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The Dominic Cummings file

I’m absolutely livid, and I feel totally powerless, is there anything we can do - I’ve signed the petition - feel like that won’t change anything, can’t go protest on the streets because corona...although who the fuck knows, we could just be ‘following our instincts’... - is there anything else we can do as a layperson to get rid of DC? Because right now I feel like I want to go burn things down and that’s not going to solve anything 😂
Among senior police figures there was ridicule of the claim that Cummings’s decision to act on “instinct” justified his actions. One source closely involved in lockdown policing said: “That is a new one on me.” One senior police figure said the rules about not travelling were crystal clear.

Too unsurprised about the hypocrisy to be angry about it. Totally gobsmacking, though, that Cummings doesn't seem to have been willing to take even mild criticism in order to give his boss a fighting chance. What a cunt.

Still angry over the herd immunity thing and the complete top-to-bottom fuckup over the virus response, and a bit depressed that so many people have been either fine with that or in denial about it, yet a cunt being a cunt without necessarily killing anyone is sending them over the edge.
Some pretty wild speculation here:

He's a nasty conspiraloon, fuck anything he says.

E2A: thousands of you beat me too it! :D
Did he and his wife even have the virus - starting to doubt that part of the story now. They seemed pretty active what with long drives, beauty spots, Abba dancing and the like. He gets to visit his parent's on his mum's birthday and offer sympathy for his recent uncle's death (that bit's far fetched and requires him having empathy I know) and his wife gets to churn out copy and earn a crust whilst enjoying the beautiful rural location like most other celebs. All very convenient to say they were potential grievously ill and incapacitated. Just sayin...
It shows how precarious Boris perceives his position is without Cummings.

Exactly. While Boris has any influence in the matter, he’s not going to give Cummings the boot any more than he’s going to chop his own dick off. Boris sees Dom as his key to getting things done and to solving intractable problems. He’s more or less untouchable, so yes - one rule for Cummings and another for the plebs fits nicely.
Exactly. While Boris has any influence in the matter, he’s not going to give Cummings the boot any more than he’s going to chop his own dick off. Boris sees Dom as his key to getting things done and to solving intractable problems. He’s more or less untouchable, so yes - one rule for Cummings and another for the plebs fits nicely.
At the cost of publicly exposing splits within the party at an early stage in the electoral cycle.
If there’s proof that he was swanning about in the bluebell castle or whatever might Johnson then have to do a u turn because the whole defence would have clearly failed?
The best thing Boris can hope for now is "new" info coming to light - the Barnard Castle outing is proved for example - which will allow him to say - well the goalposts have been moved now - I was loyal on Sunday but have been let down. His pride needs that get out of jail card, and those around him will be sniffing out a way to get him to play it.
The bishop bashing continues...

Church of England bishops have expressed unusually strong criticism of Boris Johnson over his defence of actions taken by his chief aide, Dominic Cummings.

At least 10 bishops questioned the integrity of the prime minister following his press conference on Sunday, in which he refused to acknowledge that Cummings had breached lockdown rules when he travelled with his infected wife and their child to Durham.

The bishop bashing continues...

The easiest ask of easiest asks getting the bishops on board. I half expect to see Justin Welby in full regalia storming down Whitehall demanding to be let into Downing Street whilst crying in the name of God - Just Go - before this has run its course.
I missed the briefing live so watched it on YouTube later, God he was waffling. The guys from Ch4 and Politico were asking some difficult questions, I thought someone was trying to cut the second one off.
This story is not going away no matter how much he wants it to.
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