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The Dominic Cummings file

Not quite: the longer journey went through so many counties before Durham they said it wasn't in their remit.
Buck dodging, basically
Not quite: a buck is passed, not dodged. Bullets are dodged. Although not very often. Happy to watch if King Dom decided to give it a go though, I know he's a man with supreme confidence in his own abilities.
You're wrong. The anger and bad feeling caused by this will linger in the collective folk memory for a long time. This has really damaged Johnson

He did his best to make it up to him, lent him the Rose Garden and let him dead air the news channels for half an hour, but yeah, he left Dominic Cummings to make his own way to Durham, the man, sick with a life threatening disease had to drive his wife and child half the length of the country...wot no helicopter?
Not quite: a buck is passed, not dodged. Bullets are dodged. Although not very often. Happy to watch if King Dom decided to give it a go though, I know he's a man with supreme confidence in his own abilities.

Well ....

Poker became very popular in America during the second half of the 19th century. Players were highly suspicious of cheating or any form of bias and there's considerable folklore depicting gunslingers in shoot-outs based on accusations of dirty dealing. In order to avoid unfairness the deal changed hands during sessions. The person who was next in line to deal would be given a marker. This was often a knife, and knives often had handles made of buck's horn - hence the marker becoming known as a buck. When the dealer's turn was done he 'passed the buck'.

So if someone did actually cheat the dealer might well throw a knife at him when he'd be well advised to dodge the buck.
He did his best to make it up to him, lent him the Rose Garden and let him dead air the news channels for half an hour, but yeah, he left Dominic Cummings to make his own way to Durham, the man, sick with a life threatening disease had to drive his wife and child half the length of the country...wot no helicopter?
I'm sure TCJ would have lent him a helicopter or even a babysitter if only he'd asked. Or at least given him a pass. But he didn't ask did he. He didn't tell Johnson he was going. He says so in his statement. The boss was ill and busy and wouldn't notice had too much on his mind.

And funny how he gave as one reason for his journey his concern over childcare if they both got ill. Since it was completely unavailable anywhere in London to a man in his position. And funny how one of the reasons he wanted to leave Durham again was to seek childcare in London. He says so in his statement.

A bit like the baying mob outside his home on 28 March (another reason given for the great escape) which didn't materialise until nearly a couple of months later. And of course there's no way a man in his position could ask for the police to disperse them and maybe keep a friendly eye on the gaff. Oh wait.

This row isn't going to go away. It's not about the great north road trip or about the discrepancies in his statement. It's about what they show us, yet again, about his utter contempt for the electorate, and his megalomania. This is a chilling analysis of the performative aspect of the rose garden show, from someone well familiar with appearing on stage:

Right from the start, the way the Cummings Show was presented signalled its true purpose. When the Q&A continued past 5 pm, as it was inevitably going to, the coronavirus update led by the Prime Minister had to be delayed. By being half an hour late for an already rescheduled appearance, Cummings had forced the Prime Minister to give way to him. A clearer display of passive-aggressive dominance is hard to imagine.

Then there was the interesting choice of location. The Rose Garden of no.10 Downing Street. Dominic Cummings, an unelected bureaucrat, addressed the nation from the place where another person with the initials DC had announced the deal that would make him prime minister - the person whose power was crushed by Vote Leave's victory in the 2016 referendum. Please don't tell me this was unintentional.

And there's the staging, too. Cummings sat at a table throughout. But the journalists asking questions had to stand. I found myself wondering if they should walk backwards as they left his presence. With the sound off, it all looked very much like an audience with royalty.
From Frances Coppola, professional singer and financial journalist. Worth reading the whole piece. The Cummings Show
Good column by Finn Redmond in the Irish Times today.

But amid the outrage from the public and questions over the propriety of Maitlis’s intervention, we would do well to remind ourselves that little of this should come as a shock. Thanks to the unique design of Johnson’s government – which saw power centralised into the hands of very few in No 10 – Johnson has little choice but to lay himself on the line for Cummings. That Cummings is not so much an adviser to, but rather the brains, spirit, and character of, this government makes him unsurprisingly indispensable to an administration already failing to keep its head above water.

Though there may well already be a moral vacuum in No 10 right now, with Dominic Cummings gone there would be an ideological one too.
I'm sure TCJ would have lent him a helicopter or even a babysitter if only he'd asked. Or at least given him a pass. But he didn't ask did he. He didn't tell Johnson he was going. He says so in his statement. The boss was ill and busy and wouldn't notice had too much on his mind.

And funny how he gave as one reason for his journey his concern over childcare if they both got ill. Since it was completely unavailable anywhere in London to a man in his position. And funny how one of the reasons he wanted to leave Durham again was to seek childcare in London. He says so in his statement.

A bit like the baying mob outside his home on 28 March (another reason given for the great escape) which didn't materialise until nearly a couple of months later. And of course there's no way a man in his position could ask for the police to disperse them and maybe keep a friendly eye on the gaff. Oh wait.

This row isn't going to go away. It's not about the great north road trip or about the discrepancies in his statement. It's about what they show us, yet again, about his utter contempt for the electorate, and his megalomania. This is a chilling analysis of the performative aspect of the rose garden show, from someone well familiar with appearing on stage:


From Frances Coppola, professional singer and financial journalist. Worth reading the whole piece. The Cummings Show
Tbh the delay was caused by the difficulty finding a clean ironed shirt in no 10
If I was the boss of a company and one of my employees went off on a jolly and said they were ill and then tried to cover up the fact with a whole raft of lies and frankly insane excuses I think I'd be well within my rights to have a good look into it. Who pays Dom's wage anyway? Taxpayers you say? Hmmmm.
Tbh the delay was caused by the difficulty finding a clean ironed shirt in no 10
It wasn’t even ironed properly, was ironed in parts but all crumpled up on the right, like maybe it had been stuffed in someone’s bag and rushed to number 10 because he’d shown up in a heavy metal tshirt or something and that’s why he was half an hour late because they were waiting on the hastily ironed white shirt. This partial crumple has been bothering me for days thanks for the opportunity to get it out.
half a story
A source, who reportedly knows him well, told the Daily Mail he plans to step back from politics now Brexit has been achieved. They said: ‘Dominic has not decided what to do. He will stay in his job if it seems worthwhile and [he] can improve things – otherwise he probably won’t.’ The Spectator magazine, where Mr Cummings used to work and where his wife is a commissioning editor, also reported that he could consider himself ‘largely redundant’ by Christmas if he has completed reforms of Whitehall.
I heard earlier today that the home up north, although on his father's estate, actually belongs to cummings and is his second home.
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