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The Dominic Cummings file

Up to now I think the reasonable excuses were going to collect medicines, seeking urgent medical attention or buying food. Not driving 260 miles with someone who has coronavirus.

No, they were examples. Any reasonable excuse is sufficient. I started a thread about the technicalities of the law in the COVID forum way back but no one seemed interested.
Remember all the furore when Boris published the letterbox article? There were loads of calls for him to go or be sacked by the same quarters who are calling for Cummings head.
He just kept his head down and carried on regardless.

Remember the Tories only need to please tory voters, not Guardian and Mirror journalists and readers
No remember the country has been in lockdown for ten weeks and we still have 3000 new cases a day, and the Prime Minister has just called driving someone with Covid 260 miles to visit someone over 70, responsible.
And if you're showing symptoms, you stay put. Full stop.

There is no possible excuse for this. It's not even in the 'slightly naughty' category of sneaking out for sex. It's a full-on knowingly virus-spreading pisstake. It's hilarious to hear the politicians trying to defend it.

would anyone be surprised if, by Wednesday, it was confirmed Cummings was over the side with someone not his wife who lived in Barnards Castle?
I was told his kid had autism. I thought that information had some bearing on the situation so I posted it against my better judgement. I am not trying to defend Cummings. I’m sure people here are capable of coming to their own judgements on how this might affect things if it were true. In fact they clearly already have done so.

So what if he is? How can his elderly parents assist here? What could his sister do that her sister couldn’t? What possible need can a man at the very heart of the British government have that can be better met in Durham than London?

Oh sorry, for a moment there I forgot this was just a steaming pile of bollocks to cover the cunt.
I’m not covering for Cummings I think he’s a cunt.

ffs I thought considering his possible excuses might be worthwhile, but apparently I’m using diversionary tactics.
Nope, thats not relevant. Its self-isolation not mandatory quarantine.
It is entirely relevant. The govt instruction if you have symptoms was not to go out at all. No mention of 'reasonable' reasons to leave the house. Nobody would stand a hope of challenging a fine for driving the length of the country with a coughing and spluttering covid-19 sufferer in the car.
Even if it were just advice and not illegal, breaking it and putting others at risk while telling other people to stay indoors if they or a family member shows symptoms still makes him a fucking cunt

the most it will be would be a £60 fine, which is perhaps the first time for nearly a thousand years that a British government is struggling over a sum of that size
It is entirely relevant. The govt instruction if you have symptoms was not to go out at all. No mention of 'reasonable' reasons to leave the house. Nobody would stand a hope of challenging a fine for driving the length of the country with a coughing and spluttering covid-19 sufferer in the car.

If you follow the discussion back through the quotes you will see we were talking about “reasonable” in the context of the law, not the guidance.
If you follow the discussion back through the quotes you will see we were talking about “reasonable” in the context of the law, not the guidance.
The two are not unconnected. 'reasonable' as defined by a court is going to take into account the fact of you having, or thinking you have, covid-19. That is a rather important factor in deciding what might be 'reasonable'.

And remember that Matt Hancock gleefully offered his full cooperation with the police over the discovery of Ferguson making a booty call.

ETA: Anyway, the law is utterly irrelevant here. The govt decided to go for a softly softly approach in which people would do the right thing out of public spiritedness. And the guidance for those with symptoms is unambiguous by this govt's standards.
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I’m not covering for Cummings I think he’s a cunt.

ffs I thought considering his possible excuses might be worthwhile, but apparently I’m using diversionary tactics.
The information that he has an autistic son, you say you were 'told' this. Email? Social media? Website you can link to?
Reicher's colleague John Drury, who is also on the advisory group, and who some here may remember, is retweeting him

United Kingdom
  • A 2013 proposal to cap bankers' bonuses was compared to a dead cat by Boris Johnson:[5]
There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the dining room table – and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point is that everyone will shout, ‘Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!’ In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat – the thing you want them to talk about – and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.[4]
Second known complaint to Durham police.

Dominic Cummings is facing a possible police investigation under health laws over a claim that he breached self-isolation rules in north-east England, after a weekend of mounting pressure on the prime minister to sack his chief adviser.

Retired chemistry teacher Robin Lees made a complaint to the police after reporting that he saw Cummings and his family on 12 April walking in the town of Barnard Castle before getting into a car, a joint investigation by the Guardian and Mirror can reveal.

Guardian drip feeding things, fingers crossed they have a smoking gun.
Also whether what he did was legal or illegal in terms of the letter of the law has absolutely no bearing on whether he should remain in post. He has stuck 2 fingers up at everyone who has done the right thing and struggled through this.

You know what, whoever it was who posted on the official civil service twitter their disgust about this didn't break any laws but someone is probably writing up his Gross Misconduct letter and sorting out his p45 as we speak, yet that cunt Cummings still has a fucking job, it's outrageous.
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