worse.
Him staying will reinforce a message that its it's fine to do what you want (without any enforceable steps in place to monitor or control the outbreak), leading to even more thousands of deaths, people losing their jobs etc.

And at the end of it they will still find a way to stay in power anyway. Like Bolsonaro having some lackeys around that havent resigned isnt a good thing is it, he's not going anywhere is he.

Yeah :(

I'm just concerned that people are walking into a trap that diverts attention and energy without any real result.
Serious, but cynical, question: Why do people (on here) want the Conservatives to clean up their mess here?

Surely, the longer they try and ride this out the better?


Because the relative unity we have seen with this wave of the virus is going to collapse if (more likely when given the way they are going) it comes back. The Government - the PM - has shown with this that they aren't going to behave rationally, which means when the public get understandably angry at them for this new round of tens of thousands of grandparents / parents / nurses dying (especially if that isnt happening across the world) they are absolutely going to blame everyone else for it, using the megaphone that the media and social media gives them.

If we are lucky, they will blame "the scientists" for giving them the wrong advice; if we are not lucky then it will be a specific group of the population, one that is already held in contempt by a lot of their supporters.
Because the relative unity we have seen with this wave of the virus is going to collapse if (more likely when given the way they are going) it comes back. The Government - the PM - has shown with this that they aren't going to behave rationally, which means when the public get understandably angry at them for this new round of tens of thousands of grandparents / parents / nurses dying (especially if that isnt happening across the world) they are absolutely going to blame everyone else for it, using the megaphone that the media and social media gives them.

If we are lucky, they will blame "the scientists" for giving them the wrong advice; if we are not lucky then it will be a specific group of the population, one that is already held in contempt by a lot of their supporters.


But we need a change of government not the ousting of a scapegoat to change that.
I still don’t get this. They all drive to a holiday home whilst they were infected with the actual virus. Am just not understanding the relevance of whether their child has autism to the whole story?

Seems a bit like one of those attempted gotchas that certain right wing types like. This is obviously down to the lefties, and lefties care about stuff like disabilities, and AHA the kid has autism what are you going to do now eh?:rolleyes:
It's my understanding ,that it's my understanding......which is my understanding of understanding the situation of the situation of the matter in hand
Seen a tendency on Twitter and other social media platforms to conflate where people stand on the Cummings/Goings issue with a simple Remain/Leave filter. This is a short interesting article on applying the 'there is one law for the rich' across the two main parties Leave and Remainers .

The conclusion is
In fact, we find the highest levels of agreement among 2017 Labour leave voters — 4 out of 5 of these voters agree that there is one law for the rich. That this group are perceived as key to the Conservative victory in 2019 might give pause for thought here.
1.24pm Sunday and the Guardian are reporting,

The Labour Party has just gone on the offensive

Alright lads, I think we can politicize this now, send a tweet"
I’m absolutely livid, and I feel totally powerless, is there anything we can do - I’ve signed the petition - feel like that won’t change anything, can’t go protest on the streets because corona...although who the fuck knows, we could just be ‘following our instincts’... - is there anything else we can do as a layperson to get rid of DC? Because right now I feel like I want to go burn things down and that’s not going to solve anything 😂

You're allowed out to exercise (your rights) as much as you like. Just make a plackard 2m across and you're sorted.
So, we are up to 16 Tory MPs calling for him to go, not nearly enough, hopefully that figure will raise a lot higher today, when they check their e-mails.

18 now, small steps.

Tory MPs publicly criticising Dominic Cummings

Steve Baker
Simon Hoare
Damian Collins
Sir Roger Gale
Peter Bone
Caroline Nokes
Craig Whittaker
Julian Sturdy
Robert Syms
Paul Maynard
James Gray
Robert Goodwill
Andrew Jones
Tim Loughton
David Warburton
Robert Halfon
Jason McCartney
Martin Vickers

Seen a tendency on Twitter and other social media platforms to conflate where people stand on the Cummings/Goings issue with a simple Remain/Leave filter. This is a short interesting article on applying the 'there is one law for the rich' across the two main parties Leave and Remainers .

The conclusion is

Yeah it's mostly been Tories doing that while screaming about politicisation .
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