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The Dominic Cummings file

While it's undoubtedly true that Cummings has designed the Cabinet and the path I don't buy the bit in bold. John Major had clear limitations as a leader but with the machine that is in place around all Tory party leaders, and with help from the civil service, he somehow managed to survive and even win an election.

The government still has that machine, an 80 majority, and, crucially at this point, a massive lead in the polls. Thatcher was undone because she was seen to be losing the party and the electorate. She was 14% behind Labour when ousted. Johnson has none of that problem. He can be world King (his favoured term) with or without Cummings. I'm sure he'd prefer it to be with, things would be easier. But it would not be impossible in the current situation to be without Cummings. This is not a government anywhere near falling at this point.

Therefore I'm struggling to move beyond the buried bodies theory at this point.
What makes Cummings irreplaceable is that he has seen to it that there is no-one else. In the past, there has always been a team of senior advisors in Downing Street. You could easily lose one, have the others cover the work and bring someone else in. But no-one else now has Cummings' seniority. There's no-one to stand in and no team for a replacement to fit into. If he goes, there's an almighty vacuum and ensuing chaos.

It might not be so bad if there was a Prime Minister capable of making decisions, but Johnson is never going to do the reading and listening that would require. Losing Cummings would be like losing a Prime Minister, and yet still having one.
I think so, and I think most people will think so.

But I also don't think it has to be true in order to make sense of what has happened. Johnson allowed Cummings to basically design the Government around himself, and the consequence is that he has become a linchpin of decision making with no peers or rivals. Because Johnson has clear limitations as a leader, the result is that it is very hard to take Cummings out of the equation without risking the government becoming unable to function.

All the same, I think Cummings probably has insured himself against dismissal in the way you suggest.
I agree with some of this however Its more about designing the Government ie the Cabinet and redesigning the civil service to implement the manifesto and since February the covid response, With a whopping majority they aren't bothered about short term popularity either inside or outside the Conservative Party nor are they concerned about orthodoxy . Cummings is essential to that plan either in post or out of post over the next couple of years. Cummings isn't a leader he is an influencer , prob short term who is there to upset the applecart and make the blue sky thinking tangible. Johnson has got limitations as a leader but he's got no credible challenger All he needs is a good script and he'll deliver it.
When my daughter and her boyfriend went to New York a couple of years ago, they encountered a guy in their hotel who insisted she was an actress from an American TV show, I have to admit there is some resemblance but it wouldn't fool anyone who might actually know either of them (like me) for a second. But apparently the guy just wouldn't believe my daughter that she wasn't who he thought she was.
Unless Mr Lees actually knows Cummings and knows him well (and perhaps he does maybe he used to be Dom's teacher and always thought he was a little shit) then his eyewitness sighting isn't worth anything. Cummings car on the other hand is a different matter altogether, Cars are uniquely identifiable if you can read the number plate. If the Plod can find CCTV or dashcam footage with Cummings car on it then the cunt is as they say "Bang to rights"

He noted down the licence plate, confirmed it online (not quite sure how).
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