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The Dominic Cummings file

Was it a cut & paste reply sent to MPs from Tory HQ?

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When I look at the cummings holiday home on the farm that received all that eu money for farming subsidy. I just wonder if any of that money helped facilitate that huge radio mast in the field out back. Tidy income to be made out of leasing space to cell phones, tv, comms etc.
Amongst the various reasons speculated upon as to why Johnson wishes to hang on to Cummings this would seem one of the most likely:

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Dominic Cummings has been asked to answer questions to the Investigation into disinformation during the referendum, and has refused to do so.

A bit of background, cummings was the strategist for Vote Leave, and was the chap who involved Cambridge Analytica in their campaign. Thats important because its regarded that Cambridge analytica broke the law in the way that they harvested information. They harvested social media information by using those stupid facebook games that people play, and grant them access to their profiles, but not only do the grant them access to their own profiles, they grant them access to all the information on the profiles on their friends list, to the point they gather about 500 data points on each facebook profile they have access to, by abusing API's against the terms and conditions of facebook. Using those data points they targeted undecided votes with fake adverts to push them toward leave. The tooling they built to do this was also used in Trumps campaign and a number of times previously, in one example to stop young voters from a specific ethnic background from voting.

The tooling used is so powerful it is classified as a weapon and has to be reported to numerous services such as MI5, MI6 and GCHQ if deployed from the UK against another country, but because it was deployed from the UK against UK citizens, it didn't have to be.

In short Dom Cummings is an absolutely disgusting cunt who should be in prison.

What does “the tooling they built to do this” mean?
Did anyone see the last question at the daily briefing, concerning Cummings?

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, responded -

“In my opinion the rules are clear and they have always been clear. In my opinion they are for the benefit of all. In my opinion they apply to all.”

- and he didn't look like a happy chappy, more balls than Whitty & Vallance.
He's got balls that's for sure, good on him, I was cheering him on.

I would say he's gone up in my estimation, but I already had a pretty good opinion of him throughout this (despite my initial thought when I first saw him on a daily briefing that he looked like he should have been cast in the disaster-movie role of grizzled general who wants to deploy the nukes at the earliest opportunity - I have since seen a photo of him smiling however!)

Who was it cs?

You made me rewind it. :mad:

It was Chris Mason, a political correspondent for BBC News.


Presenter: You're a brave man, Chris Mason, I am not sure that was in the style guide.

Mason: That'l be the last chat we ever have on the telly. [completely cracking-up]

Presenter: Maybe, its been nice knowing you Chris Mason. [laughing]
Cummings eviscerated in the FT today: Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Dominic Cummings, the Nostradamus of north London, has done it again At least 1m people in Britain are estimated to have lost their jobs since March. Dominic Cummings is not one of them. That’s all you need to know about this week in British politics.

Or maybe it’s not. Maybe this week is one of those events that merit meticulous repeat viewing. We have seen Boris Johnson, the man who craved to lead the country, revealing that he can’t do the job without a chaperone. We have seen that chaperone, his chief adviser Mr Cummings, who has insulted the foresight of almost everyone else in politics, grubbily exaggerating his own superiority. Because the most amazing part of the Cummings saga is not his attempt to bankrupt opticians and car insurers with a new system of on-road eye tests. No, it is his attempt to mislead us all about his handling of coronavirus.

At Monday’s press conference, Mr Cummings played the Nostradamus of north London: “Only last year I wrote explicitly about the danger of coronaviruses.” Turns out it was a bit more complicated than that. Instead, last month, on Mr Cummings’ first day back at work after his Durham trip, one of his blogs from March 2019 was edited to add an express reference to coronavirus. History will be kind to Mr Cummings, for he intends to rewrite it.

I don’t like calling politicians liars, because it’s hard to know what’s going on inside their heads. You’re only lying if you say something you know to be untrue. Yet Mr Cummings has a track record in calculated misleading statements, such as, “We send the EU £350m a week” and, “Turkey (population 76m) Is Joining the EU”. I don’t want to call him a liar. But I also can’t say that he isn’t a liar. Because then I would be a liar.

I suppose Mr Cummings sees the truth as a civilian casualty in his offensive against the establishment. A non-exhaustive list of his targets includes: teaching unions, the civil service, anti-Brexit MPs, pro-Brexit MPs, the UK Statistics Authority, the CBI, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, a number of print publications, except the one his wife works for. Perhaps everybody else in Britain has to change so that Mr Cummings can stay the same, but it does seem like changing a lightbulb by screwing the whole world. There may be an easier solution.

Apparently Mr Cummings doesn’t respect any cabinet ministers. Then again, neither can anyone else, after seeing how they spinelessly defended him on national television.

The government now wants us all to move on, so that Mr Cummings doesn’t have to. But it’s not clear where it wants us to move on to. Downing Street’s mantra on the pandemic was once, “We took the right decisions at the right time”. It has since mutated to something more like, “We couldn’t take the right decisions because we were unprepared. Then we kept shaking hands, contracted the virus ourselves and were incapacitated”.

One of the best arguments against Brexit was the opportunity cost: leaving the EU would distract the government from more important tasks. Mr Johnson now admits we hadn’t learnt the lessons of the 2012 and 2015 Mers outbreaks. Who could have foreseen that?

Not Mr Cummings apparently. For all his love of super-forecasting, he couldn’t even predict that after driving 260 miles from London, across the length of the country, he might be recognised. Maybe when he championed blue skies ideas, he just meant the view at Barnard Castle.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it,” one of his idols, Warren Buffett, once said. Mr Cummings has been in politics for 21 years. “People like me who make the rules should be held accountable for their actions,” he said on Monday.

It bears repeating. At least 1m people in Britain are estimated to have lost their jobs since the start of lockdown, and Mr Cummings is not among them. henry.mance@ft.com
Bored with this now.

Cummings pissed me off, not just or because of what he did, but because he didn't let the remotest apology emerge from his lips in the rose garden. He feels he has nothing to apologise for, I beg to differ.

And if he had apologised, for misreading the public's understanding of the stay home rules, for sewing doubt in the public's understanding of the rules, or for bringing the government line into disrepute at a time when they needed above all things to be trusted. He likely would have still kept his job.

Anyhow, I am bored with this now, except that I want to develop a wording to remember cummings for the future ..

Could it be:

Dominic 260 miles Cummings
Dominic stay home except if you are special Cummings
Dominic above the rules Cummings
Dominic some animals are more equal Cummings
Or just - What a Cunt Cummings

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