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The Dominic Cummings file

It’s a shame Barnard Castle WMC was closed due to restrictions. I remember it’s a cracking club. Cummings no doubt is a fully affiliated institute member!
Much to my disappointment my sister didn't say that she know anyone who she knew who had seen Cummings in Barnard Castle. However she did confirm he was there via sightings of him by people who she doesnt know but other people she knows who do know.
Wondering what the actual reason is why they seem to have messed this up so badly. I mean it looks like basically a big mistake in that they have just not done the loud support yesterday, then sacked or publically berated Cummings today and it’d be so much less bad for them & the pm.
More of this sort of stuff needed.

What an absolute fucking cunt. The only bigger cunt is his fucking cunt of a boss who I noticed was breathing quite heavily and looked even more unhealthy than usual. Whether that's if he'd just dismounted from an intern or is hopefully dying from the disease he's foisted upon thousands with his total incompetence I don't know.
You need to be"in the room" to really do the job properly. It's not punditry

Yeah I think this is how people like Cummings work, they dominate people in meetings and create an aura of power etc, the actual advice or opinion is secondary to the presence
Which is the way many many meetings work tbh.
Getting spicy!

ooh tasty. If they can make up some crime that he may have committed(I'm not being sarcastic) then they could potentially start looking at ANPR for the dates involved.
Excessive loyalty beyond any reasonableness. If we're allowed to debate the absolute non-question of Cumming's non-autistic son then I think I'm allowed to suggest, with no evidence other than the hunch anyone might reasonably have in a situation like this, that Cummings knows where the bodies are buried.

Might not be true of course, but I can't conceive any other idea at the moment that explains why they would go to these lengths to obviously lie this blatantly to cover Cummings arse.
Look on the bright side: at least we’ve had it confirmed who is actually running the country these days. And it isn’t the prime minister. Boris Johnson is no more than Dominic Cummings’s sock-puppet. A fairly shabby one at that. The reality is that without Classic Dom, there could be no Boris. All that Boris really amounts to is a parasitical ball of compromised ambition fuelled by a viral overload of neediness and cowardice. There is no substance or dignity left within the prime minister. His only instinct is his own survival.


Excessive loyalty beyond any reasonableness. If we're allowed to debate the absolute non-question of Cumming's non-autistic son then I think I'm allowed to suggest, with no evidence other than the hunch anyone might reasonably have in a situation like this, that Cummings knows where the bodies are buried.

Might not be true of course, but I can't conceive any other idea at the moment that explains why they would go to these lengths to obviously lie this blatantly to cover Cummings arse.
I think so, and I think most people will think so.

But I also don't think it has to be true in order to make sense of what has happened. Johnson allowed Cummings to basically design the Government around himself, and the consequence is that he has become a linchpin of decision making with no peers or rivals. Because Johnson has clear limitations as a leader, the result is that it is very hard to take Cummings out of the equation without risking the government becoming unable to function.

All the same, I think Cummings probably has insured himself against dismissal in the way you suggest.
Possibly another bit is they just were not able to grasp how emotive and deeply offensive this would be for so many people, they behaved like it’s just another political mini-scandal and that’s where they went wrong. Maybe in their personal lives they don’t know anybody who has really struggled with the lockdown or they just lack basic imagination & empathy.
Netflix has been on hold tonight and for that small mercy, I am grateful. Despite which against this Cinerama, technicolour 3D shitshow mining the dregs with some lame Korean soap opera really doesn't cut the mustard.
Possibly another bit is they just were not able to grasp how emotive and deeply offensive this would be for so many people, they behaved like it’s just another political mini-scandal and that’s where they went wrong. Maybe in their personal lives they don’t know anybody who has really struggled with the lockdown or they just lack basic imagination & empathy.

They've seriously misjudged it - I mean I am used to taking high dudgeon for wrongs in general, but it's no secret that I have found this thing a struggle financially and psychologically and that we had a death in the family NOT from Covid but none of us (and none of us have had Covid either) went to say goodbye because it would be breaking lockdown, none of us went to the funeral in person because it would be breaking lockdown, and I am actually personally fucking upset that someone who actually HAD Coronavirus travelling in their fucking car the length of the country while telling everyone else not to is getting no comeuppance yet, it is combined with a lot of personal stress of course but I am actually in tears over this blatent fucking disregard for everyone else who has struggled and struggled but still done the right bloody thing.
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