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The Dominic Cummings file

I know Twitter is a little echo chamber of whatever you subscribe to and thus of no real import but tonight it is 100% about this, 100% livid. I've never seen it so aligned about anything. It's beautiful.

The fucking Bishop of Manchester is after them.

The 'his kid has autism' line seems to be gaining ground among the boris bootlickers though. Whether it's true, or relevant, is a different matter.
The 'his kid has autism' line seems to be gaining ground among the boris bootlickers though. Whether it's true, or relevant, is a different matter.

It's like the uncle dying, it's another "we're exceptional in unexceptional circumstances" all over again. There are millions of people with autism in the UK, many of whom I'm sure have really struggled in this. If anything it makes it even more inexplicable to me that you'd upend routine.
“And in political terms, the prime minister has not only failed to shut down the sorry saga but has also managed to infuriate his own MPs and the public.

One minister told me what they had witnessed at that press conference on Sunday was "the PM's authority with the British people draining away in front of my very eyes"

As an ex-Islington resident I’m curious what road he’s on, looks familiar but can’t place it, reckon it’s up the canonbury end possibly, although looks a bit like places down my end of things (Angel). Googling just brings up stories about protesters outside his house, not the road name.
its not just any old scandal and it has caused huge and ongoing damage to johnson - and it amplifies the whole narrative of them being incompetent, callous and chaotic throughout the pandemic. A tory prime minister who has managed to get the likes of hartley brewer and the daily mail enraged alongside jsut about the entire nation is not going to stay prime minister very long.
By his utterly gobsmacking defence of cummings, johnsons has enraged and baffled the entire nation in equal measure. "what planet are they on?" indeed. Cummings is now a universal hate figure and johnson now looks incredibly weak. Cumming getting the boot is inevitable - johnsons will be forced into it by the cabinet, tory mps and the ever growing chorus of outrage from far and wide. the public anger of their own medical advisors is particularly dangerous for them politically. I wouldn't be surprised by cabinet resignations the way this is going. Their greatest asset - "get brexit done" is a button that cant be pushed with any real affect now and for the forseeable - not while we are heading for 50,000 dead, mass unemployment and the economy in the toilet.
Cummings gone in days. Johnson retried on "health grounds" once lockdown is properly over and so he carry the can for the while covid shit-show.
And try as i might - i am too angry to enjoy this. Johnson and cummings have basically told the public "go fuck yourselves - we can do what we want".
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As an ex-Islington resident I’m curious what road he’s on, looks familiar but can’t place it, reckon it’s up the canonbury end possibly, although looks a bit like places down my end of things (Angel). Googling just brings up stories about protesters outside his house, not the road name.

Okendon Road.
And try as i might - i am too angry to enjoy this. Johnson and cummings have basically told the public "go fuck yourselves - we can do what we want".

Yes, any other time I might be extracting some joy from watching this unfold, but I am just angry and upset - for myself, for my family, and for every other person who has been doing the right thing all along, despite death and grieving, despite family worries and woes, without taking any liberties or making any excuses.
Some pretty wild speculation here:

Some pretty wild speculation here:

Something about vaccines and big pharma?
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